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VOTE411 Voter Guide

County Coroner

The Coroner is responsible for the investigation and certification of all deaths within the County, as defined by Statutes, that fall under the Coroners jurisdiction. They also perform autopsies, notify the next of kin and authorize the issuance of death certificates. The Coroner will investigate any case of unusual nature to provide evidence for the judicial system.

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  • Candidate picture

    Danielle E Carter

  • Candidate picture

    Andrew Delano

  • Candidate picture

    Elizabeth Ann-Marie (Beth) Hmurovic

  • Candidate picture

    David J Pastrick

Biographical Information

Please explain to voters the importance of the office for which you are running.

What changes or improvements would you make to the operation of the office, if elected?

Please discuss how you would follow best practices expected in government finance and record keeping if elected.

If elected, how would you approach managing and developing a team of people to provide the best service to the residents of Lake County?

What else would you like to share with us?

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Years in an elected position N/A
The importance of the office of Lake County Coroner is to report a death , and complete the certification within a timely manner.
The response time. And Diversity within the Lake County office are just a few of the changes and improvements if elected as coroner.
To cut cost of overtime by implementation of updated and upgrading the county vehicles. So that reports may be completed quicker and more accurately. Which will cut down the cost of overtime.
Each team member would be trained and educated concerning the jobs that are within the office. The no employee left behind rule. Meaning everyone must know not only their task but all task within the Coroner office.
My plan is to make a difference within the outlook of being a coroner. Everyone as a diversified unit working together under the employment umbrella.
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