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Texas U.S. Senator Choose 1

U.S. Senator: Six-year term. One of two members of the U.S. Senate from Texas. With the U.S. House, the Senate makes laws; raises revenues, appropriates federal funds and manages the federal debt; regulates commerce among states and with other nations; declares war and maintains and regulates the military; establishes the federal court system and defines federal crimes; and directs the census every ten years. The Senate has the exclusive power to advise and consent on presidential nominations to executive and judicial offices, to ratify U.S. treaties, and to try impeachments. Current annual salary: $174,000 Senado de los Estados Unidos: Mandato de seis años. Uno de los dos miembros del Senado de los Estados Unidos por Texas. Junto con la Cámara de Diputados de los Estados Unidos, el Senado dicta las leyes; recauda ingresos, asigna fondos federales y gestiona la deuda federal; regula el comercio entre estados y con otras naciones; declara la guerra y mantiene y regula al ejército; establece el sistema de tribunales federales y define los delitos federales; y dirige el censo cada diez años. El Senado tiene el poder exclusivo de asesorar y dar consentimiento sobre las nominaciones presidenciales a cargos ejecutivos y judiciales, ratificar tratados estadounidenses y dictaminar juicios políticos. Salario anual actual: $174,000 Thượng Nghị Sĩ Hoa Kỳ: Nhiệm kỳ sáu năm. Một trong hai thành viên của Thượng Viện Hoa Kỳ đến từ Texas. Phối hợp cùng Hạ Viện Hoa Kỳ, Thượng Viện xây dựng luật; tăng doanh thu, phân bổ ngân quỹ liên bang và quản lý nợ liên bang; điều hành thương mại giữa các tiểu bang và với các quốc gia khác; tuyên bố chiến tranh và duy trì, điều hành quân đội; thiết lập hệ thống tòa án liên bang và định nghĩa các tội ác liên bang; và chỉ đạo điều tra dân số mười năm một lần. Thượng Viện có đặc quyền cố vấn và chấp thuận các đề cử của tổng thống cho các chức vụ hành pháp và tư pháp, phê chuẩn các hiệp ước của Hoa Kỳ và tiến hành luận tội. Mức lương hàng năm hiện tại: 174.000 USD 美国参议员: 任期六年。来自德克萨斯州的两名美国参议院议员之一。参议院与众议院共同制定法律;增加收入、划拨联邦资金和管理联邦债务;管理各州之间以及与其他国家的贸易;宣战、维持和管理军队;建立联邦法院系统和界定联邦犯罪;以及指导每十年一次的人口普查。参议院拥有就行政和司法职位的总统提名提供建议和同意、批准美国条约以及审理弹劾案的专属权力。目前年薪:17.4万 美元

Voter Guide

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Ted Cruz (Rep)

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Democracy: What needs to be done to protect our democracy and restore faith in our institutions?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Immigration: What policy changes are needed so the U.S. immigration system is both effective and humane?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Cost of Living: What actions can Congress take to bring down the cost of living for Americans?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Reproductive Rights: What should Congress do to protect reproductive rights?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Climate Change: What measures need to be taken at the federal level to address the impacts of climate change?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Freedom of Speech: What is the role of the government in protecting freedom of speech while combating disinformation in the public sphere?

Candidate has not yet responded.

International Relations: What is the role of the U.S. in protecting democracy across the world and how do we balance that position against our economic interests?

Candidate has not yet responded.

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Colin Allred (Dem)

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Democracy: What needs to be done to protect our democracy and restore faith in our institutions?

Texas is sadly one of the hardest states to vote in. As a former voting rights attorney, I have seen firsthand the devastation on the faces of Americans when they are disenfranchised. I’m committed to ensuring that it is easy and safe for all eligible Americans to vote in our elections, which is why I have been a proud cosponsor of the John Lewis Freedom to Vote Act.

Immigration: What policy changes are needed so the U.S. immigration system is both effective and humane?

My mom was raised in Brownsville where I often spent summers visiting my grandmother. I support comprehensive reform that includes securing our border, reforming our asylum process, protecting Dreamers and providing a pathway to earned citizenship and matching our immigration system to the needs of our economy. I am a cosponsor of the bipartisan Dignity Act, and the Bipartisan Border Bill.

Cost of Living: What actions can Congress take to bring down the cost of living for Americans?

I was raised by a single mom and it wasn’t always easy. I know what it is like when costs go up. I was proud to champion legislation to lower health care and energy costs and cap the cost of prescription drugs and insulin for folks on Medicare. We also must cut the cost of child care, work towards universal pre-k and establish nationwide paid family and medical leave.

