Voter Guide

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City of San Antonio Proposition C Choose 1

Shall the Charter of the City of San Antonio be amended to grant to City Council the authority to set the full terms of the City Manager s employment including tenure and compensation?¿Se debería enmendar la Carta Constitucional de la Ciudad de San Antonio para otorgarle al Consejo de la Ciudad la autoridad de establecer los mandatos completos del empleo del Administrador de la Ciudad, incluyendo la permanencia y la remuneración?

Voter Guide


Explanation: If approved, City Council will have authority to determine the salary and length of service of the city manager. To see the current City Charter, go to

ARGUMENTS FOR: • Currently, San Antonio cannot compete with other large and medium cities for the best applicants. • San Antonio loses competent, experienced city managers due to term limits. • Term limits can lessen the influence of a city manager nearing the end of his/her tenure on long-term initiatives.

Voter Guide


Explanation: If approved, City Council will have authority to determine the salary and length of service of the city manager. To see the current City Charter, go to

ARGUMENTS AGAINST: • High pay does not guarantee quality applicants. Current pay still attracts some applicants. • Funds to increase salary can be used on other city needs and higher priorities. • Term limits allow city council to select new managers as city priorities change.