Voter Guide

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Delta County Commissioner District 3 Choose 1

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Bob Barron (Rep)

Biographical Information

Campaign Phone 906-786-7027
Age 73
Biography Gladstone whole life. Married to Barbara, three sons and two granddaughters. Former dairy operator, now Management Intensive Grazier with brother Tom, apx 800-1000 head.
Education Asso Bay, BS MSU, BayTrustee 31 yr, FCS Dir.11 yr. Berean Baptist mem, hd usher. Delta Co.,Commish 3+ yr. And more...
Facebook page none

Why are you seeking this seat?

I currently am in this seat and am under recall due to the terminating of a disgruntled, insubordinate employee.This employee blind sided The Board under an agenda item entitled, Administrator's Contract.The Administrator's 11 minute tirade (on u-tube 2/7/23) was anything but the contract. I desire to continue in this seat doing what is right for the County.

What do you consider the biggest challenge facing the County?

The biggest challenge facing the County is this recall effort to replace 3 Constitutional Commissioners with those who would impose upon the County their Wokist-Marxist Agenda.They and supporters have made it clear in Board meetings and cyber space they hate God, Family, Country and especially Strait Christian White Men. Please, People of Delta County, realize this Spiritual War is at our doorstep.

What do you consider the biggest challenge facing the Board of County Commissioners?

The biggest challenge facing the Board is the same as what the County is facing. {see previous question and answer}

What would be your top three priorities as a County Commissioner?

Our TOP PRIORITY is to study, learn, and adhere to our foundation of this Nation, which will give to us THE SOLUTIONS to our problems.

Have the recent issues at the airport been resolved? If not, how would you as a Commissioner address them? And, what should be done in the future to avoid such issues again?

Our airport is managerily back to flight due to the phenomenal effort of our new airport Manager, Robert Ranstadler and his staff. The investigative report of the melt down of the previous airport manager under our previous Administrator has been sent to FAA for review and potential further investigation. When returned, policies and procedures will be developed with the intent of preventing a future occurrence.

In the past, the Delta County Prosecutor's Office represented the County in legal matters. Recently the County hired an outside attorney to be the primary legal counsel. Do you agree with the County's current legal counsel structure? Why or why not?

Your statement is very misleading. The County has been using the Prosecutor's Office beginning in 2019 when Phil Strom was Administrator, he being the Former Prosecutor recommended this. Our Corporate Council has been invaluable in investigating the management melt down of our former airport manager under our previous Administrator. Also our Council has allowed The Board to navigate past the potential conflicts of interest, being The Board oversees the Prosecutor's budget.

The State of Michigan recently passed legislation that would preempt existing local siting authority and grant siting authority to the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) for utility-scale renewable energy facilities. Do you support or oppose this effort and explain why or why not?

This statement and question indicate a shallow understanding of the legislation. This legislation doesn't preempt local authority, it puts an upper limit on its regulatory ability. This is evidenced by The County Solar Ordinance which is well within the limits vs Escanaba Township which has regulated Solar Farms out of existence (out of limit). Therefore denying all private property rights for Solar. True local control of property is by the owner!

Delta County Parks and Recreation Department manages the County Forest. What changes, if any, do you see in the management of the County Forest, such as public access and the locking of gates. What changes or vision do you have for them? How would you fund and implement that vision?

The County Forest has met and exceeded the management plan presented to DNR Trust Fund i.e., there are more public access sites, parking and walking trails than called for.The gates are closed during the winter to prevent damage to the two rut seasonal roads during spring breakup by very disrespectful individuals. The Public can view this now, as the ungated public road leading to the County Forest is a quagmire.The Public has never been denied access to the Forest.

Do you believe the County Commissioners have adequate ethics policies? If not, what changes would you make?

The County ethics policies are adequate for what they are statutorily designed to do. Their limitations are that elected officials ethics (the moral principles that govern a person's behavior) are excepted or rejected by the electorate.

How would you approach situations that may occur when the views of your constituents do not align with your own political views?

This question assumes we're a democracy (Mob Rule) and that my views are to align with the Mob (absolute rule). We are a Constitutional, Representative, Republic. That is The Rule of Law. My Oath of Office clearly directs that: "Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people". Righteousness is submitting to the will and Statutes of God upon which we are founded. This includes citizens and elected officials alike.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Myra Croasdell (NP)

Biographical Information

Campaign Phone 906-399-7747
Age 55
Biography Born in Escanaba raised in Brampton. Married for 28 years 4 children 2 granddaughters
Education Graduated from Gladstone high school. Graduated from Bay college with an associates degree and early childhood development.

Why are you seeking this seat?

I always had a strong interest in serving my community but never knew how to get started so when this opportunity presented itself I was like it’s my time. I believe that I can be an unbiased, thoughtful contributor to county discussions, well keeping the best interest of the public as my primary focus.

What do you consider the biggest challenge facing the County?

There are a lot of challenges that delta county is facing a couple of things airport, low income housing, the board going in the wrong way.

What do you consider the biggest challenge facing the Board of County Commissioners?

Getting back on track and to get the trust back from the people of delta county.

What would be your top three priorities as a County Commissioner?

There is a lot of things that need to be a priority low income housing, veterans, and the airport but we cannot forget trust, integrity, ethics.

Have the recent issues at the airport been resolved? If not, how would you as a Commissioner address them? And, what should be done in the future to avoid such issues again?

Issues, according to commissioners is being sent to the FAA so resolved in whose eyes not enough information given to the public from Mr. Graham to understand the whole investigation the airport may or may not have been in crisis, not again enough information given to the public. No I do not believe it has been resolved. It has been just all cloak and dagger. To make the DELTA county airport a top priority.

In the past, the Delta County Prosecutor's Office represented the County in legal matters. Recently the County hired an outside attorney to be the primary legal counsel. Do you agree with the County's current legal counsel structure? Why or why not?

No, I do not agree with the counties current legal council structure. I believe it all should be done by the prosecuting office if there was a conflict of interest, prosecutor would’ve handed it off to another entity. Graham is costing the county lots of money.

The State of Michigan recently passed legislation that would preempt existing local siting authority and grant siting authority to the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) for utility-scale renewable energy facilities. Do you support or oppose this effort and explain why or why not?

I would need more information not enough, has been given on the on the new law, if it would be good or not for the state, I would need more information more facts to render my support or to oppose it

Delta County Parks and Recreation Department manages the County Forest. What changes, if any, do you see in the management of the County Forest, such as public access and the locking of gates. What changes or vision do you have for them? How would you fund and implement that vision?

This question for me to answer, I would have to do some research get some facts and educate myself on it

Do you believe the County Commissioners have adequate ethics policies? If not, what changes would you make?

Ethnics right now the county board does not have I would reestablish the ethics policy and make each other held accountable. Be more transparent, allowing commissioners and public to be prepared for each meeting allow the public to have a voice and allow it to be heard. I would bring back zoom so more people can participate and give live public comment.

How would you approach situations that may occur when the views of your constituents do not align with your own political views?

I do not have a personal opinion when it comes to my constituents view . They are the ones who put me there by electing me I will do the work for them. I will be the voice for them. I will do my research and get the facts and help come to a common goal.