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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Member of County Central Committee - Powell I

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Biographical Information

What skills and experience do you bring to fulfilling the responsibilities of Central Committee representative for your precinct?

What do you see as the most important points/goals of the party platform and how will you communicate these to party members and to the public?

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Candidate has not yet responded.
Campaign Mailing Address Powell, OH 43065
Age 52
Education J.D. Capital University B.A. The Ohio State University
City Residence Powell
I have lived in the Powell area for fourteen years and the Woods of Powell for the last eight years. I have coached several youth sports for my sons over the years. I have been inspired by our community and the family first dedication. Over the past five years it has been my pleasure to serve on the Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities and have been in awe of the leadership in service the most vulnerable members of our community.

This past summer and fall I had the fortune to work with passionate friends and neighbors to add an individual's right to reproductive freedom to our state’s constitution. In circulating petitions and canvasing for signatures, I witnessed firsthand the civic pride that our community possesses. I
All the tenets of our party’s platform are essential. Recently my wife and I decided to install solar panels to try to do what we can to reduce our carbon footprint. We worked with our HOA as they developed reasonable rules to permit the installation of the panels.

I also believe in building and strengthening our democracy. It is heartening to see local candidates in Delaware County challenging the one-party rule, they are an inspiration! We need to connect with potential candidates and encourage them to run for local office. A renewal of leadership starts locally!