Reproductive Rights: What should Congress do to protect reproductive rights?

My wife and I were blessed to have two healthy boys in Dallas, and I cannot imagine if the doctor at one of those appointments had said that something was wrong with our baby but there was nothing they could do about it because of Texas’ abortion ban. Among the first pieces of legislation I plan to support is the Women’s Health Protection Act, which will codify Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.

Climate Change: What measures need to be taken at the federal level to address the impacts of climate change?

We can address the climate crisis, lower energy costs and incentivize economic growth simultaneously. We need an all-of-the-above energy approach that keeps costs low, creates jobs and strengthens our grid. For the last hundred years Texas has been an energy leader and I will continue to support responsible oil and gas production as well as our fast-growing wind, solar and hydrogen sectors.

Freedom of Speech: What is the role of the government in protecting freedom of speech while combating disinformation in the public sphere?

Protecting the freedom of speech is paramount, as that freedom is foundational to other freedoms. The government has a role to play in ensuring that this freedom is protected from bad actors and foreign adversaries. The rise of disinformation is incredibly concerning, and we must put in place guardrails and ensure our social media platforms counter harmful disinformation.

International Relations: What is the role of the U.S. in protecting democracy across the world and how do we balance that position against our economic interests?

These core values are not in tension. Smart trade policy is great diplomacy. This is one of the reasons I championed the USMCA agreement, to strengthen labor standards and grow our own economy with high-paying jobs. By creating trade agreements with other democracies, we can strengthen our own prosperity and independence while standing up to bad actors with a multilateral approach.

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Ted Brown (Lib)

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Democracy: What needs to be done to protect our democracy and restore faith in our institutions?

The two party system has not served our country at all. Voters need more choices and then be willing to vote for alternative parties that will present new ideas in Washington and at the State Capitol. It's hard to have a democracy when so many voices are not heard. The only voices that most politicians listen to are big contributors and corporations. Declare your Independence! Vote Libertarian.

Immigration: What policy changes are needed so the U.S. immigration system is both effective and humane?

Immigration is good for our country's economy and society. Immigrants just want a better life and have a much lower crime rate than native-born Americans. We need an Ellis Island-style immigration system that welcomes people who want to come to any point of entry, sign in, identify themselves, and be confirmed as not being a criminal. They should work from Day One and not be on welfare programs.

Cost of Living: What actions can Congress take to bring down the cost of living for Americans?

The $35 trillion national debt is unsustainable. The Federal Reserve printing money to pay the debt is what causes inflation. We need massive cuts in federal spending across the board in every department, agency, and program, including the military. I support the free market over taxes, spending, and regulation. The less government there is, the more prosperous and happy the people will be.

Reproductive Rights: What should Congress do to protect reproductive rights?

99% of abortions are performed in the 1st and 2nd trimesters, not late term, which is rare. Government should not get between women and their doctors on a completely personal decision about their own reproductive systems. I support a federal law to protect access to abortions nationwide, since so many red states (like Texas) want to limit women's personal choices.

Climate Change: What measures need to be taken at the federal level to address the impacts of climate change?

While climate change is happening, most proposals to counter it will do little or nothing to actually lower temperatures. Instead, the proposals want to damage Western economies while ignoring China's major emissions. We need a free market in energy, without government subsidies or controls. If we want less carbon emissions, we need to build more nuclear power plants, which have no emissions.

Freedom of Speech: What is the role of the government in protecting freedom of speech while combating disinformation in the public sphere?

I am a 1st Amendment free speech absolutist and oppose any government attempts to limit free speech. Government should never decide what information is accurate or true, since they are likely covering up their own misdeeds. Both my opponents want to ban Tik Tok. I say no to censorship. The solution to bad speech is more speech. We also have to protect Section 230 from any more attacks.

International Relations: What is the role of the U.S. in protecting democracy across the world and how do we balance that position against our economic interests?

I believe we should engage with every nation in free trade, diplomacy, and travel, but not militarily. I believe in a non-interventionist foreign policy where we are not involved in foreign conflicts. We interfere in every war (and cause a few) and sell or give weapons to various sides, leading to untold death and destruction around the world. Our economic interests are served by free trade.

Voter Guide

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Tracy Andrus (WI)

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Democracy: What needs to be done to protect our democracy and restore faith in our institutions?

