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Rhode Island
Marvin L Abney (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 73
Mia A Ackerman (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 45
Jonathon Acosta (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 16
Milan E Adams IV (Rep)
candidate for
Exeter Town Council
William J Aiello (Ind)
candidate for
Westerly Town Council
Edith H Ajello (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 01
Diane Bampton Allen (Rep)
candidate for
Exeter Town Council
Donison Lapham Allen (Rep)
candidate for
Burrillville School Committee
Jane Gladys Allen (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 31
Patricia A Alley (Dem)
candidate for
South Kingstown Town Council
Andrew C Allsopp (Dem)
candidate for
Jamestown School Committee
Kimberly L Alves (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan Town Council
Karen Alzate (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 60
Leonidas Amarant (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan Town Council
Gabriel Amo (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In Congress District 1
Brendon J Andrade (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan School Committee
Peter A Appollonio Jr (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 29
Mark D Aramli (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council At Large
Michael A Araujo (Dem)
candidate for
Pawtucket Council-At-Large
Jennifer E Armstrong (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan School Committee
Albert Kenneth Aubin (Rep)
candidate for
Glocester Town Sergeant
Gregory J Avedisian (Dem)
candidate for
Hopkinton Chariho School Committee
Samuel Angelo Azzinaro (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 37
Glenn A Babcock (NON)
candidate for
Charlestown Non-Partisan Planning Commission
Tatiana Baena (NON)
candidate for
Central Falls Non-Partisan City Council - At Large
Jacquelyn Maria Baginski (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 17
Ernest A Balasco (Dem)
candidate for
Exeter Town Council
James D Barrentine (Rep)
candidate for
Foster Town Council
Justin P Batalon (Rep)
candidate for
Burrillville Town Council
Jose F Batista (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 12
Catherine Bay (Rep)
candidate for
Foster Town Council
Dorald W Beasley (Ind)
candidate for
South Kingstown Town Council
Christopher Alan Beauchamp (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan Mayor
John Armand Beauregard (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan Town Council
Samuel Wade Bell (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 05
David A Bennett (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 20
Deborah D Bergner (Dem)
candidate for
South Kingstown Town Council
John Joseph Bevilacqua (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 25
Victor Bevilacqua Jr (Rep)
candidate for
Burrillville School Committee
Nancy A Beye (Dem)
candidate for
Jamestown Town Council
Nathan W Biah (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 03
Jacob Ernest Bissaillon (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 01
Amanda Janine Blais (Ind)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 19
Leo R Blais (NON)
candidate for
Coventry Non-Partisan Town Council At-Large
Christopher Joseph Blane (Rep)
candidate for
New Shoreham Moderator
Sondra A Blank (Dem)
candidate for
Portsmouth Town Council
Christopher Richard Blazejewski (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 02
Rebecca Bolan (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan School Committee
Christopher M Borden (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 70
Christopher Edward Buonanno (Rep)
candidate for
Cranston Council - City Wide
Paul Aldege Bourget (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan School Committee
Sean M Bouzan (Rep)
candidate for
Burrillville School Committee
Angelica L Bovis (Dem)
candidate for
Smithfield Town Council
Robert A Boyden (Rep)
candidate for
Foster Town Moderator
Mark D Boyer (Rep)
candidate for
West Greenwich Town Council
Jennifer Smith Boylan (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 66
Jon D Brien (Ind)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 49
Erik G Brine (Dem)
candidate for
Jamestown Town Council
Robert Britto (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 18
Jessica A. Brough (Ind)
candidate for
East Greenwich School Committee (Unexpired Term)
Michelle Brousseau (Dem)
candidate for
South Kingstown School Committee
Anne Martha Brown (Rep)
candidate for
Burrillville Town Council
Frank M Brown Jr (NON)
candidate for
Coventry Non-Partisan Town Council At-Large
Ryan E Brown (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 49
Maria A Bucci (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 15
John W Buehler (Rep)
candidate for
South Kingstown School Committee
Michael Stephen Burk (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Town Council
Daniel J Burke (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 31
Dolores Jean Burke (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 31
Donald G Burke (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan School Committee
John P Burke (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 09
Loretta M Burke (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan School Committee
Jonathan E Burlingame (Rep)
candidate for
Glocester Town Council
Robert W Burns (Rep)
candidate for
Hopkinton Town Council
Eleanor Raposa Byrne (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Charter Review Commission
Benjamin William Caisse (Dem)
candidate for
Smithfield School Committee
Justine A Caldwell (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 30
