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City of North Plains Mayor

Mayors chair the City Council. The members of a City Council supervise the city departments, either directly or through a city manager or administrator. City Councils pass laws, set policy, decide which services will be provided, and develop budgets; they negotiate work contracts and make hiring and firing decisions. An elective city officer must be a qualified elector under the state constitution who has resided in the city before being elected for a period of time that is specified in the city charter.Term: 4 years. The position is nonpartisan. In most cities, the Mayor is unpaid.

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  • Candidate picture

    Ariel Goodwin

  • Candidate picture

    Russ Sheldon

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What should the city do about the urban growth boundary expansion?

What are the infrastructure needs of the city, and how would you finance the most critical ones?

How should your city regulate interaction with homeless campers?

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Town Where You Live NORTH PLAINS
County Washington
Term 4 year
I proudly stand with the 72% of North Plains who voted no against expanding the urban growth boundary, which is not legally required for towns our size. As Mayor, I will redirect expansion efforts to instead revitalize areas within North Plains city limits. The future of our town shouldn't be determined by paid consultants or lobbyists, our elected representatives have to actually listen to the community and major decisions should be guided by meaningful input from folks affected.
The City has spent roughly $500,000 on development related planning that the majority of residents don't want. Our budget clearly needs thorough review and realignment with community priorities. Population growth from large residential developments means more students in local schools, additional traffic affecting pedestrians and cyclists, and increased need for 24-hour police patrols. Encouraging more options for broadband service providers, with competitive pricing, can benefit both families and local businesses.
Hundreds of people depend on our North Plains food bank every month, even middle class families are struggling with higher expenses and making ends meet. A shockingly high percentage of families live paycheck to paycheck, and are vulnerable to a job change or health issue having catastrophic financial consequences. In other words, homelessness can affect people from all backgrounds and for many reasons. This is a complex issue where we will have state level policy that limits local options, but we do need to lead with compassion and wherever possible redirect people to available resources while maintaining public safety.
Town Where You Live North Plains, Oregon
County Washington
Term 4 years
Term Expires 12/31/2028
Well, this won’t be easy, but I believe the recent undertaking of our UGB process, the ‘Re-look’, should allow more people to participate, observe and perhaps understand why it is important to have a State mandated 20-year supply of housing and accommodate commercial and industrial lands to our mix, providing North Plains with an economy, less dependence on services from far away and the expected property tax revenue paid on commercial and industrial facilities value, that will keep our residents property taxes lower without an unnecessary burden on current residents. I will say that many of our residents understand that expanding the UGB for employers to come, helps keep property taxes low.
Infrastructure is currently limited in North Plains because everywhere else in Washington County, a higher balance of businesses are paying their share of taxes. System Development Charges (SDC's) will provide the capital needed to construct the highest share of the infrastructure costs to accommodate more businesses, who will in-turn pay higher taxes that enable us to finance additional infrastructure, paying down the debt from the revenue that is generated from taxes, keeping our residents from holding the bag on everything. And further, without businesses, our residents will have to consider the prospect of additional tax levies more often.
We directly connect homeless campers to temporary shelter and supporting services resources that are available within Washington County to assist homeless folks who often need a bridge to employment, addiction services and programs that lead to improving their living conditions, further providing a pathway to stability and independence.