Voter Guide

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Nebraska US House of Rep - District 2 Choose 1

This is a partisan race, but all candidates from all parties are being made available for viewing. Voters registered with the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian and Legal Marijuana NOW parties will only see their party’s candidates on their primary ballots. During a Statewide Primary Election, Nonpartisan voters may request to vote the Federal ballot for the House and Senate from one political party in addition to their Nonpartisan Ballot. They cannot vote the primary ballot for President, Governor, or partisan County offices unless the state political party chooses to allow nonpartisan voters to vote for all partisan offices. State political parties may choose to open their entire partisan ballot to nonpartisan voters prior to each Statewide Primary Election. The Republican primary is a closed race; the only races on the Nonpartisan Republican ballot for this election are for U.S. Senator and U.S. House of Representatives. Nebraska’s other three state political parties are conducting open races; all races for which the parties have candidates will appear on their Nonpartisan ballots. A Nonpartisan voter may only vote for candidates from ONE party, in addition to the regular Nonpartisan ballot.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Don Bacon (Rep)

Biographical Information

Education Bachelors of Political Science, Northern Illinois University; Masters Degrees from the University of Phoenix and the National War College; distinguished graduate of the Air Command and Staff College, Navigator-Electronic Warfare School
Current Public Office, dates held January 2017 to Present
Military experience Retired Brigadier General, United States Air Force
Volunteer experience Youth for Christ; Salvation Army's Kroc Center
Campaign Twitter Handle @@donjbacon

Discuss how you would maintain the solvency of Social Security and Medicare.

Since 2015, I have been adamant that we need to modernize Social Security and Medicare to ensure they do not go insolvent for both the generations who have paid into them and are soon expecting their hard earned benefits, but for future generations as well. If we do nothing, recipients will lose approximately 25% of their benefits in 2034, with each year thereafter those benefits further declining. I have cosponsored HR 281, legislation that would establish a Bipartisan Commission to address the long-term solvency of Social Security. Republican and Democrat legislators, their policy staff, and experts in the field must come together to ensure Social Security and Medicare will survive for this generation and beyond.

How do you plan to address immigration reform?

This country was founded by immigrants, and there is no secret that American industry is starving for more workers. That being said, immigrants to this country need to come here through a legal process. Unless provisions are included to secure the Southern Border and stop the flow of fentanyl and human trafficking, it will be very difficult to get immigration reform passed. Border security should include the Remain in Mexico Policy, increased funding for border patrol, physical barriers where necessary, and a mandate from the Congress to the executive branch to enforce the current immigration laws on the books. Effective border security will enable legal immigration reform and more opportunities for people to legally immigrate to America.

What is your stance on access to abortion and contraception?

I believe we are created in God's image and, therefore, am pro-life and believe in the dignity of human life in the womb. I have always stated that we should protect the life of the mother. I have also agreed to exceptions for rape and incest, if that agreement enabled restrictions on abortion to three months, like we have in Nebraska now. At the federal level, I am supportive of Senator Graham's 15-week abortion restriction because some states have zero abortion restrictions even at nine months of pregnancy, while I acknowledge no abortion legislation will pass 60 votes in the Senate. I support the Hyde amendment because I agree with most Americans that taxpayers should not fund abortion. I support access to contraception.

What are the most important challenges facing our country, and how do you propose to address them?

It is clear to me that the number one problem facing this nation is our own internal divisions. Americans must stop looking at each other as enemies, but instead as good people who can agree to disagree. Elected leaders must do a better job setting a positive standard for the American people, and I am committed to that mission. We must lower the temperature, calm the rhetoric, and remember that we are all Americans working toward a more perfect union. Our national debt is also a crippling problem for our nation's future. I support a bipartisan commission to address our national debt and restore fiscal responsibility in our government. Finally, we must support our allies against the rising threats of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Dan Frei (Rep)

Biographical Information

Discuss how you would maintain the solvency of Social Security and Medicare.

Candidate chose not to respond.

How do you plan to address immigration reform?

Candidate chose not to respond.

What is your stance on access to abortion and contraception?

Candidate chose not to respond.

What are the most important challenges facing our country, and how do you propose to address them?

Candidate chose not to respond.

Voter Guide

Candidate picture

Tony Vargas (Dem)

Biographical Information

Education Bachelors of Arts, University of New York - Rochester; Masters of Education, Pace University
Current Public Office, dates held Nebraska Legislature, District 7 (January 2017 - Present); Member, Appropriations Committee; Chair, Legislature's Planning Committee; Vice Chair, Executive Board of the Legislative Council
Past Public Office, dates held Omaha Public Schools Board of Education, Subdistrict 9 (Dates: October 2013 - December 2016)
Military experience None
Volunteer experience Board Member, One World Community Health Center; Member, Sons of Italy Nebraska; Member, GI Forum; Member, Dahlman Neighborhood Association; Parishioner and Eucharistic Minister, St. Francis Cabrini Church
Campaign Twitter Handle @@tonyvargas

Discuss how you would maintain the solvency of Social Security and Medicare.

Social Security is a promise that must be maintained for every generation. Plans to cut earned benefits or raise the retirement age must be stopped. My mother retired last year. She worked two or more jobs for much of her life and now she deserves a fulfilling retirement that Social Security provides. With more people relying on the program for their entire retirement savings, we must take steps to secure a retirement for everyone who worked hard to earn it. To maintain the solvency, I support the wealthy paying their fair share by making earnings over $400,000 a year taxable for Social Security. We must expand the ability of Medicare to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices on more drugs to save seniors money.

How do you plan to address immigration reform?

I support bipartisan immigration reform that creates an earned pathway to citizenship for those without criminal records. I believe this must be coupled with effective border security measures that will keep families safe. We need more border security officers, more inspection equipment to keep out fentanyl and stop drug smugglers, and more resources to properly process those seeking to come to this country in safe and humane ways. But above all, this issue just shows how broken Washington is. Everyone agrees that our current immigration system is broken, yet they can’t put politics aside to get something done that will fix it. If we want results, it's time to send a representative to Washington who is a proven bipartisan leader.

What is your stance on access to abortion and contraception?

Politicians should have no say in women’s personal medical decisions. The overturning of Roe and the subsequent abortion ban passed here in Nebraska have made it harder for doctors to do their job, and have put women into dangerous situations. Subsequent attacks like the decision in Alabama have threatened IVF and other family planning services. Access to IVF must be protected. I will work to restore Roe v Wade into law to protect the freedom and rights of Nebraskans. As someone who’s wife nearly died during the birth of our daughter, this issue hits particularly close to home. We felt the terror of a family in a medical crisis. It was doctors and nurses who helped us through it, not politicians inserting themselves into the doctor's office

What are the most important challenges facing our country, and how do you propose to address them?

We must lower costs for Nebraska families. My wife and I are working parents who have to budget and balance our accounts every month. The costs of food, childcare, housing, and medical care have become outrageous and prohibitive for many Americans. These can all be addressed in Congress if we elect people who understand the struggle of going through them. Working to hold corporations that are price gouging accountable, expanding the ability of Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices and extending those prices to all Americans, incentivizing affordable housing investments, and reinstating the expanded child tax credit are all my goals. My top priority when I am elected will be to put more money back into your pocket.