Charles C Calenda (Rep)
candidate for
West Greenwich Town Council
Stephanie Lynn Calise (Rep)
candidate for
Glocester Town Council
Daniel A Calkin (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 30
Natha T. Calouro (Ind)
candidate for
Bristol Town Council
Lauryn Pregoni Camara (Dem)
candidate for
Cranston Council - City Wide
Richard D. Campopiano (Rep)
candidate for
Cranston Council - City Wide
Alisa M Capaldi (NON)
candidate for
Coventry Non-Partisan Town Council District 02
Jennifer Lee Caputi (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 26
David R Carlin III (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council District 03
Amanda M Carlow (NON)
candidate for
Coventry Non-Partisan School Committee District 04
Deborah A Carney (Dem)
candidate for
Charlestown Town Council
Nell Marie Carpenter (Rep)
candidate for
Richmond Town Council
Lauren H Carson (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 75
Robert David Case (Dem)
candidate for
North Kingstown School Committee
Stephen Matthew Casey (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 50
Julie Ann Casimiro (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 31
Julie Ann Casimiro (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 31
Liana Cassar (Dem)
candidate for
Barrington Town Council
Lynn Underwood Ceglie (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council District 02
Joan B Chabot (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Town Clerk
Susan D Chase (Dem)
candidate for
Little Compton School Committee
John Altan Chelo (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Town Council
Ricki R Chevalier (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Michael W Chippendale (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 40
Amy B Christian (Rep)
candidate for
Smithfield Town Council
Frank Anthony Ciccone III (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 07
Michael Coggeshall (Dem)
candidate for
Foster Town Sergeant
Michael A Colasante (Rep)
candidate for
Richmond Town Council
Christopher D. Coleman (Ind)
candidate for
Barrington Town Council
Janice M Colerick (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 49
Kelsey Kristine Coletta (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 42
Susan Diane Coletta (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 31
Charles A Collins Jr (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Town Council
Zachary Alexander Colon (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 30
Zoe Elizibeth Colon (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 30
Jason S Colonies (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan Town Council
Craig R Committo (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Town Council
Peter D Connerton Sr (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan Town Council
William D Connell Jr (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 05
Steven Contente (Ind)
candidate for
Bristol Town Administrator
Emily Ann Copeland (Dem)
candidate for
Portsmouth School Committee
Scott R Copley (NON)
candidate for
Coventry Non-Partisan Town Council District 05
Melissa M Cordeiro (Dem)
candidate for
Bristol Town Clerk
Joy L Cordio (Dem)
candidate for
Westerly Town Council
Caryn Pam Corenthal (Dem)
candidate for
East Greenwich Town Council
Terri-Denise Cortvriend (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 72
Arthur J Corvese (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 55
Steven Joseph Corvi (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In Congress District 2
Amie Lynn Costa (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan School Committee
Gregory J Costantino (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 44
Molly K Cote (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan School Committee
Megan L Cotter (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 39
James C Cournoyer (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Robert E Craven (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 32
Cherie L Cruz (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 58
Elizabeth Evans Cullen (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan School Committee
Richard P Daddario (Dem)
candidate for
Tiverton Judge Of Probate
David M Dagostino (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Town Council
Derick E Daley (Ind)
candidate for
Barrington Town Council
Sharon Ann Davis (Dem)
candidate for
Hopkinton Town Council
Matthew S Dawson (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 65
Michael E Day (Rep)
candidate for
South Kingstown Town Council
David P De La Cruz (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan School Committee
Jessica de la Cruz (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 23
Bradford S. Dean (Ind)
candidate for
Cumberland Mayor
Hugo J Deascentis Jr (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council District 01
Michael C Decotis (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan School Committee
Rebecca J DeCristofaro (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan Town Council
Olivia Defrancesco (Dem)
candidate for
Exeter Town Council
John Joseph Delehanty III (Dem)
candidate for
Portsmouth School Committee
Anthony Phillip Deluca II (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 29
Edward F Demayo (Rep)
candidate for
Smithfield Town Council
Denise M Demedeiros (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Town Council
Anthony J Desimone (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 05
Cameron Joseph Deutsch (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 17
Bradford A Dexter (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Town Sergeant
Robert A Dexter (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Town Clerk
