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New Jersey US Senate

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  • Candidate picture

    Patricia Campos-Medina

  • Candidate picture

    Lawrence Hamm

  • Candidate picture

    Andy Kim

Biographical Information

What are the most important challenges facing our country, and how do you propose to address them?

What will you do to support an economy and job market that are strong and inclusive of all people?

What measures do you support to expand voter access and restore trust in our elections?

What is your position on immigration reform?

What, if any, actions would you take to address the threats facing the United States due to climate change?

What is your stance on access to abortion?

What’s the biggest foreign policy challenge facing the United States and how would you address it?

Campaign phone 201-230-4750
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Addressing the challenges of economic inequality, climate change, social injustice, and reproductive rights demands targeted strategies. Economic inequality, progressive taxation, education and skills training, and exploring Universal Basic Income can help redistribute wealth and opportunity more equitably. Tackling climate change requires a shift to renewable energy, stringent emissions regulations, and reforestation efforts. Combating social injustice involves enforcing anti-discrimination laws, promoting diversity and inclusion, and education reform. Ensuring reproductive rights can be achieved through safeguarding legal access to healthcare services, comprehensive sex education, and supporting family planning resources.
I am committed to fostering an inclusive economy where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. This vision includes substantial investments in education and skills training, ensuring that our workforce is prepared for the jobs of tomorrow and can compete on a global scale. Additionally, I will support small businesses, the backbone of our economy, with incentives and access to capital that spur innovation and job creation, while also strengthening labor laws to guarantee fair wages and robust worker protections in an ever-changing job market.
I fervently support the expansion of voter access by implementing measures such as automatic voter registration at the age of eligibility, broadening the availability of mail-in voting to accommodate those who cannot make it to the polls, and making Election Day a national holiday to ensure that every citizen has the opportunity to vote without the constraint of work or other obligations.
As an immigrant who suffered family separation due to our broken immigration system, i am committed to forging coalitions that will move towards a path to citizenship for all undocumented immigrants beginning with an immediate path to citizenship for TPS and DACA workers, reforms our refugees policy focusing on the humanity of migrants and keeping families together, plus develop new paths for legal migration for workers to come to work to the US as our economy needs influx of workers. Additionally, I have a plan to address the root causes of migration through foreign policy that focuses on security, Democracy building, economic and trade investment in the Latin American and Caribbean region. In order to better manage the border crisis, we need a multi-faceted approach.
We need to transition to renewable energy, invest in green infrastructure, enforce environmental regulations, and join international agreements to reduce emissions, committing to a sustainable future. We need to enhance research and development in clean technologies, ensuring innovation leads the way in our environmental strategy. Prepare for climate impacts with resilient infrastructure and support global efforts to adapt and mitigate climate changes, recognizing the need for a unified global response. Advocate for environmental justice, ensuring communities most affected by climate change are central in planning and decision-making processes, aiming for an equitable approach to environmental policy.
I support a woman’s rights to our reproductive freedoms; I will stand for policies that ensure safe, legal abortion access for all, especially marginalized communities. Address economic and logistical barriers that impede access to these services. Promote comprehensive sex education and accessible contraception to all, fostering an environment where informed choices about reproductive health are encouraged and supported. This comprehensive approach aims to not only protect but also empower individuals, ensuring equitable access to reproductive healthcare services.
There are multiple foreign policy challenges; the war in Gaza, the war in Ukraine, the US relationship with Russia and NATO, and instability in Latin America that is causing migration noth. The U.S.-China relationship is also a major foreign policy challenge, involving trade, technology, global influence, and security concerns. Addressing all these crises requires diplomatic engagement to manage conflicts and foster cooperation on global issues. Strengthening alliances in NATO, the Indo-Pacific and Latin America is essential to balance China's rise. Policies ensuring fair trade and maintaining America's technological edge, alongside a consistent advocacy for human rights, are key. This multifaceted approach aims to navigate rivalry while exploring cooperation opportunities, ensuring global stability and promoting democratic values within a framework of strategic competition and mutual respect.
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