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City of Bee Cave Proposition C Choose 1

City of Bee Cave Proposition C: For or AgainstCiudad de Bee Cave Proposicion C: A Favor o EnContraBee Cave 提案 C: 支持者認為 反對者認為Bee Cave Đề Xuất C: Đồng Thuận Phản Đối

Voter Guide

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For Prop C (-)

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... -

Ballot Language:

Shall sections of the City Charter pertaining to duties and responsibilities of specific officers be amended and to authorize the mayor to sign only specific contracts unless otherwise directed by counsel and other signatory obligations if the city manager is unable; clarifying mayor's authority during emergency or disaster; providing for election of mayor by plurality; authorize the city manager to appoint interim officers until council confirmation, conduct financial and operational audits, assign subordinates to assist mayor and council with official schedules and official city communications only; prevent interference with city manager performance; establish city secretary as a city manager subordinate except for agenda formation and elections; establish municipal court as a court of record to clarify jurisdiction with state law; provide for associate judges, and all judicial terms; and clarify the city attorney as the attorney for the city as a whole and as the municipal court prosecutor, require reporting from other legal counsel, and authorize city attorney to designate special counsel and special prosecutors?


Proposition C makes the following changes in the Charter regarding several City officers’ duties and responsibilities including municipal court:

If passed, the duties of the Mayor will be amended: * The Mayor shall sign all contracts or conveyances approved by the City Council * The Mayor may sign bonds, warrants, and any other obligations issued in the event the City Manager is unable to perform such a task. * In case of emergency or disaster, the Mayor shall have the power to enact emergency measures in order to enforce the laws of the City, or to avert danger, or to protect life or property, including but not limited to a case of riot, outbreak, calamity. * The Mayor shall proclaim the emergency and shall utilize such powers and authorizations allowed by local, state and federal law needed to keep the peace and respond to such emergency. * The Mayor shall be elected by a plurality of the vote, the same as City Council. [Note: “Plurality” means there are no run-off elections; the person with the most votes wins the office.]

If passed, there will also be changes related to staff duties and Council interaction with staff:

* There are a range of very specific actions that will be required of the City Manager and the interaction with the Mayor and Council members. Most changes offer greater autonomy to management, others establish rules of engagement between the Manager and elected officials. If passed, the City Secretary would be a subordinate to the Manager for work other than setting the agenda or elections. The City Secretary would no longer be able to name an interim City Secretary in the Secretary’s absence.

Pertaining to Municipal Court Judge:

* If passed, Municipal Court “Associates” must also meet the requirements for the Judge of Municipal Court. The changes will direct the municipal judge, alternates and associates have terms concurrent with the term of Mayor

Pertaining to City Attorney: * There are several changes in the expectations for City Attorney responsibilities, including representation of the entire City Council; reviewing and approving as to form all documents, contracts, resolutions, ordinances, and legal instruments; and oversee all legal counsel working for the City. Additionally the City Attorney would be the designated attorney for the state in municipal court and any designated prosecutors hold such positions subject to City Attorney’s direction.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Against Prop C (-)

Biographical Information

... -

Ballot Language:

Shall sections of the City Charter pertaining to duties and responsibilities of specific officers be amended and to authorize the Mayor to sign only specific contracts unless otherwise directed by counsel and other signatory obligations if the City Manager is unable; clarifying Mayor’s authority during emergency or disaster; providing for election of Mayor by plurality; authorize the City Manager to appoint interim officers until Council confirmation, conduct financial and operational audits, assign subordinates to assist Mayor and Council with official schedules and official City Ord. No. 24-539 page 8 of 17 communications only; prevent interference with City Manager performance; establish City Secretary as a City Manager subordinate except for agenda formation and elections; establish Municipal Court as a court of record to clarify jurisdiction with state law; provide for Associate Judges, and all judicial terms; and clarify the City Attorney as the attorney for the city as a whole and as the municipal court prosecutor, require reporting from other legal counsel, and authorize City Attorney to designate special counsel and special prosecutors?


Proposition C makes the following changes in the Charter regarding several City officers’ duties and responsibilities including municipal court: If passed, the duties of the Mayor will be amended - The Mayor shall sign all contracts or conveyances approved by the City Council The Mayor may sign bonds, warrants, and any other obligations issued in the event the City Manager is unable to perform such a task. - In case of emergency or disaster, the Mayor shall have the power to enact emergency measures in order to enforce the laws of the City, or to avert danger, or to protect life or property, including but not limited to a case of riot, outbreak, calamity. - The Mayor shall proclaim the emergency and shall utilize such powers and authorizations allowed by local, state and federal law needed to keep the peace and respond to such emergency. - The Mayor shall be elected by a plurality of the vote, the same as City Council. [Note: “Plurality” means there are no run-off elections; the person with the most votes wins the office.]

If passed, there will also be changes related to staff duties and Council interaction with staff - There are a range of very specific actions that will be required of the City Manager and the interaction with the Mayor and Council members. Most changes offer greater autonomy to management, others establish rules of engagement between the Manager and elected officials. If passed, the City Secretary would be a subordinate to the Manager for work other than setting the agenda or elections. The City Secretary would no longer be able to name an interim City Secretary in the Secretary’s absence.

Pertaining to Municipal Court Judge - If passed, Municipal Court “Associates” must also meet the requirements for the Judge of Municipal Court. The changes will direct the municipal judge, alternates and associates have terms concurrent with the term of Mayor

Pertaining to City Attorney - There are several changes in the expectations for City Attorney responsibilities, including representation of the entire City Council; reviewing and approving as to form all documents, contracts, resolutions, ordinances, and legal instruments; and oversee all legal counsel working for the City. Additionally the City Attorney would be the designated attorney for the state in municipal court and any designated prosecutors hold such positions subject to City Attorney’s direction.