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Lewisville ISD Place 6

Elections: DISTRICTS New for 2023-24 2024Single Member District 1At Large Place 6

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    Buddy Bonner

Biographical Information

What do you see as the role of charter schools in our educational system?

How will you prioritize your limited funding?

Teacher recruitment and retention are becoming major problems nationwide. How should we be prepared to address them in the school district?

Political stresses in our country have led in some places to loss of confidence in school boards and administrators, and even disruptions of meetings. How should we be prepared to deal with such situations if they arise here?

What are your qualifications for the position of School Board member?

TWO MINUTE YouTube VIDEO: Must be hosted at YouTube. Introduce yourself to the voters with a "two-minute elevator speech". As with written responses do not mention opponents or any other individual. [DO NOT INCLUDE ANY OTHER COMMENTS in the DESCRIPTION Response box.]

Occupation Retired
Education I am a graduate of Canton High School, the University of Texas-Tyler (Bachelor's), the University of North Texas (Master's) and Dallas Baptist University (Doctorate). I also maintain instructional and administrative certificates sponsored by the State Board of Educator Certification.
Experience I have served on the Lewisville ISD Board of Trustees since 2021 and am unopposed in this year's election. Prior to Board service, I served as a career public school educator for three decades.
The Texas Legislature authorized charter schools in 1995 and charter schools enrolled 375,000 students in 2023. Traditional public schools enrolled 5.5 million students in 2023. Charter schools operate under charters issued by Texas and are free from some regulations (like hiring certified educators) while adhering to others (students must take state assessments like STAAR). Students who attend charter schools might normally attend traditional public schools (or private or home schools) and the performance of charter schools versus traditional public schools is not markedly different when considering student performance on STAAR schools. Chapter 26 of the Texas Education Code defines the partnership between public education and parents and charter schools provide an option for parents. When compared to schools in Lewisville ISD, charter schools are generally not as comprehensive in scope and do not provide the full experience to students that traditional public school do.
The Texas Legislature and Lewisville ISD are partners in funding public education. According to the National Center for Education Statistics in 2022-23 (NCES), the federal and state share for Lewisville ISD funding are 10% each, while local taxpayers fund 80% of education costs. Texas Legislators have not increased basic student funding since 2019 and fund students at $6160, which fails to fund high need programs like preK and Special Education. Expenditures in Lewisville ISD include the following per NCES: Instructional expenditures 63% Student and staff support 10% Administration 12% Operations, Transportation, Food Service 14%

Envision concentric circles with students in the center circle. As expenditures migrate from the center, districts should return dollars back to expenditures directly impacting students as budgets constrict which is currently the case in most Texas districts given the state’s failure to fund education to keep pace with inflation.
Recruitment and retention of quality staff is critical to public education just as such is critical to all employers during the tight labor market currently being experienced. Numerous factors impact recruitment and retention including employer reputation for excellence, compensation and benefits, workplace culture, ability to provide ongoing professional development, available workplace resources, employee satisfaction at work, proximity to home, friendships and relationships at work and others. I believe Lewisville ISD does an outstanding job on the above items in an effort to recruit and retain the best staff, however, District staff also thinks creatively to continuously improve. As a result, Lewisville ISD has been named as Forbes’ “Best Employer” as the top school district the past three years.
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and extremism in the education of children is no virtue. School districts must not become the battleground for the culture wars occurring in society and must remain neutral in all matters. Multiple Lewisville ISD board policies require a neutral stance. For example, Board policy EMB requires a neutral approach to instruction about controversial issues and other policies mandate an even, neutral stance to school matters. In addition to neutrality policies, district staff, administrators and leadership must maintain an even approach when confronted with public concerns. Each district has complaint and appeal processes and districts should conform to procedural review of complaints to ensure all are heard and adjudicated in a reasonable manner.
I had the great fortune to serve Lewisville ISD three decades as a career public educator and served in a number of instructional and administrative capacities. Following my service as an educator, I ran for and was elected to serve as a trustee on the Lewisville ISD School Board in 2021. I have also served in numerous community groups and appreciate the opportunity for continued service and support to the students, parents and family, staff members and communities of Lewisville ISD.