Louis P Di Palma (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 12
Grace Diaz (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 11
Denise L Difranco (Rep)
candidate for
Foster Tax Board Of Review
Micahel T DiMeglio Jr (Ind)
candidate for
Jamestown Town Council
Alana M Dimario (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 36
Andrew R Dimitri (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 25
Jeffrey L Dinsmore (Rep)
candidate for
Richmond Town Council
Louise D Dinsmore (Rep)
candidate for
Richmond Chariho School Committee
Michael E Disney (Ind)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 49
Michael E Disney (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 49
Nancy O Dodge (Dem)
candidate for
New Shoreham Second Warden
Glenn T. Donovan (NON)
candidate for
Bristol Nonpartisan Regional School Committee
Michael Patrick Donegan (Dem)
candidate for
East Greenwich Town Council
Susan Ann Donovan (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 69
Jesse L. Dooley (Dem)
candidate for
Cranston Council - City Wide
Ana Isabel R Dos Reis-Couto (NON)
candidate for
Coventry Non-Partisan School Committee District 01
Megan Purcell Douglas (Dem)
candidate for
Barrington School Committee
Raymond S. Dreczko Jr (Dem)
candidate for
Charlestown Town Moderator
Linnea M Drew (Dem)
candidate for
North Kingstown Town Council
Jessica A Drew Day (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 33
James A Dring (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan School Committee
Michael N Dubois (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Christopher A Duhamel (Dem)
candidate for
Westerly Town Council
Thomas William Durden II (Dem)
candidate for
New Shoreham Town Sergeant
James Patrick Durkin (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan Town Council
Ewa Maria Dzwierzynski (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan Town Council
Donna W Edwards (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Charter Review Commission
John G Edwards (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 70
John G Edwards V (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Town Council
Calvin A Ellis (Dem)
candidate for
Exeter Town Council
Jennifer Kathleen Emory (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 25
Renu Ramaswamy Englehart (Dem)
candidate for
East Greenwich Town Council
Dawn M Euer (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 13
Diane M Farnworth (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan School Committee
Richard Rawdon Fascia (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 42
Jean M Fecteau (Rep)
candidate for
Glocester Town Clerk
Walter S Felag Jr (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 10
Leonela Felix (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 61
Deborah Ann Fellela (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 43
Henry A Fellela (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 25
Cheryl Ann Fernstrom (Dem)
candidate for
Exeter Town Council
Megan Joy Ferreira (NON)
candidate for
Bristol Nonpartisan Regional School Committee
Steven J Ferrandi (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan Town Council
Robert J. Ferri (Dem)
candidate for
Cranston Mayor
Ann Y Fieler Lilley (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan Town Council
Alex S Finkelman (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 74
David P Fiorillo (Dem)
candidate for
Portsmouth Town Council
Jeffrey W Fisher (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 26
Aubrey Fletcher (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 30
Sarah R. Fletcher (Dem)
candidate for
Charlestown Town Council
Sandra J Flowers (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan School Committee
Damon Flynn (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Kathleen A Fogarty (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 35
Joanne R Forti (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 34
Brett W Fox (Ind)
candidate for
Portsmouth School Committee
Kristina Anne Fox (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Lawrence Frank (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan Town Council
Rupert H Friday II (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan Town Council
Jenni Azanero Furtado (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 64
Joshua D Furtado (Dem)
candidate for
Jamestown School Committee
Gregory A Gabel (Ind)
candidate for
Glocester Town Council
Jean Leo Gagnier (Ind)
candidate for
Westerly Town Council
Hanna M Gallo (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 27
Raymond Edward Gardner (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 37
Michael James Geary (Rep)
candidate for
Hopkinton Town Council
Cynthia May Geer (Rep)
candidate for
New Shoreham Tax Assessor
Daniel M Gendron (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Scott A Gibbs (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan Town Administrator
Joshua J D Giraldo (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 56
Mary G Glackin (Dem)
candidate for
Jamestown Town Council
David M Gleason (Rep)
candidate for
Portsmouth Town Council
Amy L Gleicher (Dem)
candidate for
Little Compton School Committee
Angela B Goethals (Dem)
candidate for
Westerly School Committee
Paul J Golembeske (Rep)
candidate for
Little Compton Town Council
Valerie Gonzalez (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Ann Sprague Gooding (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 30
Zachary Pieroni Gordon (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 25
Karin N Gorman (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 25
