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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Collingswood School District {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

An elected school board member serves a three-year term. The school board represents the concerns of citizens, taxpayers and parents to the school administrators, and represents the needs of the students and school district to citizens, taxpayers and parents. The school board does not operate the district on a day-to-day basis; that is the job of the superintendent (the district’s chief executive). Rather, the school board sets policies, goals and objectives for the district, and holds the superintendent responsible for implementing those policies and goals. (Abridged from NJ School Boards Association website)The Collingswood Board of Education is an 11-member board comprised of 9 elected residents of Collingswood and one representative from the elected boards of each of our sending districts (Oaklyn and Woodlynne). Members serve for three years and are elected on the same date as the School Budget Vote. Three elected board members' terms are ending December 2019

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  • Candidate picture

    Danielle Brown

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    James B. DeSimone

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    Zakiya Devine

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    Lia Forman

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    Paul Groch

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    Rebecca Sieg

  • Candidate picture

    Maggie Zmijewski

Biographical Information

Why are you running for the board of education (Why are you seeking reelection)? What expertise do you bring?

If elected, what would be your top two or three goals for your first year as a Board member? (If you are an incumbent, what would be your top two or three goals for the first year in this new term?)

What is your view on test scores? What steps will you take to improve these scores (if improvements are needed)?

What measures, if any, do you feel are needed to improve the safety and security of our schools?

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Slogan Advocacy, Inclusion, Excellence
I am running because I believe and have seen firsthand, within my own family, the transformative impact that access to education and diverse opportunities can have on individuals, families, and future generations. My previous experience serving on nonprofit boards has equipped me with skills in policy writing, grant development, and guiding organizations through financial challenges. I also bring professional expertise in leading large, complex teams and managing significant organizational change and transformation. I am eager to actively work on behalf of our students, teachers, and the broader community to accelerate progress in our district.
Communication: It is clear to me that communication—or the lack thereof—is significantly hindering our ability to unite students, teachers, the community, and district leaders. This disconnect prevents us from understanding the work ahead and collaborating effectively to find solutions. Clarity of Direction: We must establish a clear path forward to address our failing infrastructure, which impacts students at all levels and will not meet the needs of future students.. Fiscal Health: The Collingswood School District must find a way to fund both its infrastructure needs and the teachers and staff required to support our schools. This will only be possible if we address our infrastructure to support a more fiscally responsible course.
I believe test scores provide a valuable measure of how our students are performing and are an inevitable benchmark for academic achievement. However, it’s essential to recognize both the role these scores play and the various factors that may affect our students' ability to be effective learners, listeners, and engaged citizens—both in school and beyond.
First and foremost, accessibility and ADA compliance must be prioritized, as our schools are not currently equipped to allow all students, staff, and individuals of all abilities to navigate them easily. Additionally, safety is about fostering a culture and environment where every student feels welcome and accepted, enabling them to be prepared to learn, listen, and grow throughout the day.
I am running for the school board because I am dedicated to transforming educational experiences for all students in our district. My campaign is rooted in advocacy, inclusion, and excellence. With extensive experience in educational operations and hands-on involvement in diverse school environments, I am well-equipped to tackle disparities and ensure equitable access to resources.

