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U.S. Representative District 21 Choose 1

2-year term. Responsibilities include writing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees. Only the House can originate spending bills. The 435 representatives answer directly to the relatively small group of people in their district.Diputado de los Estados UnidosMandato de dos años. Uno de los 38 miembros de la Cámara de Diputados de los Estados Unidos por Texas. Junto con el Senado de los Estados Unidos, la Cámara de Diputados dicta las leyes; recauda ingresos, asigna fondos federales y gestiona la deuda federal; regula el comercio entre estados y con otras naciones; declara la guerra y mantiene y regula al ejército; establece el sistema de tribunales federales y define los delitos federales y, dirige el censo cada diez años. La Cámara tiene el poder exclusivo de impugnar a los funcionarios federales, incluido el Presidente.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Chip Roy (Rep)

Biographical Information

Experience 3 Term Congressman, Attorney, Oil and Gas
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Twitter @chiproytx
YouTube chiproytx

What background and/or education do you have that would make you an effective House member?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Regarding women’s reproductive health, please state and explain your position on each of the following: Abortion, contraception, IVF, and mailing of reproductive medications.

Candidate has not yet responded.

What immigration reform legislation, if any, would you support?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Do you think any changes should be made to the U.S. Supreme Court structure or practice? Explain.

Candidate has not yet responded.

What changes, if any, in foreign or domestic economic policy do you support?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Do you think the Electoral College should remain or be replaced by a national popular vote?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Do you support the current legal status of semi-automatic weapons and/or bump stocks? Why or why not?

Candidate has not yet responded.

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Kristin Hook (Dem)

Biographical Information

Experience I’ve spent most of my career as an educator, scientist, and public servant. I served the public as a middle school teacher through Teach For America and as a science and tech expert in our federal government. I also spent ten years as a reproductive biologist, proudly earning my PhD despite being raised by a single mom who never went to college. //He pasado la mayor parte de mi carrera como educadora, científica y servidora pública. Serví al público como maestra de secundaria a través de Teach For America y como experta en ciencia y tecnología en nuestro gobierno federal. También pasé diez años como bióloga reproductiva y obtuve con orgullo mi doctorado a pesar de haber sido criada por una madre soltera que nunca fue a la universidad.
Campaign Email
Twitter @kristin_hook

What background and/or education do you have that would make you an effective House member?

I am not a polished politician. I grew up in a working-class family in Texas. Against all odds, I earned two degrees from UT-Austin and a PhD from Cornell. When the pandemic hit, I left my research career in reproductive biology to serve the public as a science & tech expert in our federal government (U.S. Senate, NIH, GAO). As a scientist and former teacher, I am trained to solve problems and will bring sensible leadership and compromise to Congress to help solve the critical issues we face.

Regarding women’s reproductive health, please state and explain your position on each of the following: Abortion, contraception, IVF, and mailing of reproductive medications.

As a woman, I believe we should have the freedom to make our own reproductive healthcare decisions. I support protecting and restoring Roe v. Wade and expanding access to birth control, IVF, and reproductive medicines. I believe family planning decisions should be made by patients and medical experts, not politicians or government. I trust Texans to make their own reproductive health decisions and believe you and your doctor are smart enough to make the best decisions for you and your family.

What immigration reform legislation, if any, would you support?

Growing up near the border, I’m dedicated to supporting bipartisan solutions for the border crisis and fixing our immigration system. To curb illegal crossings and address safety concerns, I support enhancing border security and enforcement, improving case processing, and addressing the root causes of migration. Additionally, I will advocate for new legal pathways to citizenship, especially for Dreamers and hardworking immigrants who contribute to our society and economy while obeying the law.

Do you think any changes should be made to the U.S. Supreme Court structure or practice? Explain.

When I served as a scientist at the Government Accountability Office, I took an oath of loyalty to our Constitution, which outlined a system of government with checks and balances. No branch of government should be responsible for policing itself, and no one in public service should hold a position for life. Thus, I support instituting term limits and legislation that strengthens the impartiality and ethical integrity of the federal judiciary, including a binding and enforceable code of conduct.

What changes, if any, in foreign or domestic economic policy do you support?

I grew up living paycheck to paycheck and understand the strain of rising costs. I believe to build a stronger America, we must ensure a fair economic system for all by strengthening the middle class and abolishing poverty. Thus, I support protecting Social Security, raising the minimum wage, paid family and sick leave, access to affordable childcare, tax reform so billionaires and corporations pay their fair share, empowering workers’ rights to organize, and bolstering small business owners.

Do you think the Electoral College should remain or be replaced by a national popular vote?