Gary Grande (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Town Council
Matthew James Grant (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council District 02
Nicola Antonio Grasso (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 43
Michael J Grattan Jr (NON)
candidate for
Coventry Non-Partisan Town Council District 05
Cheryl Ann Greathouse (Rep)
candidate for
Glocester Town Council
Donald R Grebien (Dem)
candidate for
Pawtucket Mayor
Sheryl R Green (Rep)
candidate for
West Greenwich Town Council
Robert Thomas Greene (Rep)
candidate for
Hopkinton Town Moderator
Susan Anne Grenon (Rep)
candidate for
Smithfield Town Council
Timothy E Grissett (Dem)
candidate for
Portsmouth Town Council
Victoria Gu (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 38
Anthony R Guertin (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan Town Council
Scott J Guthrie (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 28
Harry Joslin Hall IV (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Town Moderator
Martina A Halsey (Dem)
candidate for
Little Compton Town Council
Kurt Raymond Hamel (Rep)
candidate for
East Greenwich Town Council
Winters Baker Hames III (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan Town Council
Keith E Hamilton (Rep)
candidate for
Portsmouth Town Council
Arthur Baskin Handy (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 18
William J Hangan (Dem)
candidate for
East Greenwich School Committee
John William Hanley (Ind)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 68
Sharon L Harmon (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Lori Hart Lafauci (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate School Committee
Cheryl Ann Hawes (Dem)
candidate for
Foster Town Council
Bernard Anthony Hawkins (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 53
Blake B Hayden (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Town Council
Alexandra L Healy (Dem)
candidate for
Westerly Town Council
Scott Bill Hirst (Rep)
candidate for
Hopkinton Town Council
Bryan D. Hoffman (Ind)
candidate for
Barrington Town Council
Bryan Hoffman (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan Town Council
Ashley E Hogan (Rep)
candidate for
Smithfield School Committee
Tami Holden (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan School Committee
Charles M Holder Jr (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council At Large
Kenneth J Hopkins (Rep)
candidate for
Cranston Mayor
Marie A Hopkins (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 21
Robert Paul Horton (Dem)
candidate for
Foster Town Council
Mark R Howard (Ind)
candidate for
Glocester Town Council
Stefanie D Howell (Dem)
candidate for
Smithfield Town Council
Brian D> Hughes (Ind)
candidate for
Barrington Town Council
Raymond A Hull (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 06
Sacha A Hummel (Dem)
candidate for
Scituate Town Council
Penelope Billington Hunt (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan School Committee
Michael P Iannotti (Rep)
candidate for
Smithfield Town Council
Andrew Wilder Iriarte Moore (Dem)
candidate for
Little Compton Town Council
Crystal Dawn Jackson (Rep)
candidate for
Westerly School Committee
Joseph D Jackson (Rep)
candidate for
Westerly School Committee
Dorothy A Jackvony (NON)
candidate for
Coventry Non-Partisan School Committee At-Large
Angela J. Jalbert (Rep)
candidate for
Charlestown Town Council
Roger G Jalette Sr (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Edwin W James (Rep)
candidate for
Hopkinton Town Council
Jordan Michelle Jancosek (Dem)
candidate for
Barrington Town Council
Deborah G Janick (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Town Council
Michael F Janick (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Charter Review Commission
Clay Johnson (Rep)
candidate for
Richmond Chariho School Committee
Tony Jones (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan Town Council
Madeline L Josefson (Ind)
candidate for
West Greenwich School Committee
Susan Elizabeth Joyce (Dem)
candidate for
Foster Town Council
Meghan E Kallman (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 15
Cheryl A Kane (NON)
candidate for
Coventry Non-Partisan Town Council District 02
Lynn B Kapiskas (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan School Committee
Angelo Kapsimalis (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 46
Katherine Sheena Kazarian (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 63
Scott Michael Kearnan (Dem)
candidate for
Scituate Director Of Public Welfare
Peter M. Keating (Dem)
candidate for
Charlestown Town Council
Philip Michael Keefe (Dem)
candidate for
Foster Town Council
Sheri L Kennedy (Ind)
candidate for
North Kingstown School Committee
Brian Patrick Kennedy (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 38
Xaykham Rexford Khamsyvoravong (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council At Large
Timothy C Killam (Dem)
candidate for
Westerly School Committee
Michelle Nicole King (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 30
Justin R. Kinnes (Ind)
candidate for
North Kingstown School Committee
Rebecca M Kislak (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 04
Alexander G Kithes (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 49
Jennie Polixeni Kithes (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 49
Jason P Knight (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 67
Nicola Kouttab (Ind)
candidate for
Jamestown Town Council
Andrew N Kowalski (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 27
Michelle Kurzbach (Dem)
candidate for
Exeter Town Council
Craig J Lacouture (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 24
Peter V Lacouture (Dem)
candidate for
Exeter Town Moderator
