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Texas State House District 74 Choose 1

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Robert Garza (Rep)

Biographical Information

Gun Safety: What steps, if any, should be taken to curb gun violence in our communities?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Elections: Considering the high rate of vote-by-mail ballot rejections in the 2022 Primary Elections, what changes, if any, are needed to Texas election laws?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Abortion: How would you address the economic and health consequences for those who cannot obtain abortions in Texas?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Children's Health: Do you believe the government should become involved in healthcare decisions made for children by their parents and physicians? Please explain.

Candidate has not yet responded.

Power Grid: What can be done to ensure that Texas has sufficient power during extreme weather conditions?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Vouchers: What is your position on using public funds for school vouchers for private schools and why?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Economy: What can be done at the state level to address the high rate of inflation and other economic challenges faced by Texans?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Autonomy of Local Government: Under what circumstances should the state government limit the authority of elected local officials?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Immigration: What is the role of the state government in enforcing federal immigration laws?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Government: How do you propose to create better working relationships between members of the legislature?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Climate Change: What are the most significant impacts of climate change, and what measures, if any, need to be taken to address them?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Health Care: Do you think Texas should expand Medicaid? Why or why not?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Open Government: How will you ensure government transparency (open records, open meetings) is maintained during a state of emergency?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Public Education: What are your top priorities for public education?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Standardized Testing: What role should state standardized testing play in the public schools?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Other Issues: What other issues do you believe will be most pressing in the next session of the Texas legislature, and what are your positions on these issues?

Candidate has not yet responded.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Eddie Morales Jr. (Dem)

Biographical Information

Campaign Phone 830-513-1124
Campaign Twitter Handle @@moralesfortexas
Education/Degrees Juris Doctorate
Professional Experience Small business owner and practicing attorney
Community Involvement Former City Attorney, current State Representative

Gun Safety: What steps, if any, should be taken to curb gun violence in our communities?

There are many common-sense practices we could implement that we see across the country including raising the age to by a semi-automatic rifle to 21, background checks, and red flag laws. If we had these in place, we would not have to bear the tragedies we continue to witness.

Elections: Considering the high rate of vote-by-mail ballot rejections in the 2022 Primary Elections, what changes, if any, are needed to Texas election laws?

I currently serve on the Texas House Elections Committee. It is imperative we expand access to the ballot box by enacting online voter registration and moving the deadline to register closer to Election Day.

Abortion: How would you address the economic and health consequences for those who cannot obtain abortions in Texas?

Texas has extreme anti-choice laws that cause women to flee the state and discourage women and health professionals from moving to Texas to serve our communities. We need to repeal these laws and restore freedom & choice to women and families across Texas. The government should not be involved in these decisions.

Children's Health: Do you believe the government should become involved in healthcare decisions made for children by their parents and physicians? Please explain.

No. Parents know best the needs of their children.

Power Grid: What can be done to ensure that Texas has sufficient power during extreme weather conditions?

Texas has made significant improvements with grid reliability -- we have seen that success play out in the previous two years. However, having the privilege of serving on the House Committee on Energy Resources, we must continue fostering energy dominance and innovation. This includes upcoming technologies in Geothermal, nuclear, and renewable resources.

Vouchers: What is your position on using public funds for school vouchers for private schools and why?

Public dollars belong in public schools, period. I support increasing funds for our public schools, along with a raise for our teachers, to ensure our students have the resources they need to succeed. I will not support taxpayer funding for private school tuition.

Economy: What can be done at the state level to address the high rate of inflation and other economic challenges faced by Texans?

The most impactful thing Texas can do is keep more money in taxpayers' pockets by reducing the property tax burden. This can be done by increasing the state's share of public education funding, alleviating the burden of school district taxes. We are all feeling the pinch, but we continue to see a decline in inflation and a rebounding economy following the pandemic. I believe we should continue building on our relationship with Mexico and increasing our trade to bring low-cost goods to consumers that can propel our border economy and reduce our reliance on countries overseas, including China.

Autonomy of Local Government: Under what circumstances should the state government limit the authority of elected local officials?

Local officials know best how to run their communities. We can streamline regulation at the state level to decrease red tape, however, promote local control as much as possible.

Immigration: What is the role of the state government in enforcing federal immigration laws?

The State should not overstep its purview on federal immigration law, but there are means we can do as a state to support communities along the border that have dealt with unprecedented levels of immigration. As a state, we cracked down on human smuggling, fentanyl distribution, and stash houses from which the cartels profit.

Government: How do you propose to create better working relationships between members of the legislature?

I have been one of the most bipartisan members of the legislature, working across the aisle on good policy for Texans. I encourage elected officials to work on solutions, not partisan politics that continue to callous civil discourse.

Climate Change: What are the most significant impacts of climate change, and what measures, if any, need to be taken to address them?

Climate change is a real and pressing issue. A driving factor in warming is our methane emissions. While we have a robust oil & gas industry that drives Texas forward, I believe in private-public collaboration to reduce these emissions and work to combat climate change.

Health Care: Do you think Texas should expand Medicaid? Why or why not?

100%. Texas must expand Medicaid. Texas has the highest rate of uninsured residents in the nation. Our rural hospitals continue to close and access is dwindling. We are leaving $5 billion on the table annually for expansion, while our tax dollars go toward Medicaid expansion in other states.

Open Government: How will you ensure government transparency (open records, open meetings) is maintained during a state of emergency?

Whether it is audits, pubic hearings, etc., I will always ensure the government is transparent and the public is up-to-date on the use of their tax-dollars and their government's operations.

Public Education: What are your top priorities for public education?

We must raise the basic allotment, increase teacher pay, and change the funding formula from district valuations to collections to ensure each district gets what it deserves. These issues are critical to fixing a broken system, but it's also imperative for the future of our public education system to reject vouchers.

Standardized Testing: What role should state standardized testing play in the public schools?

Standardized testing is not an end-all-be-all metric that should impact a student's trajectory or funding. However, these tests can help us gauge patterns, trajectories, and other data that can be useful when analyzing policy decisions.

Other Issues: What other issues do you believe will be most pressing in the next session of the Texas legislature, and what are your positions on these issues?

For West and South Texas, water is a paramount issue. We need a robust investment in new water supply and update our outdated infrastructure where we lose roughly 12% of our water.