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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Nassau School Board District 4

School board members in Florida are elected by the voters of the county and serve four-year terms. The school board controls school property, establishes, organizes, and operates the schools of the district, including: establishing schools, adopting enrollment plans, maintaining the school year schedule and other more specific duties as outlined in Florida statutes. Nassau County School Board members have a salary of $ 34,546.

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  • Candidate picture

    Cynthia (Cindy) Grooms

  • Candidate picture

    Kristi Simpkins

Biographical Information

What training and experience qualify you for this position?

What are some of the strengths and weaknesses you see in our school district?

How would you improve recruitment and retention of teachers, support staff and bus drivers?

Safety is a concern in our public schools. What measures are necessary to protect our students, teachers, and staff?

Should the school district make any changes to its academic programs and offerings?

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I am an educational leader with over 30 years of practical experience in the Nassau County School District. During my tenure, I served as a teacher, principal, Director of Elementary Education, and Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction. I retired in 2021 and currently serve as a principal in Charlton County, Georgia. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and a Master's Degree in Administration and Supervision. I am the most qualified candidate for this position due to my education, experience, and track record of success.
I believe the Nassau County School District excels in several key areas: student performance, evidenced by its "A" rating; strong community involvement; dedicated administrators, teachers, and staff; and a commendable 91% graduation rate. However, areas requiring improvement include teacher and staff retention and morale, competitive compensation for educators, enhanced support for site-based administrators and teachers in enforcing student conduct policies, managing the county's growth effectively, and expanding initiatives and programs to meet the diverse needs of Nassau County students.
Improving retention of teachers and staff in Nassau County involves several key strategies. First, competitive compensation packages should be offered to attract and retain talented educators, including salary increases and benefits that recognize experience and performance. Second, creating a supportive work environment with opportunities for professional development, mentorship programs, and collaborative planning enhances job satisfaction and growth. Third, ensuring manageable workloads to reduce burnout and stress. Lastly, fostering a culture of respect, open communication, and appreciation for educators' contributions cultivates a positive workplace atmosphere that encourages long-term commitment and retention.
Ensuring safety in Nassau County schools while maintaining welcoming campuses is essential to creating a secure and supportive learning environment. This entails implementing balanced security measures such as controlled access and surveillance systems. By fostering a culture of awareness through ongoing training programs, students and staff will be educated on recognizing and reporting potential threats. Collaboration with law enforcement agencies for joint drills and security assessments is essential for student and staff safety.
Expanding vocational programs across all Nassau County high schools is crucial for preparing students for diverse career paths. By offering a wide array of vocational courses the district can cater to varied interests and equip students with practical skills sought by employers. Concurrently, rigorous Honors courses should be broadened to ensure academic readiness for college, emphasizing critical thinking, research, and advanced problem-solving skills. This dual approach not only fosters career readiness but also cultivates a strong academic foundation, empowering students to excel in both vocational fields and higher education.