Rita Jean Laduke (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Board Of Assessment Review
Derek R Lafazia (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 25
Matthew L Lamountain (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 31
Robert B Lancia (NON)
candidate for
Cranston Non-Partisan School Committee - City Wide
Stewart A Lander (Dem)
candidate for
South Kingstown School Committee
Dylan J Lapietra (Rep)
candidate for
Westerly Town Council
Jerome M Larkin (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Charter Review Commission
Melissa Larsen (Dem)
candidate for
East Greenwich School Committee (Unexpired Term)
Gregory Vincent Lato (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan School Committee
Pamela J Lauria (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 32
Maria Cristina Lavigne (Rep)
candidate for
Hopkinton Director Of Public Welfare
Jill A Lawler (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan Town Council
Valarie Jean Lawson (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 14
Robert J Leary (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan School Committee
Lisa Marie Leavitt (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 31
James E Leblanc (NON)
candidate for
Coventry Non-Partisan Town Council District 03
Jeffrey R Leblanc (Rep)
candidate for
Smithfield School Committee
Alan M Leclaire (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan School Committee
Deborah Joyce Leong (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 16
Charles J Levesque (Dem)
candidate for
Portsmouth Town Council
Scott W Lewis (Rep)
candidate for
Little Compton Town Council
Aaron J Ley (Dem)
candidate for
Bristol Town Council
Donna M Lico (Dem)
candidate for
North Kingstown School Committee
Charlene Lima (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 14
Jennifer S Lima (Dem)
candidate for
North Kingstown School Committee
Christopher Logan (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan Town Council
Charles Lombardi (Dem)
candidate for
North Providence Mayor
John J Lombardi (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 08
Frank Lombardo IV (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 25
Robert L Lombardo (Dem)
candidate for
Westerly Town Council
Margaret Mcgraw Long (Dem)
candidate for
Scituate Town Clerk
Nathan T Luciano (Ind)
candidate for
Pawtucket Mayor
Debra Lee Lukacsko (Dem)
candidate for
North Kingstown School Committee
Ryan Steven Lukowicz (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 31
John S Luszcz (Rep)
candidate for
Glocester Director Of Human Services
Debra A Macdowell (Rep)
candidate for
South Kingstown Town Council
Tasha Marie Macgibbon (Dem)
candidate for
Portsmouth Town Council
Tiara Tyshae Mack (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 06
Daniel E Madnick (Dem)
candidate for
Richmond Town Council
Seth M Magaziner (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In Congress District 2
Gregory Anthony Mancini (Dem)
candidate for
North Kingstown Town Council
Stephen Mandarelli (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 25
Lawrence C Mandel (Dem)
candidate for
North Kingstown Town Council
Nathaniel I Manock (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 31
Brendan Scott Mara (NON)
candidate for
Foster Non-Partisan School Committee
Michael J Marcello (Dem)
candidate for
Scituate Town Moderator
Jessica M Marino (Dem)
candidate for
Cranston Council - City Wide
Karen E Marlow Mcdaid (Dem)
candidate for
Portsmouth School Committee
Craig T. Marr (Rep)
candidate for
Charlestown Town Council
Michael K Marran (Dem)
candidate for
South Kingstown Town Council
Thomas James Marron (Rep)
candidate for
Richmond Town Council
Alex Daniel Marszalkowski (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 52
Ian B Martins (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council At Large
Susan J Martins-Phipps (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 30
Vincent Marzullo (Ind)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 26
Evan Robert Masse (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan School Committee
Gary S Mataronas (Rep)
candidate for
Little Compton Town Council
Patrick J. McCrann (Ind)
candidate for
Barrington School Committee
William A Mccombe (Dem)
candidate for
New Shoreham Town Council
Timothy John Mccormick (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Town Council
Matthew B Mccoy (Dem)
candidate for
North Kingstown Town Council
Mary A McDowell (Ind)
candidate for
Portsmouth Town Council
Kevin S Mcdaniel (Rep)
candidate for
Burrillville Town Council
James William McElroy (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 21
Carol Hagan Mcentee (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 33
Rory H Mcentee (Dem)
candidate for
South Kingstown Town Council
Michelle Elise Mcgaw (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 71
Patrick A Mchugh (Dem)
candidate for
Little Compton Town Council
Mark Philip McKenney (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 30
James N McLaughlin (Ind)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 57
Joseph M Mcnamara (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 19
Timothy Michael Mcnamara (Dem)
candidate for
Barrington School Committee
Tammy J Mcneiece (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan School Committee
Mary E Meagher (Dem)
candidate for
Jamestown Town Council
David R Medbury (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate School Committee
Anthony Melillo (NON)
candidate for
Cranston Non-Partisan School Committee - City Wide
Christopher James Mellen (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Alexander T Menzies (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan Town Council
