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State Senate District 5

Legislative authority and responsibilities of the Indiana State Senate include passing bills on public policy matters, setting levels for state spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes. The Senate works with the House of Representatives and the Governor to create laws and establish a state budget.

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  • Candidate picture

    Leslie Nuss Bamesberger

  • Candidate picture

    Ed Charbonneau

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Hundreds of millions of Indiana taxpayers dollars are being allocated through the voucher program to private and religious schools. How can these non-public schools be held accountable to the same testing and fiscal transparency as the public school system?

Indiana is 7th in the nation for accidental shootings involving children and 57% of suicides are gun related. These deaths are preventable. As an elected official, what measures, if any, would you support to ensure gun safety and protect Hoosiers, especially our youth?

Policies that limit access to reproductive health care contribute to Indiana’s high mortality rates for both mothers and infants. What measures would you support to ensure quality, affordable reproductive healthcare for Hoosier women?

Indiana ranks near the bottom of states with restrictive voting laws and is the lowest for voter turnout nationwide. If elected, what measures would you recommend to increase voter access to the polls and encourage voter participation?

Indiana ranks in the bottom third of US States in both health care and mental health services. What policies would you support to ensure accessibility, affordability, and quality of care for all Hoosiers?

What else would you like to tell voters?

First and Last Name Leslie Nuss Bamesberger
Campaign Phone (219) 200-2157
Campaign Address and Email
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Twitter @nussforus
I'm not sure they can. How much extra taxpayer money would need to be spent to hold them accountable? And if they didn't comply, then what is the next step? It seems like vouchers have opened a can of worms and public education suffers as a result. I'm a strong believer in public education and for my son with multiple disabilities, I know that public education is the best option for him. Public Dollars for public education. It does seem that we need to make sure that all public schools are well-funded, so we can educate the next generation of Hoosiers.
I am certainly in favor of safe storage. Why take unnecessary risks with such deadly equipment? I would love for there to be background checks. Why do we have such regulations for being able to drive a car but not for owning a gun? However, no matter what I think, as long as we have a GOP Supermajority, it would be incredibly hard to pass any meaningful legislation. The GOP has voted for permitless carry which doesn't seem safe for many people. One thing that may get overlooked and perhaps warrants more conversation is the effect that breathing lead dust at shooting ranges might have on mental health. I would like to minimize harm.
I believe that women should get the healthcare they need when they need it and policies should also not force our men to stand idly by and unable to help. It is a great tragedy to have an increase in both Maternal Mortality and Infant Mortality as a result of Indiana's limits for reproductive health care. I am strongly in favor of restoring these rights, and once we break the GOP Supermajority, I do think this will be easier to achieve.
I think district maps should be drawn in a bipartisan way so that neither party is overwhelmingly favored and I would do whatever I could to make voting easier and more accessible. People can register to vote when they get a driver's license and that's great, but coming this summer, people will now have to show proof of residency which sounds like a way to make it harder for young people to register. Voting day should be a national holiday and there should definitely be more voting by mail. In my district, some of the counties only have 5 polling locations. That doesn't seem like enough. I think when officials hold town halls and listen to their voters, participation increases. We need to hear from you!
Mental Health is one of the most important issues facing our nation these days. I've long thought that simple techniques like Cognitive Behavior Therapy should be taught in the schools as well as practices such as mindfulness. I wish we had universal health care! There could definitely be more promotion of low cost options for improving mental health. Even things like getting outside and going for a walk, being in nature, things like these do help. When I ran for Center Township Board, one of the things I was hoping to do was start a volunteer initiative. Even spending just a few hours a week in service is helpful for mental health. There are a lot of apps now for mental health, but I'd like to know how effective they are.
One of the reasons I'm running is because we need more women in office, more moms and wives like me so our voices can be heard. I've been honing my advocacy skills for many years and I want to advocate for you, for your children and for our future together! Indiana is a beautiful state and caring for it is a big responsibility. When we care, we win! and lastly, "If you want more, vote for Les!"
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