I believe in fair representation and that the presidency should be decided by the candidate who receives the most nationwide votes. Under our current system, the presidency is decided by the Electoral College, which dilutes the power of voters based on where they live. I support reforms to the Electoral College that would make presidential elections more democratic. A national popular vote would help ensure that every voter counts equally and would make the U.S. a more representative democracy.

Do you support the current legal status of semi-automatic weapons and/or bump stocks? Why or why not?

I come from a family of responsible gun owners and hunters. Like them, I support common sense gun safety laws that protect the Second Amendment. I will work across the aisle to pass evidence-based legislation that keeps Texans safe while supporting responsible gun ownership, such as expanding background checks, licensing laws, waiting periods, red flag laws; restricting bump stocks; and raising the age for gun purchases and possession.

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Bob King (Lib)

Biographical Information

Experience I have had the privilege of having two distinct careers: the first, from 1983-2004, as a banker and then as a senior financial executive in the oil and gas industry; the second, from 2004-2020, as a nonprofit executive and consultant. I also have more than 40 years of experience as a taxpayer. // He tenido el privilegio de tener dos carreras distintas: la primera, de 1983 a 2004, como banquero y luego como alto ejecutivo financiero en la industria del petróleo y el gas; el segundo, de 2004 a 2020, como ejecutivo y consultor de una organización sin fines de lucro. También tengo más de 40 años de experiencia como contribuyente.
Campaign Phone 7138246488
Campaign Email
Contact Name Bob King

What background and/or education do you have that would make you an effective House member?

I have a BA in Economics and an MBA in Finance, both from SMU in Dallas. I worked for 20 years in the energy finance industry, and another 15 as a nonprofit leader, board member and consultant. The financial background gives me an understanding of markets and of budgeting and accounting; the nonprofit background (plus my Christian faith) taught me that society must assist the neediest among us. I also have 40+ years experience as a taxpayer, so I know that money doesn't grow on trees.

Regarding women’s reproductive health, please state and explain your position on each of the following: Abortion, contraception, IVF, and mailing of reproductive medications.

Abortion policy should be a balancing of rights, with the presumption in favor of choice, at least until the fetus is equipped to survive outside of the womb. Therefore, abortions should be legal until the 20th week of gestation; the States should be able to regulate them if they choose ONLY after week 20. Tax dollars should NEVER be used to pay for abortions. All contraception choices and IVF should remain legal. The two parties do not seek a solution. I do. See my website for more.

What immigration reform legislation, if any, would you support?

Border security comes first, but we need more legal immigrants. Let's (1) tighten rules for asylum, (2) grant legal status to Dreamers, (3) create a guest worker program, and (4) simplify/increase green cards granted to workers and college grads. Then, defer implementation of these liberalizations until violations of our border are under control. This approach gets both sides paddling in the same direction. The two parties do not seek a solution. I do. See my website for more.

Do you think any changes should be made to the U.S. Supreme Court structure or practice? Explain.

The Supreme Court is the only branch of government that defends our liberties. Congress passes laws restricting our freedom and redistributing our money; the President takes us to war without constitutional authority and regulates us to death. Only SCOTUS stands in their way. We can all argue with one ruling or another, or have our most and least favorite Justice. But we should not add more politics to the Supreme Court, it is already politicized enough. Leave it as it is.

What changes, if any, in foreign or domestic economic policy do you support?

Govt is too big, spends too much money. It has created a mountain of debt for our children to pay. Deficits are generational theft and a sin. Eventually (and soon) our economy will be destroyed by it. Yet neither party wants to fix it. I will. Govt must be forced to live within its means. All departments should be cut dramatically, some eliminated, and all but a few dispersed out of DC and to the four corners of the USA. It will be painful, but it must be done. See my website for more.

Do you think the Electoral College should remain or be replaced by a national popular vote?

The Electoral College was part of the compromise that led the 13 colonies to agree to our Constitution. Without it, the USA would not exist. The EC balances the power of small and large states. There is no reason to even consider changing it unless those who seek to abolish it have something to offer in trade that pushes more authority back to the States. I have ideas on such a trade, but those who seek a national popular vote have no desire to trade -- only to take. Accordingly, no deal.

Do you support the current legal status of semi-automatic weapons and/or bump stocks? Why or why not?

The Second Amendment is clear: we have a right to defend ourselves, not just from criminals, but also from the rise of a tyrannical government. This right safeguards all of our liberties. Mass shootings are terrible. Convicted felons and the mentally ill should not be able to purchase firearms. Violent felons need to be incarcerated until they are too old to hurt anyone, or for life if necessary. But this problem should not be "solved" by taking away the rights of law-abiding Americans.