Jean Elwood Meo (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan School Committee
Mary Duffy Messier (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 62
Peter W Meusert (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Town Council
Allyn E Meyers (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 10
Stephen C Moffitt (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 34
David Morales (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 07
Robert Roland Moreau (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Roberto H Moreno (Dem)
candidate for
Pawtucket Council-At-Large
Elaine J Morgan (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 34
Hal Morgan (Rep)
candidate for
Exeter Zoning Inspector
Patricia L Morgan (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In Congress
Scott A Morrison (Rep)
candidate for
Little Compton Town Moderator
Raymond A Morrissey Jr (Rep)
candidate for
Exeter Town Council
Lisa Morse (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 31
Carol A. Mossa (NON)
candidate for
Charlestown Non-Partisan Planning Commission
Thomas Edward Mulcahey (Rep)
candidate for
West Greenwich Town Council
Timothy F Munoz (Dem)
candidate for
East Greenwich School Committee
Melissa A Murray (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 24
Robert L Mushen (Rep)
candidate for
Little Compton Town Council
Jeffrey J Mutter (Dem)
candidate for
Cumberland Mayor
Jeanne-Marie Napolitano (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council At Large
George A Nardone (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 28
William Nash (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan School Committee
Lisa M Nelson (Dem)
candidate for
Barrington School Committee
Jennifer P Nerbonne (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 35
Peter L Nero (Dem)
candidate for
Westerly School Committee
Brian C Newberry (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 48
Elizabeth W Newberry (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan Town Administrator
Kevin J Newton (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan Town Council
Victoria Phi Nguyen (Rep)
candidate for
East Greenwich School Committee
James George Nicholas (Dem)
candidate for
Westerly Town Council
Linda A Nichols (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 40
Michael T Niemeyer (Dem)
candidate for
Westerly Town Council
Diane S Nobles (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan School Committee
Thomas E Noret (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 25
Kevin D Noyes (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Town Sergeant
William W O'Brien (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 54
Claire Vallieres O'Hara (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan Town Council
Shelley Oconnor (Rep)
candidate for
Exeter School Committee
Sean A Odonnell (Rep)
candidate for
South Kingstown Town Council
Kerry George Oneill (Dem)
candidate for
Barrington Town Council
Margaret M Oneill (Dem)
candidate for
New Shoreham Town Council
Douglas B Osier (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan Town Council
Kimberly A Page (Dem)
candidate for
North Kingstown Town Council
James H Palmisciano (Dem)
candidate for
Richmond Town Council
Cathyann Palocsik (Ind)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 08
Thomas J Paolino (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 17
Christopher G Paplauskas (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 15
Kimberly A Paquette (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan School Committee
Mary A Parella (Rep)
candidate for
Bristol Town Council
Dante J Parisi (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 25
Jason A Parmelee (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Town Council
Todd M Patalano (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 26
Daniel W Patterson (Rep)
candidate for
Exeter Town Council
Sharlene M Patton (Rep)
candidate for
Portsmouth Town Council
David J Paull (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Town Council
David S Pavone (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan School Committee
Juan Carlos Payero (Dem)
candidate for
Portsmouth Town Council
Tristan Payne (Rep)
candidate for
New Shoreham Town Council
Ryan W Pearson (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 19
Ramon A Perez (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 13
David Perry (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Town Council
Joseph A Perry (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Town Council
Peter T Phelps (Rep)
candidate for
South Kingstown Town Council
Robert Douglas Phillips (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 51
April M. Picozzi (Rep)
candidate for
West Greenwich Town Moderator
James P Pierson (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 33
Anthony D Pilozzi (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 25
Pamela R. Pinheiro (Ind)
candidate for
North Kingstown School Committee
Brandon E Pineo (Rep)
candidate for
Little Compton School Committee
Ellen M Pinnock (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council District 01
David J Place (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 47
Westin J Place (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 38
Ruth L Platner (Ind)
candidate for
Charlestown Town Council
Steven Henry Plouffe (Rep)
candidate for
Foster Town Council
Brandon Potter (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 16
Robert B Power (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan School Committee
Mary E Preziosi (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 30
Justin K Price (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 39
