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Texas State Board of Education, District 15 Choose 1

Member, State Board of Education: Four-year term. The fifteen-member board decides curriculum, standards, student testing, special education programs, and textbooks for Texas public schools. It also oversees the Permanent School Fund. Current annual salary: Members of the Board do not receive pay, but are reimbursed for expenses to attend meetings. Miembro, Junta Estatal de Educación: Mandato de cuatro años. La junta de quince miembros decide el plan de estudios, los estándares, las pruebas de los estudiantes, los programas de educación especial y los libros de texto para las escuelas públicas de Texas. También supervisa el Fondo Escolar Permanente. Salario anual vigente: los miembros de la Junta no reciben remuneración, pero sí se les reembolsan los gastos de asistencia a las reuniones. Thành viên, Hội Đồng Giáo Dục Tiểu bang: Nhiệm kỳ bốn năm. Hội đồng gồm 15 thành viên quy định chương trình giảng dạy, các tiêu chuẩn, kiểm tra đối với học sinh sinh viên, các chương trình giáo dục đặc biệt, và sách giáo khoa cho các trường công ở Texas. Hội đồng còn giám sát Ngân Quỹ Trường Học Cố Định. Mức lương hàng năm hiện tại: Các thành viên Hội Đồng không được trả lương nhưng được hỗ trợ các chi phí tham dự các buổi họp. 成员, 州教育委员会: 任期四年。该委员会由 15 名成员组成,负责决定德克萨斯州公立学校的课程、标准、学生测试、特殊教育项目和教科书。它还负责监督学校永久基金。当前年薪: 委员会成员没有工资,但可报销参加会议的费用。

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Aaron Kinsey (Rep)

Biographical Information

Qualifications: What training, experience and characteristics qualify you for this position?

Candidate has not yet responded.

History Education: As the developer of Texas public school curriculum, how would you ensure students are taught a comprehensive and accurate history of our state and country?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Religion in Public Schools: Should Christian or any other religious beliefs be incorporated into the public school curriculum? Explain your position.

Candidate has not yet responded.

Teacher Certification: Should teachers who are not certified be allowed to teach in Texas classrooms? Why or why not?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Other Issues: What other issues do you believe will be the most pressing for the State Board of Education?

Candidate has not yet responded.

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Morgan Kirkpatrick (Dem)

Biographical Information

Qualifications: What training, experience and characteristics qualify you for this position?

After 14 years of teaching in middle school, I understand the disconnect between those making decisions at the state level and those in the classroom. I will advocate for Texas students and teachers.

History Education: As the developer of Texas public school curriculum, how would you ensure students are taught a comprehensive and accurate history of our state and country?

I would ensure a comprehensive and accurate history by collaborating with diverse experts, emphasizing primary sources and critical thinking, regularly updating the curriculum, providing professional development for teachers, and ensuring balanced representation of all communities. It’s crucial that students are allowed to learn from the past in order to be prepared for the future.

Religion in Public Schools: Should Christian or any other religious beliefs be incorporated into the public school curriculum? Explain your position.

No, religious beliefs should not be incorporated into the public school curriculum. Public schools serve a diverse population with various religious and non-religious backgrounds. Incorporating specific religious beliefs could alienate students and infringe on their rights. Instead, schools should focus on teaching about religions in an academic, non-devotional manner without emphasis on one.

Teacher Certification: Should teachers who are not certified be allowed to teach in Texas classrooms? Why or why not?

No, teachers who are not certified should not be allowed to teach in Texas classrooms, except in extraordinary circumstances and only if they are willing to become certified. Certification ensures that teachers have the necessary training and knowledge to provide quality education. Allowing uncertified teachers can compromise educational standards and student outcomes.

Other Issues: What other issues do you believe will be the most pressing for the State Board of Education?

There are many issues but not all are completely under the purview of the SBOE: 1. Addressing budget challenges due to inflation, historic underfunding, and unfunded mandates. 2. Increasing state funding to raise teacher salaries / improve retention. 3. Reviewing / approving new charter schools 4. Promoting equitable access to quality education for all students, regardless of their background

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Jack B. Westbrook (Lib)

Biographical Information

Campaign Website

Qualifications: What training, experience and characteristics qualify you for this position?

DMin.(h.c.) with 60 post-graduate hours in human development, ministry, and education. BS in business administration. 11 years substitute teaching. ISD school board member. Mbr on 3 non-profit boards

History Education: As the developer of Texas public school curriculum, how would you ensure students are taught a comprehensive and accurate history of our state and country?

One of the reasons that I’m running for this position is because I believe religious and government powers are attempting to dictate what history is taught. Truth should prevail. Therefore, curriculum audits must seek to root out any biased influences in education.

Religion in Public Schools: Should Christian or any other religious beliefs be incorporated into the public school curriculum? Explain your position.

Yes. A comprehensive understanding of how religion has influenced our world and literature is important. It is important for a student to also know how these different world views compare.

Teacher Certification: Should teachers who are not certified be allowed to teach in Texas classrooms? Why or why not?

As a Libertarian, I am against licensing in all forms. However, school districts should be able to determine their own qualifications. A small school district might need a math teacher and a retired engineer might be available, even though he or she has no certification.

Other Issues: What other issues do you believe will be the most pressing for the State Board of Education?

When I asked a student, the answer was, “Change the food!” A close friend of mine works for a school, and she has described it as awful. Standards have been set, and schools seek to meet the minimum standard the cheapest way possible.