Voter Guide

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Nebraska US House of Rep - District 1 Choose 1

This is a partisan race, but all candidates from all parties are being made available for viewing. Voters registered with the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian and Legal Marijuana NOW parties will only see their party’s candidates on their primary ballots.During a Statewide Primary Election, Nonpartisan voters may request to vote the Federal ballot for the House and Senate from one political party in addition to their Nonpartisan Ballot. They cannot vote the primary ballot for President, Governor, or partisan County offices unless the state political party chooses to allow nonpartisan voters to vote for all partisan offices. State political parties may choose to open their entire partisan ballot to nonpartisan voters prior to each Statewide Primary Election.The Republican primary is a closed race; the only races on the Nonpartisan Republican ballot for this election are for U.S. Senator and U.S. House of Representatives.Nebraska’s other three state political parties are conducting open races; all races for which the parties have candidates will appear on their Nonpartisan ballots.A Nonpartisan voter may only vote for candidates from ONE party, in addition to the regular Nonpartisan ballot.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Carol Blood (Dem)

Biographical Information

Education Metropolitan Community College
Current Public Office, dates held Elected in 2016 to serve District 3 in the Nebraska Legislature. Re-elected in 2020.
Past Public Office, dates held Elected as the At-Large Representative on the Bellevue City Council in 2008. Re-elected in 2012.
Military experience NA
Volunteer experience Bellevue Farmers Market, Bellevue Public Safety Foundation, Sarpy County Museum, Military Families Support, Veteran's Support, Foodbanks, decades of volunteerism to my community.

Discuss how you would maintain the solvency of Social Security and Medicare.

For Social Security: 1. Raise the Minimum Wage 2. Lower benefits for the highest-earning beneficiaries 3. Raise the Social Security payroll tax cap are three solutions that are a good path to SS solvency. For Medicare 1. Protect Medicare from budget cuts 2. Pharmacy Benefits Managers. 3. Telehealth expansion. 4. Review payment policy updates and take action to provide fair and effective payment policies. 5. Enhancing transparency on healthcare pricing and billing.

How do you plan to address immigration reform?

Immigration reform falls squarely on the shoulders of Congress & passing a long-term budget bill. Border Patrol officials say they need money & better resources/infrastructure to be able to process immigrants at the border. More staff is needed at the Ports of Entry where the vast majority of illegal drugs are being trafficked. They don't have enough staff or logistical support to even deport people when they want to do that. Before migrants reach the US border, we can support asylum processing & work with the Mexican government to expand shelter capacity & security. We need more immigration judges to speed up case processing times because the backlog is 5+ years preventing people from being able to have their asylum claims heard.

What is your stance on access to abortion and contraception?

I believe that safe and accessible reproductive healthcare is a basic right that is supported by science, medicine and respect for human dignity.

What are the most important challenges facing our country, and how do you propose to address them?

Protecting Social Security & Medicare as we know it (addressed in Question #1); Healthcare Affordability (same framework as my answers to protecting Medicare); Immigration (also previously answered); Poor government leadership/hyper partisanship-So I will work for the people and on policy NOT partisan politics and parties as I've done over the last 18 years as an elected official; High Cost of Living-Making sure every American has the tools they need for a better life, which means lifting up working class Americans with fair wages/affordable healthcare/family medical leave/access to childcare/housing and bringing back the ability to create generational wealth; and the Economy which means we need long term budgets and goals for our future.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Michael Connely (Rep)

Biographical Information

Education AA (Ca), AS(Tx), BA(NY), MBA(Ok/Japan), Multiple Military Schools
Current Public Office, dates held N/A
Past Public Office, dates held N/A
Military experience Marine Corp and Air Force
Volunteer experience Red Cross, Lincoln Literacy Council, Innocence Project,Big Brothers of America, Korean Orphanage Project
Campaign Twitter Handle @@ConnelyForNe

Discuss how you would maintain the solvency of Social Security and Medicare.

Social Security was intended to pay workers who had contributed to the program throughout their lives. It has now become a catch-all for multiple programs. ALL those programs, except for the retirement portion, need to be cut out and budgeted in other departments. SS for retirees, needs to be left alone. Additionally. the age of retirement needs to revert back to 65. We are not magically getting healthier or longer lived. Our longevity is reversing. We have another bigger problem. The Social Security funds have ALL been borrowed by our Federal government. They are on the books but in reality, they do not exist. They are spent. We MUST make drastic cuts in our government as Argentina has done to save Social Security and more.

How do you plan to address immigration reform?

I recently spoke with an immigration attorney who told me that since Biden took office, the legal entry of immigrants has dropped to 30% of what it was during President Trump`s term. Many productive workers from Mexico and other countries contribute greatly to our society. Many Hispanic families have admirable family values, having them here is a benefit, and the process to allow them into the country needs to be rewritten. With my extensive international experience, I would undertake that rewrite. Meanwhile, multiple countries are clearing out their jails and sending them here. We need a 100% cessation of non-documented aliens crossing our borders. Immigrants who did not initially enter legally MUST leave, and file legally to enter.

What is your stance on access to abortion and contraception?

On contraception, I am very lacking in knowledge, so have no comment.

On abortion...there is one issue that everyone seems to forget; very few mothers would willingly give up a baby unless they were nervous or afraid. To me it is unimaginable to give up a life that is part me. Since this is the big problem that leads to abortion, we must focus on ensuring that NO mother worries about her future, her work, her school, or her family. There are organizations that do help pregnant and new mothers. We must make sure that all expectant mothers know of these services and that they are VERY simple to access. As a nation, we cannot survive if we rip out growing babies from the wombs of their mothers and sell body parts for profit! Help moms.

What are the most important challenges facing our country, and how do you propose to address them?

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting" (Sun Tzu, ancient Chinese strategist). Since 2006, every Chinese officer, soldier and sailor has been required to study Sun Tzu`s book "The Art of War" as a required textbook. We are currently in a state of war with the Communist Chinese party. They know it, but most Americans do not.

The well-organized riots in the Northwest were well-funded. On street corners, individuals with blue caps would pay bail for jail and a cash reward for mayhem and rioting.

There is a surge of military-age Chinese males crossing our southern border. All of them have been given clearance by CCP to leave China. Thousands here now

The CCP is funding a silent war and most people do not see it.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Mike Flood (Rep)

Biographical Information

Discuss how you would maintain the solvency of Social Security and Medicare.

Candidate has not yet responded.

How do you plan to address immigration reform?

Candidate has not yet responded.

What is your stance on access to abortion and contraception?

Candidate has not yet responded.

What are the most important challenges facing our country, and how do you propose to address them?

Candidate has not yet responded.