A Frederick Provost (Rep)
candidate for
Westerly Town Council
Lewis J Pryeor (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 23
Theodore J Przybyla Jr (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Town Treasurer
David J Punchak (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan Town Council
Jessica Marie Purcell (Dem)
candidate for
Richmond Chariho School Committee
Robert J Quattrocchi (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 41
Ana B Quezada (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 02
David A Quiroa (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 13
Shahbaz Raja (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Robert J Randall (Dem)
candidate for
Smithfield School Committee
Leonidas P Raptakis (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 33
Karen G. Rasnick (Ind)
candidate for
Barrington School Committee
Earl A Read III (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 26
Louis A Rego (Dem)
candidate for
Warren Town Council
Maureen R Rego (Rep)
candidate for
Little Compton Town Council
Megan M. Reilly (Ind)
candidate for
North Kingstown School Committee
Cody J Reidl (NON)
candidate for
Coventry Non-Partisan School Committee At-Large
Jordan Reilly (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan School Committee
David G Reise (Rep)
candidate for
Portsmouth Town Council
David E Revens (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 30
C D Reynolds (Ind)
candidate for
Representative In Congress District 1
Karen Jean Reynolds (Dem)
candidate for
Richmond Chariho School Committee
Mark T Reynolds (Dem)
candidate for
Richmond Town Council
Margaret Elise Richards (NON)
candidate for
Bristol Nonpartisan Regional School Committee
L Maria Rivera (NON)
candidate for
Central Falls Non-Partisan Mayor
Charles R. Roberts (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan Town Council
Sherry L Roberts (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 29
Kevin John Robishaw Jr (Rep)
candidate for
Exeter School Committee
Michael William Rocha II (Rep)
candidate for
Little Compton School Committee
Peter G Rodgers (Rep)
candidate for
East Greenwich Town Council
Paul M Rodrigues (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan Town Council
Gordon E Rogers (Rep)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 21
Heidi Rogers (Rep)
candidate for
Foster Town Council
Laura Anne Rom (NON)
candidate for
Charlestown Non-Partisan Planning Commission
Laurilim Rosado Martinez (NON)
candidate for
Central Falls Non-Partisan City Council - At Large
Paul A Roselli (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 47
Elizabeth Hill Ross (Ind)
candidate for
North Kingstown Town Council
Ernest Edward Ross (Dem)
candidate for
Jamestown Town Council
Jasmin H Roy (Rep)
candidate for
Hopkinton Town Council
Yesenia Rubio (Dem)
candidate for
Pawtucket Council-At-Large
Dominick Joseph Ruggerio (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 04
Jennifer Ann Russo (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 25
Jenna L Ruthaford (Dem)
candidate for
Scituate Town Council
John Mark Ryan (Dem)
candidate for
Portsmouth Town Council
George L Sackal (Dem)
candidate for
Foster Town Council
Stephen W. Salisbury (Rep)
candidate for
West Greenwich Town Council
Enrique George Sanchez (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 09
Paul M Santucci (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 53
Denise G Saurette (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan Treasurer
Jamie Schiffer (Rep)
candidate for
Exeter Town Council
Mark Ian Schwager (Dem)
candidate for
East Greenwich Town Council
Mary E Scialabba (Dem)
candidate for
Westerly Town Council
John Anthony Scott (Ind)
candidate for
Burrillville School Committee
Patricia A Serpa (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 27
Richard Rippy Serra (Rep)
candidate for
Charlestown Town Council
Joey Sevigny (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan Town Council
Mary Ann Shallcross Smith (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 46
Evan P Shanley (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 24
Sergei Markovich Sharenko (Ind)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 69
Bradley Michael Shear (Dem)
candidate for
South Kingstown School Committee
K Joseph Shekarchi (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 23
Jocelyn Marie Sherman (NON)
candidate for
Tiverton Non-Partisan School Committee
Denise D Sierra (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Christopher Paul Simpkins (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan School Committee
Elizabeth A Singh (Ind)
candidate for
Barrington School Committee
Justin Wolf Skenyon (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan School Committee
Scott A Slater (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 10
Peter A. Slom (Dem)
candidate for
Charlestown Town Council
Bradford Smith (Ind)
candidate for
Foster Town Council
Richard J. Smith (Ind)
candidate for
Jamestown Town Council
Shaina N Smith (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 41
Timothy L Smith (Dem)
candidate for
Scituate Town Sergeant
Stephanie Smyth (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council At Large
Travis D Snow (Ind)
candidate for
Little Compton School Committee
Joseph J Solomon Jr (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 22
Virginia S Sosnowski (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 37
June S Speakman (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 68
Tina L Spears (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 36
Richard Sawai Spinney (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council At Large
Ronnie Sposato (Ind)
