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    Mark G. Kaplan

Biographical Information

Why are you running for this office? What are your top priorities?

Relevant Experience TMM 2010-2019: Advisory 2015-2018; Human Resources 2018-2019: Moderator since 2019
FirstName Mark Kaplan
firstname Mark Kaplan
Zipcode 02482
Campaign Phone 6176803821
I am running for my sixth term as Wellesley’s Town Moderator. Over the course of my five previous terms, I have presided at numerous Annual and Special Town Meetings, both in-person and, during Covid, remotely. Based upon that experience, I am well-prepared to preside at this year’s Annual and Special Town Meetings in a manner that will enable all of Wellesley’s essential legislative business to be conducted in a timely and efficient manner that will be fully open to and respectful of all Town Meeting Members and other resident participants.

In addition to my responsibilities presiding at the Town Meetings, I will also continue to seek out and appoint qualified residents to the five important committees for which the Moderator is the Appointing Authority.