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Voter Guide

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Biographical Information

Education B.Sc. - Hospitality Management – the University of North Texas. M.Sc. - International Sustainable Tourism - the University of North Texas/ Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center
Campaign Mailing Address P.O. Box 141
Seguin, TX 78156
Campaign Email

What qualifies and motivates you to run for this position?

I decided to run for office because I wanted to help people thrive, not just survive. That means working to fix real issues like the rising cost of housing, healthcare, and food. My education, lifelong history of leadership, and community service reflect a track record of working with others, spending funds responsibly, and considering the long-term effects of complex decisions.

From rapid growth threatening water resources and multi-generational farms to areas where the nearest hospital is 30 minutes away, I've talked with citizens and leaders across the district. I understand our ongoing challenges. We can’t afford to elect someone who will push the agenda of Austin’s political elites, we need an independent voice fighting for our needs

What are your top priorities as a Texas Representative?

My priority is putting people first by addressing the needs of everyday Texans. That includes making healthcare affordable, helping farmers navigate climate change, ensuring veterans receive earned benefits, investing in mental health, reducing insurance costs, and assisting retirees on fixed incomes, among others.

I’m also fighting for the future of education. Our public schools are our largest employers and prepare tomorrow’s workforce. Taxpayer-funded vouchers, which my opponent supports, would hurt our economy and consume state resources—we’d spend more and have less to show for it. But stopping vouchers isn’t enough, we have to invest in public schools, because education is the key to progress, and our public schools serve all Texans

What steps do you think the State Legislature needs to take to ensure the quality and availability of public education for all students in our state?

Public schools are funded through local property taxes and state funds, forming the “basic allotment” of $6,160 per student. But districts often receive less due to attendance-based funding that penalizes schools for absent students.

Legislators also set up our schools to fail by passing unfunded mandates, forcing districts across Texas to pass deficit budgets. Lawmakers criticize teachers and district performance but ignore their role in causing the problem, and vouchers would only make this worse.

Fixing these issues requires increasing the basic allotment (which hasn’t changed in five years despite inflation), switching to enrollment-based funding, and ensuring that districts are given the resources they need to follow the law.

Is there any legislation you would support that grants limited, local option authority to Texas counties to ensure more compatible development within the county that protects landowners and prevent overuse of natural resources, such as ground and surface water?

Studies show Texas’ water reserves are quickly diminishing. The twin forces of population growth and climate change will only make the situation worse. Local governments should be empowered to specify development standards that make sense for local conditions, but they must build on state laws that adequately reflect the increasing need for sustainable water use.

I support measures suggested by experts, like investing in the modernization of water infrastructure, minimizing waste, and encouraging alternative strategies for conservation like greywater recycling, rainwater harvesting, and other low-impact techniques which can not only minimize flooding, but improve water quality and retention.

March of Dimes just graded Texas at D- on infant and maternal health, and according to the most recent research, Texas is the one of the worst states for maternal and infant mortality. Given these failings, would you support expansion of Medicaid benefits?

Absolutely. Just under half of births in Texas are already covered by Medicaid, so we clearly need these programs. Last session, the bipartisan effort to extend Medicaid coverage from 2 to 12 months was a move in the right direction, but more needs to be done. Texas’ maternal death and illness rate is such a problem that, in 2013, the legislature created a task force to investigate causes and provide recommendations. The No. 1 finding of the task force’s most recent report was “improve access to comprehensive health services for all women of child-bearing age” including “facilitating continuity of care.” Medicaid does exactly this. We just need to continue expanding its reach and raising awareness for risk factors and complications.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture


Biographical Information

What qualifies and motivates you to run for this position?

Candidate has not yet responded.

What are your top priorities as a Texas Representative?

Candidate has not yet responded.

What steps do you think the State Legislature needs to take to ensure the quality and availability of public education for all students in our state?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Is there any legislation you would support that grants limited, local option authority to Texas counties to ensure more compatible development within the county that protects landowners and prevent overuse of natural resources, such as ground and surface water?

Candidate has not yet responded.

March of Dimes just graded Texas at D- on infant and maternal health, and according to the most recent research, Texas is the one of the worst states for maternal and infant mortality. Given these failings, would you support expansion of Medicaid benefits?

Candidate has not yet responded.