Voters will be electing four (4) of the seven (7) member seats this election. City council members are elected by the voters in their Ward/District to serve a four-year term. All municipal elections are nonpartisan, that is, persons are elected to office without consideration of political party affiliation.No Write-in candiates have filed as of this publication date. For all districts, write-in candidates may still file an affidavit of intent with the Town Clerk until Oct. 4, 2024. Check Castle Rock Government website for updates.Los votantes elegirán a cuatro (4) de los siete (7) miembros en esta elección. Los miembros del consejo de la ciudad son elegidos por los votantes de su barrio/distrito para un mandato de cuatro años. Todas las elecciones municipales son no partidistas, es decir, las personas son elegidas para un cargo sin tener en cuenta su afiliación a un partido político.
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