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Recorder (Term Commencing 01/06/2025)

The Recorder’s Office is responsible for making a complete, accurate, and permanent record of every document pertaining to the conveyance and encumbrance of land within the county. The office takes great care to ensure that every document received is accurately filed, recorded, indexed and retained in an archival form. As the repository of records for all property transactions in the county, the Recorder’s Office safeguards every property owner’s title. Though real estate documents constitute the majority of filings in the office, financing statements on personal property, military discharge papers and a listing of veteran’s graves in the county are also filed in the Recorder’s Office. Salary: $75,869

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  • Candidate picture

    Connor Rose

  • Candidate picture

    Jeremy Schroeder

Biographical Information

What are the most challenging tasks of the county recorder and how will you address them?

What new programs or initiatives, if any, would your office launch under your leadership?

Occupation Realtor / Auctioneer
Education Bowling Green Highschool, Hondros College of Real Estate, Reppert School of Auctioneering
Qualifications Licensed Real Estate Professional, Ohio Realtor Director
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The County Recorder is responsible for keeping permanent land records of all conveyances and encumbrances. This responsibility presents challenges involving managing high volumes of document processing, maintaining accurate records, and staying up with technology. Currently, the Wood County Recorder's Office is using a new grantor/grantee indexing method disregarding 200 years of our previous Geographic indexing. This has been detrimental to those who rely on the office and has made the office far less efficient, more cumbersome, and indexing unreliable. I intend to address these issues by looking into the possibility of reinstating the Geographic Index.
I have three top initiatives when it comes to the services of the Recorder's Office... improving efficiency, enhancing accessibility, and ensuring accuracy of public records. This can all be accomplished through implementing new technology and/or manipulating the technology in place if possible. Additionally, the office staffing has been experiencing high turnover of both new and long tenured employees. One of my additional general initiatives would be to stabilize the staffing by bringing on new employees and working to retain staff already in place.
Occupation Graphic Designer/Programmer
Education Some College
Qualifications 10+ Years Supervisor, 9+ Years Mayor, 2 Years Village Council
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Campaign Phone Number 419-601-3680
Over the past 4 years the office has seen abrupt change that has shaken the relationships with many of the people who work with the office, yielding in a large change in procedures and policies. I believe that this needs an unbiased look, resolving any concerns with the policies inside the Recorder's Office, and a remedy to follow. I'll work closely with the staff to identify any concerns that are held within the office, and then expand to those who use the Recorder's Office, professionally or not. I am dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment that promotes leadership and teamwork to enhance the service delivery and office operations.
1) I would like to have an initiative to better communicate the role and use of the Recorder's Office to the general public. I think there is a lack of understanding of why the office is necessary, and a fear of reaching out or visiting the office if the reason to visit is not induced professionally. This might be in the form of communication, or even workshops.

2) Though there are documents that are specifically required by law to be recorded, the office can also handle additional documents. I will focus on identifying and establishing strong partnerships with our local governments, including the smaller villages and townships, and aide them in document recording in order to preserve and ensure the access of documents and project details.