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VOTE411 Voter Guide

St. Johns County Commission - Dist 5

4 year term; City Commission has the responsibility to ensure the City fulfills its duties under the law and lawfully exercises its powers.

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  • Candidate picture

    Merrill Paul Roland

  • Candidate picture

    Ann Taylor

Biographical Information

What motivated you to run for office?

What do you see as the most pressing issues for this office and how do you propose to address them?

What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?

What should the local government do to meet the affordable housing needs of residents?

How important is the role of climate resilience when making decisions for the community?

Explain your answer.

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I realized that so much of what is going on within St. Johns County regarding overcapacity roads and overcrowded schools that are no longer ranked #1, is the result of poor decisions that our county commissioners make. Our unbridled residential growth has had a detrimental impact on the infrastructure in our county. I want to be a commissioner who serves the people of St. Johns County, not special interests. I have been attending the BOCC meetings for some time now. It is clear that only one commissioner stands out as being genuinely concerned for the residents of our county, and her votes reflect that. However, Commissioner Joseph is often voted down 4-1. She needs more like-minded commissioners on the board who are not funded and
Overdevelopment of our county and wasteful spending are the two of the most pressing issues we face in St. Johns County.

1. The solution is to slow down growth to let infrastructure catch up with the residential development. I will only approve residential development that will not unduly burden our infrastructure and compromise our quality of life in St. Johns County. We also need better planning for growth and development so as to protect more natural areas as well as our historic and cultural assets.

2. We need to curb wasteful spending in government and assess exactly where our tax dollars are going. We need to better understand why one of the wealthiest counties in the state is getting deeper in debt and unable to pay for basic
I graduated from Arizona State University with a B.S. Degree in Business. I am a former businesswoman of 25 years, having worked for several Fortune 500 companies. My business background will serve me well as county commissioner, and so will my advocacy as an active and involved resident. As current HOA board President, I negotiated contracts that saved my neighborhood over $30,000 in expenses, at a time when the costs of most services have increased. I also led the charge to oppose a school rezoning proposal in my neighborhood that could have resulted in children being rezoned out of their home school for over 15 years. Recently, I was instrumental in having a special use permit pulled on a wood burning polluter that racked up $20,000
I will be the first to say I’m still researching this issue and gathering information about how best to address it. So, I’ll share where I stand so far. I am interested in looking for solutions that are long term. Not a Band-Aid for 2 years only. We do not need affordable housing that reverts to market rate after 2 or 3 years. That doesn’t solve affordable housing shortages in the long term. Increasing the time limit for new construction to remain affordable from the very low 2 years currently to something longer needs to be a top priority. One developer is proposing 15 years. I believe affordable housing has simply become a way for developers to get projects that might not have otherwise been approved, without any long-term benefits,
Very unimportant
Somewhat unimportant
Neither important nor unimportant
Somewhat important
Very important
Slowing residential growth is consistent with taking climate resilience seriously. Development creates more impermeable surfaces, run-off, and flooding. Overdevelopment has been cited as a contributing factor to flooding, including the 2017 catastrophic flood in Houston. St. Johns County already has major flooding issues in multiple areas, making my platform to slow the growth the right decision for increasing the county's resilience.