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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Cass County Commissioner, District 2

Cass County has three commissioners, they are the custodians of the home rule powers of the county. Cass County is divided into three (3) districts, one represents each district. Specifically, all commissioners have authority to pass ordinances in the following areas:Controlling, maintaining, and supervising county property including jails, and public offices.Supervising construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and to provide for traffic control.Developing economic development programs to attract and retain jobs in the county.To grant vacation pay, sick leave, paid holidays and other similar benefits to county employees.To administer elections in conjunction with the county election board.To establish minimum housing standards.Auditing and authorizing payments on behalf of the county.To incorporate new town and alter township boundary lines, on petition.Receiving bids and authorizing contracts.Exercising appointive powers including both the selection of members to fill positions on boards, commissions, and committees, appointments of certain department heads.Planning and implementing strategies for solid waste handling as members of solid waste district boards.

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    Mike Stajduhar

Biographical Information

How do you plan to incorporate public feedback into your decision making processes? Give an example of how supporting and opposing views are used to make your decision.

What future projects does the county see working on in conjunction with all county municipalities?

State and Local Government transparency is a ongoing issue, what is your approach for the Commissioners adopting additional transparency policies?

What is the long term goals for expansion and retention of businesses in Cass County?

Campaign Mailing Address 2606 High St
Logansport, IN 46947
Campaign Phone (574)992-8513
I believe it's a mistake to assume public opinion is represented by a few loud squeaky wheel activists, so instead I seek out a wide cross section of views in my community. In addition to hearing from experts, civic leaders, and public officials, I also seek out the viewpoints of the average citizen, like my barber, my neighbors, and my wife's high school classmate. Most importantly, I listen with an open mind.
Cass County, with the support of the City of Logansport and all the other towns in the county, is working on 3 major projects to support rural economic development: (1) Applying for the Stellar Pathways Program designation from the State of Indiana (2) Implementing the Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI) 1.0 grants and applying for the 2.0 grants, and (3) Supporting the Stellantis battery factory expansion.
The very first project I initiated 3 years ago when I became Cass County Commissioner was to put the county code online so it is easily accessible for all citizens. To promote transparency during Commission meetings, I often explain my reasoning while voting and ask questions not just for clarification, but as a matter of public record.

Currently, county council is implementing a new process which requires 2 readings of any proposal before final passage to allow for additional public input. I believe this change should probably be extended to commission meetings as well but would like to see how it works with council before adopting it for the commissioners.
Although attracting new business helps keep tax rates down, I think retention and expansion of current businesses is more important for sustainable growth. The long term goal should be to steer Cass County towards light manufacturing and away from heavy industry like that in northwest Indiana. With regard to renewables, I oppose wind turbines and would support a limited amount of solar farms with appropriate restrictions.