To protect our democracy, we need to be more transparent and reduce racism and bigotry. America is a great nation but some people like are turning America into a ROGUE nation by trying to overthrow the government. There are some Justices who are acting like puppets and seem to be scared to interpet the law if it offends certain party members. We have work to do to restore faith in our institutions

Immigration: What policy changes are needed so the U.S. immigration system is both effective and humane?

Let the immigrants into America, give them legal status and let them pay taxes like everyone else. It is hypocrisy to act like we dont need the hispanics who come into this country. These people perform jobs that no one else want to do. We let them into our country and give them individual tax identification numbers and then cry foul! implement comprehensive immigration reform and keep it moving.

Cost of Living: What actions can Congress take to bring down the cost of living for Americans?

Hire more people and produce more products! We have more consumers and less producers. Over 117,000 illegal immigrants crossed the border in May 2024. These people need food, medicine, houses, schools etc. If we are allowing these many people to cross the border each month of course we will have a problem with supply and demand.

Reproductive Rights: What should Congress do to protect reproductive rights?

Codify Roe Vs. Wade and make it fedeeral law so states cannot frestrict a woman's right to make decisions regarding their bodies. I also believe that women should be responsible and accountable. If a woman have sex without using contraceptives and get pregnant, I believe that they should have the baby even if they give the baby up for adoption.

Climate Change: What measures need to be taken at the federal level to address the impacts of climate change?

We need to continue to research renewable and green energy while phasing out the use of fossil fuels. Our ozone layer has thinned and we see the collateral consequences it has had on our weather patterns. The last threwe years have been the hottest years on record. This is no coincidence. We've had more tornadoes and hurricanes than ever! All of this is a result of climate change!

Freedom of Speech: What is the role of the government in protecting freedom of speech while combating disinformation in the public sphere?

The government should protect free speech but not hate speech or speech that misinform the public. With the advent of AI and social media, it is more important than ever that we protect free speech! Public information can be lethal. AMERICA must combat disinformation in the public sphere.

International Relations: What is the role of the U.S. in protecting democracy across the world and how do we balance that position against our economic interests?

The United States is not the World's Police! I believe that we should work to preserve democracy all over the world but we must not meddle in international affairs that do not threaten our way of life. We must balance and be good stewarts of our resources in America.

Voter Guide

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Analisa Roche (WI)

Biographical Information

Democracy: What needs to be done to protect our democracy and restore faith in our institutions?

We need to elect people of integrity who we trust to work together in solidarity for the common good, regardless of which way they lean politically.

Immigration: What policy changes are needed so the U.S. immigration system is both effective and humane?

All policies must respect the infinite dignity of the life of every human being. Comprehensive reform is needed that both preserves border security and treats people humanely. Undocumented immigrants need workable pathways to citizenship. Family unification should be a top priority, as should protection of refugees and asylum seekers.

Cost of Living: What actions can Congress take to bring down the cost of living for Americans?

Congress can require workers be paid a living wage. Congress can also pass funding and tax incentives for affordable housing programs. It should consider rent control in some areas. Universal healthcare and other healthcare reform measures that reduce out-of-pocket costs for health should be passed. Social safety nets should be expanded and strengthened. The tax system should be reformed.

Reproductive Rights: What should Congress do to protect reproductive rights?

This question assumes that reproductive rights should be protected. I believe the inherent dignity of all human life should be protected, from the preborn child to the mother carrying it. Congress should expand support for those expecting children in the forms of assistance with healthcare, education, child care, and housing. I believe we can create a society where abortion is not necessary.

Climate Change: What measures need to be taken at the federal level to address the impacts of climate change?

Development of renewable energy needs to be funded. A carbon pricing system could reduce carbon footprints. Green infrastructure projects need to be invested in & sustainable agriculture needs to be promoted. Large-scale reforestation and protection of biodiversity is essential. The US should lead international climate agreements. Marginalized & vulnerable communities should receive particular aid

Freedom of Speech: What is the role of the government in protecting freedom of speech while combating disinformation in the public sphere?

Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right essential for democracy. Government must protect it. Censorship should only ever be used cautiously. Government must promote truth by fostering a culture of truthfulness and critical thinking. Election of people with integrity will go a long way towards this effort. Encouraging media literacy and education will also help.

International Relations: What is the role of the U.S. in protecting democracy across the world and how do we balance that position against our economic interests?

The US has a responsibility to support human rights and democratic values worldwide; we should, however, be cautious about military intervention. Foreign aid is our best tool for promoting human rights and democracy. Work with international organizations such as the UN is important. Fair trade agreements must protect labor rights and environmental standards. Targeted economic sanctions are a tool.