I envision a district where every student feels welcomed and supported. My goal is to create a system where high-quality education and comprehensive support are standard. Through my candidacy, I aim to amplify the voices of students, parents, and educators, working diligently to remove barriers and foster an environment that meets the needs of every learner.
As a new Board member, my top two goals for the first year are, strengthen community engagement and improve operational policies. We need to foster strong connections with our community. By organizing community forums and feedback sessions, I hope to ensure that diverse voices are heard and considered in our decision-making processes. I also aim to thoroughly review existing operational policies to identify and eliminate structural barriers to access. My goal is to ensure that every student has equitable access to high-quality education.
Students are more than their test scores; they are multifaceted individuals with diverse strengths and talents. However, testing data can help us identify patterns and address gaps in knowledge. If we notice that many students are struggling in ELA or Math, it’s crucial to adjust our teaching methods to better support their learning. By adapting our pedagogy, we can ensure that all students receive the foundational skills they need for future success. This approach allows us to focus on holistic student development while also addressing specific academic needs.
A major priority for me is ensuring safety for all students. I believe every student deserves a welcoming and secure environment where they feel seen and accepted for who they are. While safety systems, restorative justice practices, and escalation plans are essential, the foundation of student well-being lies in fostering a genuine sense of belonging. When students feel that they belong, it not only enhances their educational outcomes but also contributes significantly to their overall safety. Creating this inclusive atmosphere is crucial for nurturing both academic success and personal growth.
Slogan Advocacy, Inclusion, Excellence
I am strongly committed to public service and being a leader in my community. My extensive work with boards will give a clear vision of what the role of the board is and more importantly what it is not. I believe that access to a high-quality education is a human right. Access to and success in education should not depend on race or socioeconomic status. I will bring my over 15 years of experience as a social worker and advocate for children’s social emotional well-being to the board. I am an expert in program evaluation and change management. I believe deeply in a pragmatic approach to governance. I will put the best interests of the children of Collingswood first and will rely heavily on the input of the entire Collingswood community.
I will ensure the board provides frequent and accessible access to information about what is happening in the schools. We must remove barriers to access such as language and access to technology to enable the community to provide feedback. I will streamline processes to increase the efficiency of how the schools operate to fulfill one the primary roles of the board, fiscal health of the district. Teacher morale is critical to the success. I will work to ensure that those closest to the students have a voice in policy and process. Lastly, I believe the schools must be a safe and welcoming environment for all students to achieve success in the classroom, band room, art studio and sports fields. I will create safe methods for student feedback.
As someone who works in the evaluation space, I understand the need for objective measures to track progress. That said there is inherent bias in these tests. Cultural and language differences are often not considered and therefore those with privilege tend to do better. Test scores also do not provide a full assessment of academic achievement. I believe that test scores are necessary but should be used as one part of a holistic assessment
Every student regardless of ability, race or socioeconomic status must have access to a safe and welcoming environment in schools. Students with disabilities, students of color, and students of all genders and orientations need schools that allow them to thrive. ADA accessibility should be a priority in all school buildings. Physical security of the students is an absolute priority but not at the expense of criminalizing students.
I’m running for Collingswood Board of Education because I believe that our students can achieve at the highest levels and pursue the future of their choosing, as long as educators and community members work together to ensure all students have equitable access to resources that help them succeed. This includes ensuring that we have data- and community-driven leaders providing the governance and structure needed to support all learners. Over the last year, I’ve seen too many instances of leaders talking at the community instead of to the community; I’m running because I believe we can change that, and I have the expertise to be part of that change. You can learn more at
1. Better understand and tackle issues around teacher morale and retention. Teachers have an immense impact on whether students grow academically and develop a love for learning. We need to ensure the professionals who are with our children every day feel valued and supported by the community they serve. 2. Explore and pursue opportunities to better integrate our K-5 students both within Collingswood and with our school partners in Oaklyn and Woodlynne. Student should not need to wait until middle school to learn in a diverse school environment. 3. Ensure transparency around how our students are doing – academically and social-emotionally – and what our leaders are doing to strengthen supports for students.
Standardized test scores provide a necessary look into student academic outcomes, specifically allowing us to see trends across the district and disparities in academic outcomes that need to be addressed. While imperfect, testing data gives us a glimpse into how students are academically performing in a way that grades alone cannot provide.

That said, we need to critically examine and improve: the amount of time spent preparing for assessments, the accessibility of data for parents and educators, and the way we use data to draw conclusions about students and schools.

My focus is not on improving test scores but on strengthening student academic outcomes across all content areas, not just ELA and math.
One of the most pressing issues we have is ensuring students are in a safe, welcoming environment that enables them to thrive without fear of harm. Given the ever-increasing mental health issues and instances of racism that our students are confronted with, we need to focus on helping students feel a sense of belonging in their school that allows them to feel safe each day. To do this, we should: 1. Ask kids what they want to see in their schools and then plan accordingly. We do not give enough weight to student voice. 2. Make school climate and culture assessments a regular topic of discussion so we can be forward focused rather than reactionary. 3. Ensure disciplinary plans are designed with the staff responsible for implementing them.
Slogan Empower Our Future
Why I want to to be elected:

I want our community to feel like they have a voice. I want our teachers to know decisions are made while thinking of the impact on them. I want to encourage fiscal responsibility. I want us to learn from our past to bring quality ​curriculum and vigor back to our high school. I want to see teacher retention be a top priority I want our students to feel safe and belonging.
If elected my top goals would be to action on the community input that we are given. I would encourage the board to meet with our teachers and students on a regular basis to see what is and is not working for our community. I would like to see our budget be balanced and provide teachers the support and retention goals that they are looking for.
I believe that test scores only show a small viewpoint of the student population. There is a need to look at the whole student and that represents much more than a test score on a single day.
I believe more utilization of our Wellness Center needs to be used to help improve our children's mental health. I believe with improved mental health initiatives we can curb unsafe situations within our schools.