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KY House District 76

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  • Candidate picture

    Joshua Daniel Buckman

  • Candidate picture

    Anne Gay Donworth

  • Candidate picture

    James "Jamie" Palumbo

Biographical Information

Why do you want to serve in the House of Representatives and what makes you the most qualified candidate?

The Commonweath is experiencing a period of prosperity. What areas would you support giving additional funding to?

What tax reform measures would you support?

Recent school shootings have mobilized students in Kentucky and across the country. What legislation would you support to get sensible gun regulations?

Would you support a constitutional amendment providing automatic restoration of voting rights after felons have completed their sentences? Why or why not?

What is your position on women's reproductive rights?

Campaign Phone (859)608-6457
Education University of Louisville Master of Social Work 2021; Western Kentucky University B.A. 2004
Twitter @@buckman4ky
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My job as a medical social worker gives me a front row seat to many of the problems Kentuckians face. Everyday I assist patients by helping them do things such as navigate the medical system, help them with their utility bills, and dealing with abuse and neglect. Because I see the results of government policies I can be an effective voice to what policies are working, what needs improvement, and what policies have a negative impact. In addition I have also interned with Kentucky Youth Advocates which gave me the opportunity to work on bipartisan legislation that improves the quality of life for Kentucky's children. I have also been to the capitol in Frankfort volunteering for advocacy on a variety of causes such as gun safety, healthcare, and voting rights.
Any conversation about additional funding would have to start with public education. The state budget surplus should be used to attract and retain teachers. Additionally our teachers should get a raise that makes up for lost wages that failed to keep up with inflation. More money should be invested in our school systems in order to make up for funding that failed to keep up with inflation. Kentucky should also look at offering universal Pre-K. Other areas I would seek additional funding would include but are not limited to maternal care, expanding healthcare to areas where quality care isn't available, and improving transportation options for people with disabilities.
Any tax reform should prioritize reducing the burden of taxes on Kentucky's working families. Eliminating the tax on items such as feminine hygiene products and diapers that unfairly target certain people would be a good place to start.
As someone who has owned firearms, I believe in responsible firearm ownership. All gun purchases should be subject to a background check. In addition I support red flag laws to temporarily remove guns from individuals who might be a threat to themselves or others. Other policies include laws that encourage gun owners to safely store their weapons. I would also support legislation that would encourage firearm owners to take a gun safety class by offering incentives like tax credits.
Felons should have their rights restored after their sentences have been completed because being able to participate in the political process can be used to help them with the rehabilitation process. Additionally felony disenfranchisement has historically been used as a form of discrimination against Black people and other racial groups to exclude them from political power. Felony sentences are disproportionately given to Black men. In order to bring about equality and help remove barriers left from Jim Crow it is important to restore voting rights.
Whether it's abortion, in vitro fertilization, or contraception access I will always stand up against extremist attacks on women's reproductive rights which are a cornerstone of a free society. As state representative, I will work to restore abortion rights. I will also work with any legislator, regardless of party to codify IVF rights into law. Contraception should be easy to access and its availability expanded.
Campaign Phone 859-321-6028
Education University of Virginia - B.A. in History; Lily School of Philanthropy at IUPUI - Certificate in Fundraising Management
Twitter @adonworth
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I have spent my career working to make Lexington a wonderful place to live, and I am excited to continue that path of service from a higher platform in Frankfort. For the past decade, I have worked in public policy as Director of Development, Marketing, and Communications for the Lexington Public Library, where I have developed a rich understanding of our community and its needs. From helping to design and fund the new Marksbury Family Branch Library to ensuring that all people have access to educational resources, I have a proven track record of getting things done in a fair and efficient manner.

