Voter Guide

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Village of Belgium Trustee Choose 3

The Village of Belgium has 3 open seats for this election. Vote for 3.The term for village trustee begins on April 16, 2024.  All terms are for two years.The Village Board consists of the Village President and six Trustees, all of whom shall be elected from the Village at-large. The terms for both the Village President and Village Trustees are three years. The Village Board serves as the legislative arm of Village government. Trustees are individual members of the Village Board. Individual Trustees are not empowered to act on behalf of the Village, and can only exercise power when a quorum or majority of the Board is present.Village Board Functions ∗ Involve, represent and be accountable to the public ∗ Determine which services are to be provided ∗ Adopt the annual budget and levy taxes ∗Hire, evaluate and retain good Administration ∗ Regulate within statutory authority ∗ Cooperate with other levels of government ∗Focus on long-term rather than past or short-term ∗ Conduct strategic planning addressing key issues and opportunities ∗Determine overall mission and purpose ∗ Establish Village’s vision ∗Establish long-term desired results

Voter Guide

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Don Gotcher (Non)

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Candidate has not yet responded.

Voter Guide

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Sarah Heisler (Non)

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Candidate has not yet responded.

Voter Guide

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Chris Plier (Non)

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Candidate has not yet responded.