Voter Guide

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24 City of Dallas Proposition T Choose 1

BALLOT LANGUAGE:Annual Community Survey: Shall Chapter VI of the Dallas City Charter be amended by adding a new section compelling the city to conduct the city-commissioned Community Survey on an annual basis, to be completed by a minimum of 1,400 Dallas residents on their satisfaction on quality of life issues, the results of which will result in the city manager earning additional performance compensation (between 0 percent and 100 percent of the city manager’s annual base salary) or the termination of the city manager?¿Se debería modificar el Capítulo VI del Acta Constitutiva de la Ciudad de Dallas agregando una nueva sección que obligue a la ciudad a realizar anualmente la Encuesta Comunitaria encargada por la ciudad, que deberá ser completada por un mínimo de 1,400 residentes de Dallas sobre su satisfacción en cuestiones de calidad de vida, cuyos resultados darán como resultado que el administrador de la ciudad obtenga una compensación por desempeño adicional (entre el 0 por ciento y el 100 por ciento del salario base anual del administrador de la ciudad) o la terminación del contrato del administrador de la ciudad?DESCRIPTION:Requires an annual survey of 1,400 Dallas residents, which will result in a bonus to the city manager or the firing of the city manager.The survey will be based on issues of: crime, homelessness, litter, aggressive solicitation/panhandling and infrastructure/streets.Who proposed the Proposition: Dallas HERO presented a petition with enough signatures to put this item on the ballot.Requiere una encuesta anual de 1,400 residentes de Dallas, cuyo resultado determinará un bono para el administrador de la ciudad o su despido. La encuesta se basará en temas como el crimen, personas en situación de calle, basura, limosneros agresivos y la infraestructura/calles.Quién propuso la proposición:  Dallas HERO presentó una petición con suficientes firmas para poner este punto en la boleta electoral.

Voter Guide

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Yes - For the Measure (N)


Reasons to Vote "For" and "Against" the Dallas Proposition

City government should be responsive to the residents.

Opinion surveys can convey very useful information. Cities often conduct opinion surveys to see how their management is perceived by the people, but not as the City Manager’s performance evaluation.

Voter Guide

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No - Against the Measure (N)


Reasons to Vote "For" and "Against" the Dallas Proposition

How the city manager is performing encompasses more than the issues listed to be surveyed. Also, many things are beyond the control of the city manager that impact residents’ satisfaction with quality of life, such as the pandemic, severe economic downturns, new state or federal laws and weather or other similar disasters.

The city manager reports to the city council. The city council reports to the voters. If the voters are not pleased with how the city council governs the city, including supervising the city manager, the voters can replace the council members at the next election.

Typically, those who are not happy respond to surveys while those who are do not. This could skew the results.