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24 City of Dallas Proposition R Choose 1

BALLOT LANGUAGE:Reform Marijuana Enforcement: Shall the Dallas City Charter be amended by adding a new section in Chapter XXIV that reforms marijuana possession enforcement by prohibiting the Dallas Police Department from making arrests or issuing citations for marijuana possession or considering the odor of marijuana as probable cause for search or seizure, except as part of a violent felony or high priority narcotics felony investigation; making enforcement of Class A (currently, two to four ounces) and Class B (currently, up to two ounces) misdemeanor marijuana possession the Dallas Police Department’s lowest enforcement priority; and prohibiting city funds or personnel from being used to test cannabis-related substances to determine whether a substance meets the legal definition of marijuana, except in limited circumstances?¿Se revisará la Acta Constitutiva de la Ciudad de Dallas agregando una nueva sección en el Capítulo XXIV que reforma la aplicación de la posesión de marihuana que prohíbe al Departamento de Policía de Dallas hacer arrestos o emitir citaciones por posesión de marihuana o considerar el olor de la marihuana como causa probable de registro o incautación, excepto como parte de un delito violento o investigación de delitos graves de narcóticos de alta prioridad; lo que hará que la aplicación de la posesión de marihuana por delitos menores de Clase A (actualmente, de dos a cuatro onzas) y Clase B (actualmente, hasta dos onzas) sea la prioridad más baja del Departamento de Policía de Dallas; y la cual prohibirá que fondos o personal de la ciudad se usen para analizar sustancias relacionadas con el cannabis para determinar si una sustancia cumple con la definición legal de marihuana, excepto en circunstancias limitadas?DESCRIPTION:Would prohibit the Dallas Police Department from enforcing laws on possession of 4 ounces or less of marijuana except in certain instances. May subject Police Officers who violate this policy to discipline.Who proposed the Proposition: Ground Game Texas presented a petition with enough signatures to put this item on the ballot.Prohibiría al Departamento de Policía de Dallas hacer cumplir las leyes sobre la posesión de 4 onzas o menos de marihuana, excepto en ciertos casos. Podría someter a los oficiales de policía que violen esta política a medidas disciplinarias.Quién propuso esta proposición:  Ground Game Texas presentó una petición con suficientes firmas para poner este punto en la boleta electoral.

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Yes - For the Measure (N)


Reasons to Vote "For" and "Against" the Dallas Proposition

1. Would free up resources to focus on violent and serious crimes and reduce the number of people going to jail for possession.

2. 90% of those arrested for possession of less than 2 ounces in 2018 were non-white.

3. Austin, San Marcos, Killeen, Elgin and Denton have similar city ordinances though they are engaged in legal challenges.

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No - Against the Measure (N)


Reasons to Vote "For" and "Against" the Dallas Proposition

1. This should be done at the State level not the City. It would contravene current state law.

2. Punishes police officers for enforcing State laws.

3. Will probably be challenged in court, costing the city attorney’s fees. Awaiting the outcome of lawsuits involving the validity of similar ordinances in other Texas cities and then placing a similar proposition before city voters if the courts permit this type of law would save Dallas attorney’s fees.

4. If this proposition passes and the proposition also on this ballot passes which allows residents to sue the city for non-enforcement of state and local laws, the city could face competing lawsuits from someone claiming the city is not enforcing the state law that prohibits possession and a different lawsuit from someone claiming the city is not enforcing this prohibition on enforcement.