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Pennsylvania State Representative District 29

Description of office: The General Assembly is the legislative branch of government in Pennsylvania. It is composed of two houses: the Senate is the upper house, and the House of Representatives is the lower house. A majority vote in both houses is necessary to pass a law. The PA House of Representatives consists of 203 members representing one district each, with an equal number of constituents. Representatives must be at least 21 years old, have been a citizen and a resident of the state four years and a resident of their respective districts one year before their election, and shall reside in their respective districts during their terms of service. The House develops budget packages, makes taxation decisions, allocates spending, and passes laws (including redistricting in collaboration with the Senate). The House also has the exclusive authority to impeach public officials. Representatives also serve on various policy committees that may propose legislation. Term: 2 years Salary: $106,422 Vote for ONE.

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    Tim Brennan

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    Steve Mekanik

  • Candidate picture

    Rob Ronky

Biographical Information

What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?

What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court's ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?

What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?

County Bucks
Occupation Legislator/Attorney
Education Ursinus College (B.A.), Widener University School of Law (J.D.), Trinity College and Charles University (International)
Qualifications Current State Representative serving on the following committees: Appropriations, Ethics, Labor, State Government, Insurance and Tourism. Attorney, municipal solicitor for over 15 years, certified in law government and certified as expert in workers compensation law. Former local council member.
Campaign Website
X Handle @BrennanForPA
There have been few times in history that we have faced so much uncertainty and danger, both at home, with challenges to our democracy, and abroad, with authoritarianism on the rise. Despite these unique challenges, I continue to believe there is nothing wrong with this country that can’t be fixed with more of what is right with it. We must reinvest in civic education and recommit to the practice of active informed citizenship; it’s a responsibility on which all of our freedoms and economic prosperity depend. Some of the most important things I have done in office is to protect our democracy, the right to vote and to help young people trust in our democratic institutions and norms, values we absolutely must pass to the next generation.
The goal of a fully functioning Democracy is to have as many people participate as possible. The first bill I cosponsored was to promote civics in our schools and to permit 16 and 17 year olds to pre-register to vote and to opt-in to receive information about candidates and elections before their first vote. I also support providing Independents, which includes 17% of Bucks County voters and many of our veterans, the opportunity to vote in our primaries. We also can improve mail in voting by allowing pre-canvassing, a permanent mail in status and by providing notice and an opportunity to cure technical defects. Finally, Gerrymandering, a flaw in the democratic process, must be addressed so we have a better quality of representation.
As a former educator, I know how hard students struggle to better their lives. Our grade schools and high schools are not business operations and, constitutionally and morally, we have a responsibility to provide opportunities for all our kids; we cannot simply pick winners and losers. As the PA Constitution states, our duty is to provide a “thorough and efficient system” to actually “serve the needs of the Commonwealth.” We can’t solve 21st century problems without investing in our problem solvers. I support Gov. Shapiro’s education plan, which begins a constitutionally required investment with a 1.1 billion dollar increase in education funding, 300 million in infrastructure repairs and significant savings from cyber charter reform.
Family planning, abortion and birth control should be treated like any other type of healthcare. Such decisions should be evidence and science based and be made between a person and their doctor. I would support a constitutional right to privacy and measures similar to those I already cosponsored such as bills providing state insurance and Medicaid coverage for abortion services and birth control, providing coverage for in vitro fertilization and family planning, defunding organization that do not provide accurate or complete information about family planning and that provide protection for women who are forced to come here for reproductive care. I also support Planned Parenthood, which serves some of the most in need in our communities.
County Bucks
Occupation Small business owner
Education The Citadel, The Military College of SC
Qualifications CEO - Small business owner and Buckingham Township Auditor
Campaign Website
As your next State Representative, I am committed to addressing two of the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvania families: the rising cost of living, and the ongoing increase in crime rates across our communities.

As a small business owner, I know what it takes to get our economy back on track, and I look forward to delivering real results for Central Bucks County families.

We must do what we can to lower energy prices, create stability in the supply chain, and encourage economic development that brings more small business job creators to our towns.

Finally, I will work as a partner with law enforcement and help ensure they have the funding they need as they put their lives on the line each and every day to keep our streets safe.
In a time when polarization has taken hold of our politics, there is bipartisan agreement that reforms must be made to our voting laws. I do not believe it is mutually exclusive to both expand access to voting while also adding security and boosting confidence in the outcomes of our elections.

A great example of the type of compromise legislation I would support was the Pennsylvania Voting Rights Protection Act that was passed in the House last session. This bill provided security measures like expanded Voter ID and regular election audits. It also added in-person early voting, standardized the use of ballot drop boxes, and improved the reliability of mail-in ballots.

We need to come together to fix this basic function of our democracy
As the proud father of four children, two who have already graduated and two who currently attend the Central Bucks School system, I understand the importance of providing students with a quality education.

The Commonwealth Court’s ruling has started a wide-ranging and serious debate on the future of education funding here in Pennsylvania, and I believe that my experience as a parent, small business owner, and township auditor will give me important insight as the discussions continue.

Regardless of the specific legislative outcome, my commitment to you is that I will always fight to ensure our students and teachers receive the resources they need to maintain our school district’s reputation for excellence.

I firmly believe that in a debate as important as this, we must avoid the extremes on either end of the partisan political spectrum. I will not support a ban on abortion, nor can I vote for an expansion of late-term abortion except in the case of rape, incest, and to protect the health of the mother. The exceptions enshrined in current state law must always be protected.

Reproductive healthcare decisions, including abortions, are deeply personal ones, and I will not insert myself between a woman and her doctor.
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