Voter Guide

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Austin ISD, Trustee, At-Large 8 Choose 1

Voter Guide

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Lindsey Stringer (-)

Biographical Information

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Qualifications: What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?

I have 19 years of professional experience working in multiple parts of public education. I have advanced degrees in education and public policy, and I’m an AISD graduate, parent and volunteer.

Budget: How would you prioritize school budget spending for staff and facilities?

AISD has one of the lowest starting salaries for new teachers in our region. I would focus on increasing salaries for teachers and other campus-based staff who are essential to improving student outcomes. We also have school buildings that need major safety improvements, such as reliable AC and roof repairs, and I would prioritize fixes where campus funding has historically been inadequate.

Charter Schools: What do you see as the role of charter schools in public education?

Charter schools exist because the needs of students and families have not been met by some of our traditional public schools. I am focused on improving AISD for everyone, especially for groups that have not been served well, so that the demand for charter schools in our area decreases and we are actually living out our mission to prepare every student for college, career and life.

Parental Input: What is your position regarding parental input in book selection in school libraries?

A good school librarian is going to select books that are developmentally appropriate and reflect the interests and needs of their community, including getting input from parents. A parent should be able to determine what books their own children can access from a school library, but they do not have the right to determine what other children can access.

Voter Guide

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Nathaniel Hellman (-)

Biographical Information

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Qualifications: What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?

Bachelor's degree from the University of Texas - Austin, Texas. Valedictorian - Skyline High School- Dallas, TX. I believe in courage, compassion, dignity, respect, and a decent living for all people.

Budget: How would you prioritize school budget spending for staff and facilities?

People first. I believe in the infinite human potential of all people. People when properly supported can achieve anything. We must also protect our public land, buildings, and resources so people and families have a safe place to thrive. We must provide basic needs for students, families, and the whole entire community. We need transparency, communication, and feedback to address specific issues

Charter Schools: What do you see as the role of charter schools in public education?

Charter Schools do not have publicly elected School Boards. Charter School Boards are appointed. Charter Schools can also form police departments. The biggest difference appears to be appointment of school boards instead of being voted by the local community. Charter Schools also receive funding from the state but does not directly receive local taxes like a school district. Performance matters.

Parental Input: What is your position regarding parental input in book selection in school libraries?

The constitution and freedom of speech protect all people the right to have their ideas expressed in society, newspapers, and libraries. Children are more exposed to social media and technology applications before they make it to school libraries. Freedom of speech should be protected. Society's interest for freedom of speech and freedom of press should be protected. Parents always deserve input.

Voter Guide

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Dylan "Sky" MacAdams (-)

Biographical Information

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Qualifications: What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?

I have been an organizing leader for years in both our schools, and our local community. Through my experience as a community organizer I learned how to work with all types of people to make change.

Budget: How would you prioritize school budget spending for staff and facilities?

I believe we need to invest in providing more resources to all students, regardless of race, class, or identity. My biggest priority as a school board member would be to enact a free lunch policy across all campuses in our district. I would also fight to boost spending for title one schools and underfunded programs in our district.

Charter Schools: What do you see as the role of charter schools in public education?

I see the ideal role of charter schools as existing to fill niches that the public education system is unable to fill. However, I believe that the current expansiveness of charter schools is more of net harm than benefit. This is due to the fact that they pull funding away from the regular public school system that is already criminally underfunded.

Parental Input: What is your position regarding parental input in book selection in school libraries?

I believe it can be a positive to listen to parental input regarding possible gaps in the library catalog or additional titles to add, but I disagree that parents should have any say on what books should be allowed or removed from campuses. It is important that students are able to attain information that they seek and banning books risks harming the ability of students to properly learn.

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Nick Franke (-)

Biographical Information

Qualifications: What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?

A life long Austinite, born and raised, I spent 13 years in public schools here in AISD. I graduated from Texas State University with a Bachelors in Public Administration.

Budget: How would you prioritize school budget spending for staff and facilities?

The most important priority for me would be to increase the amounts available to spend on teachers, aides, and interventionists that directly serve students in the classroom and have the largest impact on student outcomes (including class size). Beyond that, I would want to continue to focus funding on improving and modernizing facilities to support our students and staff to ensure they are safe.

Charter Schools: What do you see as the role of charter schools in public education?

I believe that public education and schools are where the vast majority of students and dollars should be allocated. I think charter schools have an important role within the system to serve as "laboratories" to test new and exciting approaches to education. It's more efficient to implement and measure significant changes

Parental Input: What is your position regarding parental input in book selection in school libraries?

I think it's important to clarify there is a difference between the materials available for students to check out at the library and the materials used directly in the classroom that are being taught to students. In both cases, I believe it is the role of teachers, educators, and librarians to decide what content should be available. Existing review processes in AISD from staff is sufficient.

Voter Guide

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Fernando Lucas de Urioste (-)

Biographical Information

Campaign Website

Qualifications: What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?

9yrs in AISD, 6 in special education. 10yrs in education advocacy. Director of Advocate Services at the Cirkiel Law Group. Vice President of the Texas Organization of Parents Attorneys and Advocates.

Budget: How would you prioritize school budget spending for staff and facilities?

Staff, facilities, and infrastructure directly servicing students are prioritized first. Staff retention should be encouraged by improving pay and staffing to allow for realistic workloads. As a Progressive Democrat I believe all stakeholders should have equitable agency and representation in budget decisions so that we can have community buy-in and ownership regarding any cuts that are made.

Charter Schools: What do you see as the role of charter schools in public education?

I believe that that current implementation of charter schools in Texas has failed to offer a compelling and sustained experience of success for all students as a whole. I see too many families leaving public schools for charters only to return to publics schools. I am deeply concerned that the profit motive for charters is fundamentally compromising the promise to serve all students equally.

Parental Input: What is your position regarding parental input in book selection in school libraries?

I work as a professional advocate; and my role is educating my clients, offering my advice and expertise, and then assisting them in having their voices heard. While I personally believe that the current concerns regarding book selection in libraries are a distraction from larger issues, my role as a school board trustee will be to listen to and represent the desires of my constituents as a whole.

Voter Guide

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Amy Moore (-)

Biographical Information

Campaign Website

Qualifications: What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?

I am a former math teacher, finance manager, non-profit program manager, and mom of 3 AISD graduates. I’ve supported student learning as a non-profit partner and parent across AISD for over 20 years.

Budget: How would you prioritize school budget spending for staff and facilities?

I will prioritize spending for teachers and facilities because they impact student learning the most. Teachers inspire the next generation and facilities set the stage for learning. I’ve been in classrooms without AC or heat, and they are not conducive to learning. We must prioritize paying our teachers and creating environments where our children can thrive.

Charter Schools: What do you see as the role of charter schools in public education?

There is no question that charter schools take money from public education. The lack of public oversight and local accountability make them bad investments for taxpayer money, and very few of them perform better than public schools. I will spend my time on the AISD Board working on policies, programs, and engagement that make AISD the best and most inclusive option for families across the city.

Parental Input: What is your position regarding parental input in book selection in school libraries?

School librarians are highly skilled professionals who curate collections for all students in their community, and the librarians I know welcome parental involvement. Parents should not have input on limiting what is available in school libraries for all children. They can use existing school policies to have input on content made available specifically to their child at the school library.