I am raising two talented young women (ages 14 and 11) who regularly question why our state legislature is hurting women, people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and our public education systems. I want to use my education, expertise, and experience to give voice to those who feel forgotten in Frankfort.
We must make strategic investment in our future. Our public educational systems - schools, higher education, technical training systems, and public libraries - are crucial for building our future workforce and ensuring a high quality of life for all Kentuckians. I also believe we should invest in research and development of renewable energy to gradually transition away from fossil fuels, which are finite resources. Quality public spaces like parks and trails improve quality of life, promote civic engagement, and foster healthier lifestyles. Lastly, I would invest additional funds in affordable housing so that every citizen has a safe place to live.
I believe that the current tax structure is adequate for our needs. My focus would be to ensure that public funds are used equitably and efficiently to best meet the Commonwealth's needs. I oppose any tax reform measures that do not consider the entire taxing structure and the impact reform may have on our vital public resources.
After the Coventry School shooting in Nashville where a friend's goddaughter was killed, I joined a group of parents to create ASK - Advocates for a Safer Kentucky. This is a bipartisan group of individuals from gun-owning and non-gun-owning families who believe that our legislators must take action. I believe in red flag laws, such as the CARR bill, to enable loved ones to remove a weapon from a person's possession when they are in crisis. I also support potential legislation related to safekeeping of firearms, strengthening background checks, and holding gunowners accountable when their weapons are used in a crime. It is unacceptable that my children learned to shelter-in-place for a mass shooting as early as two years old. We can and we must do better to protect our children.
Yes, I believe felony expungement and restoration of voting rights should be automatic once an individual has served their sentences. Previously incarcerated individuals should have every opportunity to rejoin the civic space as workers, parents, and contributing members of society, and they deserve to have a voice in policies that affect them. I further believe that we need to do more to help incarcerated individuals succeed upon their release, helping to reduce the risk of recidivism.
If a woman feels that she needs an abortion, she should have the option. I know how difficult a pregnancy is on a woman's body, how heartbreaking it is to lose a pregnancy, and how scary it is that a major health decision could be outside of your control. It is terrifying to think that my own daughters may face the same challenges I did. Reproductive rights are not just about healthcare for women - we must also address access to contraception, sexual violence, maternal healthcare, child care, early childhood education, and foster care. We must also ensure that our laws do not unintentionally hurt our healthcare providers or those who desperately want to become parents through IVF or other fertility treatments.
Campaign Phone 859-338-0900
Education Bryan Station High School, University of Kentucky (BA in Political Science)
I am the most qualified candidate because of my background/experiences. Working in multiple school systems, I have directly seen and experienced the needs of public education; I know the challenges of our teachers and administrators that want to provide a world class education to our kids. I worked to defeat the constitutional amendment that would have taken away Women’s Reproductive Freedom in all cases. I had a grandmother with Alzheimer's/dementia that lived with me the last seven months of her life; I have directly seen the needs of elderly healthcare. I have struggled with mental/emotional health, addiction, and been the victim of mental, emotional and physical domestic abuse. I have personally been affected by gun violence and suicide, and the toll it takes on the survivors. As a member of the LGBTQ Community, I stand in support of fairness and equality for all. Small business owner- making sure that our labor force is taken care of, makes at least $15/hr, and insurance benefits.
Our public education system, which starts increasing teachers and staff raises. We need to FULLY FUND our education system and provide all the resources needed. We must invest in universal pre-k and continue into post-secondary education affordability. We must make vocational and apprenticeships available to more Kentuckians who are interested in becoming a part of our skilled labor workforce. Investment in childcare. Many of our parents work 2nd or 3rd shift, that requires flexible hours for childcare and the ability to offer affordable and safe spaces for their children while they are working. Address the root causes of crime, providing job training, affordable housing, and rehabilitation services for addiction, and mental health.
This is a subject where I want to see the whole budget picture before making any decisions on tax reform. We need to modernize our tax code, but we cannot do that on the backs of our most vulnerable Kentuckians or squeezing our middle class. Consumption based taxes are regressive but as we lower the income tax we must find a way to plug the gaps in the system. I want to ensure that any decision that I make regarding tax reform is well informed and that I have input from stakeholders on all sides. Too often our leaders make decisions without weighing all the options or understanding the effects policies have on our citizens.
My brother committed suicide using a gun when I was 13 years old; he was 16. I have personally been affected by gun violence and the toll it takes on the survivors. It’s way too easy for anyone to get a firearm. Gun violence is an epidemic in the United States, and we have to take the necessary steps to prevent these senseless tragedies from occurring. I fully support common sense gun reform. This means the creation of red flag gun laws that keep deadly weapons out of the hands of domestic abusers, that ensures that convicted felons do not have access to firearms, that safety training classes must be completed before new gun owners take possession of a firearm and that those who have a history of mental health challenges are not able to possess firearms. I firmly believe that assault weapons are a danger to our children and the general public and I would support a ban on high powered and high capacity weapons that we have seen repeatedly used in mass shootings.
Yes. If a convicted felon has served their sentence and is reintroduced to society, we should be willing to grant them their right to participate in our electoral system. If we continue to keep them from reintegrating into our basic institutions they will continue to feel the disconnect from our society which encourages antisocial behavior and increases the likelihood of recidivism.
Women should have the right to make their own healthcare decisions, period. The legislature should never attempt to deprive a woman of her ability to make the best decision for her medical care or her future plans. The abortion ban has been an absolute disaster by putting the health of women into danger and creating OB/GYN deserts throughout the Commonwealth. If elected, I will work tirelessly to advocate for a change in our draconian policy towards women’s reproductive healthcare.