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VOTE411 Voter Guide

City of Cove Mayor

Mayors chair the City Council. The members of a City Council supervise the city departments, either directly or through a city manager or administrator. City Councils pass laws, set policy, decide which services will be provided, and develop budgets; they negotiate work contracts and make hiring and firing decisions. An elective city officer must be a qualified elector under the state constitution who has resided in the city before being elected for a period of time that is specified in the city charter.Term: 2 years. The position is nonpartisan. In most cities, the Mayor is unpaid.

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  • Candidate picture

    Gerald (Bud) Forrest

  • Candidate picture

    Sherry Haeger

Biographical Information

What are the city’s most urgent needs and how would you address them?

What aspects of the duties of a Mayor most interest you, and why?

What are the infrastructure needs of the city, and how would you finance the most critical ones?

Campaign Phone (public) 229-942-5579
Town Where You Live Cove
Your Experience/Qualifications Business Manager responsible for budgets, employees and capital. Knowledge of the city of Cove and the values we enjoy!
County Union
Term 2 yr 2025
Term Expires 2027
The employees of Cove. Our employees are our most valuable resources. Communication and support keeps our town effective. Improve support of the Councilman to provide them a positive meeting agendas. Reduce city controls of private property.
Helping improve the City of Cove to improve the community and assist the council members to select our best opportunities and values for Cove.
Roads are always the top of priorities and all city citizens should expect a passable road and proper maintenance. Finances have to remain within budget, but planning the designated money to the most needed will be the emphasis until more opportunities are available.
Town Where You Live Cove, OR 97824
Your Experience/Qualifications Mayor 4 years, 3 Decades of Public Service, 20 years Executive Management in Private Industry
Campaign Twitter Handle @haegersherry
County Union
Term 2 years
Term Expires 12/31/2026
Revising our very outdated Transportation System Plan. We are reviewing the committee proposed changes monthly - 2 Chapters a month. So far, this project has been going on for many years and we will be closing it out in 2025. We need to fill in holes in the current Nuisance Ordinance. Also, we need to clarify a few items in the City Meeting Rules. Addressing them requires participation from the City council. I will be ensuring the requirements of the council are understood and accepted.
Creating a strong team that trusts each other. If we trust each other, we can get the work done faster. Also, finances are important to me as the money belongs to the citizens of Cove. We have a great responsibility to use the money wisely.
We are a very small city and the infrastructure suits our town of 623 people.