Voter Guide

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Nebraska State Legislative District 41 Choose 1

4-year term, limited to two consecutive terms, $12,000Members of the country’s only unicameral legislative body create laws and make the rules for Nebraskans under certain constitutional limitations. This body also oversees many health care services and decides how much money public schools (from kindergartens to colleges) receive each year. If you are concerned about who pays how much in taxes and how those funds get spent, this is a very important election.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Nadine Diane Bane (NON)

Biographical Information

Education H.S. + Grand Island Community College
Current Public Office, dates held Vice chairman Greeley County GOP 3-13-22 to present
Volunteer experience Wood River Fire Dept., Rescue Squad EMT-B, Scotia Senior Center, Home health

What is your top concern about K-12 education in Nebraska and what would be your solution?

Not enough teachers. School Choice would be a plus.

What steps would you support to ensure access to clean water for all Nebraskans?

We already have The NRD in Nebraska. The scope of the NRD is to make sure we have quality water. I would express to strengthen NRD’s water Quaility to our local communities.

What are the most important challenges facing our state, and how do you propose to address them?

The most important is high evaluations of property, high school levy tax, this creates an increase in property taxes. A tax committee is working on a relief package which is not complete at the Unicameral. Governor Pillen is asking for an 40% decrease in property Tax. Also a consumption Tax package called Epic Tax is circulating a petition to get on the ballot, which I feel will shutdown most all small community businesses, lose local control. We need to wait for this Tax Committee to present their relief package to the Governor before I can comment.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Ethan Clark (NON)

Biographical Information

What is your top concern about K-12 education in Nebraska and what would be your solution?

Candidate has not yet responded.

What steps would you support to ensure access to clean water for all Nebraskans?

Candidate has not yet responded.

What are the most important challenges facing our state, and how do you propose to address them?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Daniel D. McKeon (NON)

Biographical Information

Education Bachlor of Science at Univeristy of Nebraska-LIncoln
Current Public Office, dates held No office at this time
Past Public Office, dates held No Government offices held only servant leadership in my communities
Military experience 6 years in the Army National Guard
Volunteer experience Leader of Boyscouts, Youth Leader at Catholic churches, Youth Wrestling programs
Campaign Twitter Handle @@danmckeon

What is your top concern about K-12 education in Nebraska and what would be your solution?

We need to get back to the basics. LIfe Skills

What steps would you support to ensure access to clean water for all Nebraskans?

Good wells and make sure all cites have this access

What are the most important challenges facing our state, and how do you propose to address them?

Build our communities' back with a Grassroots movement with Faith, Family and dial Our moral compass back to where is should be