Voter Guide

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Tennessee House of Representatives District 45 Choose 1

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Alison Beale (Dem)

Biographical Information

Education Bachelor of Business Administration
Work experience Teacher - 7th Grade Math, Board Member - Akilah Dasilva Foundation, Artist Manager - Rock Ridge Music, Volunteer - CASA Nashville
Phone Number 615-265-6484
Twitter @AlisonBforTN

Why are you running for the State Legislature?

I never set out to be a politician. But when I bought my 3-year-old a bulletproof backpack because I felt so helpless after the Covenant shooting, I knew I had to do something more. As a mom, I see running for office as doing what I need to do to protect not just my kids, but everyone’s kids. Our kids are all part of the lockdown generation and our current representatives REFUSE to protect them. If kids getting killed at school won’t move them to meaningful action, nothing will. As a former teacher, I understand the importance of well-paid educators and fully-funded public schools. Our legislature currently has no moms of school aged children in office, and that needs to change.

What do you think are the top 5 issues facing the state of Tennessee at this time, that can be addressed by the Tennessee General Assembly?

Public education, gun violence, reproductive rights, healthcare access, economic hardship

If elected, what are the top 3 things you would do to reduce gun related deaths in Tennessee?

1) Red flag laws to keep guns out of the hands of those at risk of harming themselves or others. 2) Safe storage laws to reduce accidental gun deaths and gun thefts. 3) Expanded background checks / waiting periods

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Johnny Garrett (Rep)

Biographical Information

Why are you running for the State Legislature?

Candidate has not yet responded.

What do you think are the top 5 issues facing the state of Tennessee at this time, that can be addressed by the Tennessee General Assembly?

Candidate has not yet responded.

If elected, what are the top 3 things you would do to reduce gun related deaths in Tennessee?

Candidate has not yet responded.