candidate for
Hopkinton Town Council
Lisa Marie St. Godard (NON)
candidate for
Charlestown Non-Partisan Planning Commission
Sarah E. St Laurent (NON)
candidate for
Charlestown Non-Partisan Planning Commission
Roger Lee St Onge (Rep)
candidate for
Richmond Town Council
Stephen Dennis St Onge (Rep)
candidate for
West Greenwich Town Sergeant
Richard Farnsworth Staples Jr (Dem)
candidate for
Barrington Moderator
Paul W Stascavage (Rep)
candidate for
Cranston Council - City Wide
Walter Mowry Olney Steere III (Rep)
candidate for
Glocester Town Council
Joseph Adam Steiner III (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Director Of Public Welfare
Jennifer A Stewart (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 59
Stephen J. Stokes (Rep)
candidate for
Charlestown Town Council
Christie H Stone (Rep)
candidate for
Foster Town Council
David Stone (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 22
Keith John Stover (Dem)
candidate for
New Shoreham First Warden
Kraig R Stromberg (Rep)
candidate for
Hopkinton Town Sergeant
Timothy Edward Sweeney (Dem)
candidate for
Bristol Town Council
Charles G Sweet (Rep)
candidate for
South Kingstown Town Council
Jennifer A Sweet (Rep)
candidate for
West Greenwich School Committee
Michelle Marie Sztabor (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan City Council
Wayne Tait (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 25
Victoria G Talbot (Dem)
candidate for
Little Compton Town Council
Teresa A Tanzi (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 34
John J Tassoni Jr (Dem)
candidate for
Smithfield Town Council
Dianne E Tefft (Rep)
candidate for
Hopkinton Chariho School Committee
Joseph Manuel Teixeira Jr (Ind)
candidate for
North Kingstown School Committee
Antonio A Teixeira (Ind)
candidate for
Bristol Town Council
Rickey Lee Thompson (Ind)
candidate for
North Kingstown Town Council
Brian Joseph Thompson (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 20
David W Thornley (Ind)
candidate for
Exeter Zoning Inspector
David Peter Tikoian (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 22
Rachel S Toppi (Rep)
candidate for
Smithfield Town Council
Ryan J Torrealday (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan Town Council
Erazmo Torres (Rep)
candidate for
Foster Town Sergeant
Peter Anthony Trementozzi III (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 44
Bradley M Trenchard (NON)
candidate for
North Smithfield Non-Partisan School Committee
Mark H Trimmer (Ind)
candidate for
Richmond Town Council
Derrik L Trombley (Dem)
candidate for
Warren Town Council
Carolyn Tudino (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan School Committee
Dennis B Tuarno (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan Town Council
Lisa Cathleen Tuttle (Dem)
candidate for
Jamestown School Committee
Linda Lee Ujifusa (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 11
Lori Urso (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 08
Bridget G Valverde (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 35
Bonnita B. Van Slyke (Ind)
candidate for
Charlestown Town Council
Rose Van Dover (Rep)
candidate for
Westerly Town Council
Lammis J Vargas (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 28
John Paul A Verducci (NON)
candidate for
Coventry Non-Partisan Town Council At-Large
Donna Marie Vignali (NON)
candidate for
Narragansett Non-Partisan Town Council
Antone C Vieiros (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan Town Council
Brandon T Voas (Dem)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 57
Barbara A Vonvillas (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan Town Council
John M Walker (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan Council At Large
Kristi E Walston (Rep)
candidate for
Westerly School Committee
John F Ward (NON)
candidate for
Woonsocket Non-Partisan Mayor
Allen Rodney Waters (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In Congress District 1
Dennis H Webster (Dem)
candidate for
Jamestown Town Moderator
Jay G Wegimont (Dem)
candidate for
South Kingstown Town Council
Schuyler C. Weiss (Rep)
candidate for
East Greenwich School Committee (Unexpired Term)
Richard A Welch (Ind)
candidate for
North Kingstown Town Council
Thomas P Welch III (NON)
candidate for
Middletown Nonpartisan Town Council
Kevin J Whalen (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 61
Timothy L White (Ind)
candidate for
Warren Town Council
Glen Raymond Whitehead (Dem)
candidate for
Senate District Committee District 30
Sheldon Whitehouse (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In Congress
Paula J Whitford (Dem)
candidate for
South Kingstown School Committee
Samantha R Wilcox (Dem)
candidate for
Richmond Town Council
David M. Wilkinson (Ind)
candidate for
Charlestown Town Council
Jessica K Willi (Dem)
candidate for
New Shoreham Assistant Moderator
Kendra Wilson Muenter (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan School Committee
Thomas J Winfield (Dem)
candidate for
Smithfield Town Council
Stephanie J Winslow (NON)
candidate for
Newport Non-Partisan School Committee
Janine Ann Wolf (Rep)
candidate for
Representative In General Assembly District 66
Carol A Wordell (Rep)
candidate for
Little Compton Town Clerk
William A Worthy Jr (Rep)
candidate for
Glocester Town Council
Kevin Daniel Wright (Dem)
candidate for
East Greenwich School Committee
Coleen M Galvin Yaroshenko (NON)
candidate for
Charlestown Non-Partisan Planning Commission
Theresa C Yeaw (Rep)
candidate for
Scituate Town Council
Georgia L Young (Dem)
candidate for
Representative District Committee District 49
Michael J Zarrella (Dem)
candidate for
East Greenwich Town Council
Samuel D Zurier (Dem)
candidate for
Senator In General Assembly District 03