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VOTE411 Voter Guide

15. WOODRIDGE LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT - Proposed Tax Levy (Renewal and Decrease)

15. WOODRIDGE LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT – Proposed Tax Levy (Renewal and Decrease) – Shall a levy renewing part of an existing levy, being a reduction of $549 be imposed by the Woodridge Local School District for the purpose of the emergency requirements of the Woodridge Local School District in the sum of $5,271,000 and a levy of taxes to be made outside of the ten-mill limitation estimated by the county fiscal officer to average 7.07 mills for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $217 for each $100,000 of the county fiscal officer’s appraised value, for a period of 10 years, commencing in 2024, first due in calendar year 2025?

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    Yes - For the Measure

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    No - Against the Measure