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Idaho State House District 15 A

Idaho House of Representatives members serve a 2-year term and are responsible for translating the public will into public policy for the state, levying taxes, appropriating public funds, and overseeing the administration of state agencies. These responsibilities are carried out through the legislative process — laws passed by elected representatives of the people, legislators.

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  • Candidate picture

    Steven Berch

  • Candidate picture

    Annette Tipton

Biographical Information

1. What do you hope to accomplish if elected?

2. What experience has prepared you for this office?

3. What do you see as the most significant challenges Idaho faces that you might be able to address in this position?

4. Would you support legislation to remove criminal liability for physicians and pregnant women experiencing life threatening pregnancy complications and allow for medical and family decisions regarding continuation of that pregnancy. Please explain your response.

5. What else would you like to tell the voters?

Campaign Phone (208)890-9339
X known as Twitter @SteveBerch15A
Campaign Website
I'm focused on issues that voters tell me at their door: funding education w/o increasing property taxes; adequate and affordable healthcare (inc. mental health and women’s healthcare); infrastructure; out-of-control growth; access to public lands; and standing up to extremists in the legislature.

But the biggest issue is outdated fiscal policies. The legislature exempted $5.2B in revenue collection last year in the form of sales tax exclusions that never get reviewed and never expire. I launched a bi-partisan effort to create a review process that keeps tax exclusions that make sense and retires those that don’t. If only 5% of them are longer justified, revenue would increase by $250M/year. We wouldn't need bonds/levies to fund schools.
I know how state government works (and doesn’t work), having served 6 years in the Idaho House of Representatives and as a member of the Education, Business, and Local Government committees.

I know my district, having lived in District 15 for over 43 years. I have knocked on over 37,000 doors during my campaigns. I’ve learned that good ideas and good people come from all political directions and walks of life. I’m a successful businessman, having worked at Hewlett-Packard in Boise for over 30 years. I have also worked with many constituencies within the local community as a former Director of the Greater Boise Auditorium District (GBAD), which oversees the Boise convention center. Ultimately, this job is that of a public servant.
There are many challenges facing Idaho, including: education, growth, infrastructure, affordable housing, eliminating the grocery tax, good-paying jobs, healthcare and other vital services.

But the #1 challenge is bringing decency, respect, civility, and honesty back to the public discourse. The last few years have ushered in an “ends justify the means” attitude in state politics. Anyone who operates with this belief has neither a moral nor ethical compass.

The best way I can address this as an elected state representative is to lead by example. That’s why I visit thousands of voters at their door every year. It is a humbling experience that grounds me in the role of representing and respecting others, even if we sometimes disagree.
Yes. I understand and respect those who have a sincere belief and passion to protect the lives of the preborn. The vast majority of my constituents also believe in individual freedom and liberty. They do not support forcing women to give birth due to rape or incest (which is not a choice they make). They do not support rewarding the relatives of a rapist $20,000 for suing the victim’s doctor. They want the law to protect the health of the mother, not just prevent her death. They don’t want their doctors to leave the state and watch their local OB-GYN clinic being shut down. They want Idaho to welcome the medical profession - not be hostile to it. In short, they don’t want the legislature making medical decisions for them. Neither do I.
Vote for the person, not a letter. You can’t assume what the letter next to a candidate’s name stands for these days. Look for candidates who make an honest effort to connect with you to listen and learn what you care about. If you have any concerns, call them – and see if they answer or call you back.

What voters want more than agreement on every issue all the time is: respect. That’s why I’ve knocked on doors every year for 14 years, including before I was elected. I don’t know how you can represent the people unless you meet the people.

If you live in District 15, I hope to visit with you between now and Election Day. Please feel free to call me anytime at 208-890-9339 if you have any questions.
Campaign Phone 2089482144
Facebook page Annette Tipton
If elected, my primary goal is to serve the best interests of my district and make tangible improvements to the lives of Idahoans. I aim to advocate for policies that promote economic growth and create opportunities for all residents, foster a culture of transparency, accountability, and ethical governance in public service, enhance access to quality education and workforce development programs, improve infrastructure and transportation systems to support our growing population, and protect the beauty of our state. Ultimately, I aspire to leave a positive and lasting impact on our community by advancing policies that reflect our shared values and priorities.
The experience that has prepared me for office are my family history, academic and professional experience, and personal values. I’m a descendant of migrant seasonal farmworkers whose family settled in Rupert, ID in search of opportunity. From a young age, I was taught to work hard, prioritize education, and participate in civic engagement by my mother. With degrees from Brigham Young and George Mason Universities, an internship in Washington, DC with Senator Mike Crapo, and over a decade in government relations, I bring expertise in finance, healthcare, public policy, and analytics. Above all, I cherish my role as mom to my three-year old daughter. I’m committed to preserving Idaho's values and legacy for her and many generations to come.
The most significant challenges I see are: Persistent challenges in education despite efforts to improve outcomes. Student achievement, teacher retention, and equitable access to quality education remain significant hurdles, particularly in rural areas. Also, impact of rapid population growth straining infrastructure, housing affordability, and public services cost. Managing growth while preserving Idaho's open space is crucial. Finally, supporting law enforcement officers is vital for the safety of a growing community. Championing policies that equip officers with resources needed to do their job is imperative. Addressing these challenges requires leaders who are willing to listen, collaborate, and build a stronger, more prosperous state.
I value human life and advocate for policies that support mothers, unborn children, and the medical professional. While I firmly support the right to life, I also recognize that there are rare and tragic circumstances where difficult decisions must be made. In cases of incest, rape, and when the mother's life is at risk, I believe compassionate exceptions should be made to ensure the safety and health of those involved. The goal is to create a culture that values and protects every life, while also acknowledging the complexities and challenges individuals may face in difficult circumstances. We should promote a culture of life by providing support for those in need, ensuring access to comprehensive healthcare, counseling, and assistance.
It has been a personal priority to serve my community; whether as a regular volunteer for the homeless, lending a hand to church members in need, or actively supporting Republican candidates seeking elected office. My time assisting underserved communities by teaching life skills or preparing meals increased my personal awareness of substance abuse and mental health challenges. Engaging in church service allowed for a shared camaraderie in service. Tireless door-knocking, phone calling, and canvassing neighborhoods invigorated my resolve to stay informed of political issues and make our vote count. I’ve lived around the world and across the nation but am pleased to continue this spirit of service right here in my home state.