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NM Judicial Retention Judge of the Court of Appeals Position 2

There are ten judges on the New Mexico Court of Appeals. It is the intermediate court between the district courts and the Supreme Court. Judges sit in panels of three. The Court reviews appeals in all cases, except criminal cases involving sentences of death or life imprisonment, appeals from the Public Regulation Commission and cases involving habeas corpus. Judges must be at least 35 years old, have practiced law for ten years, and have resided in New Mexico for the last three years. Judges are elected statewide for eight-year terms.Judicial vacancies are filled through appointment by the Governor from a list of nominees submitted by a judicial nominating committee. At the next regular election the judicial position is filled in a partisan election in which the appointed judge must participate and win the most votes to retain the seat. Judges serve for terms of a set number of years, after which they must win a retention election. Voters at a retention election may vote either “yes” or “no” for each individual judge for retention. To retain the office a judge standing for retention must receive 57% “yes” votes of all the votes cast on the question of retention.Tribunal de Apelaciones de New MexicoHay diez jueces en el Tribunal de Apelaciones de New Mexico. Este es el tribunal intermedio entre los tribunales de distrito y el Tribunal Supremo. Los jueces se sientan en paneles de tres. La Corte revisa los recursos de apelación en todos los casos, excepto los casos penales que involucran condenas de muerte o cadena perpetua, los recursos de la Comisión de Regulación Pública y los casos de hábeas corpus. Los jueces deben tener al menos 35 años de edad, haber ejercido la abogacía durante diez años y haber residido en New Mexico durante los últimos tres años. Los jueces se eligen en todo el estado por períodos de ocho años.En una elección de retención, los votantes pueden votar o por cada juez de manera individual para la retención. Para retener el cargo, el juez que se presente a la retención debe recibir en el 57% de todos los votos emitidos sobre la cuestión de la retención.JUDICIAL RETENTION: SHALL SHAMMARA HENDERSON BE RETAINED AS JUDGE OF THE COURT OF APPEALS POSITION TBD?

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    Shammara Henderson

Biographical Information

What qualifies you for this position?

What changes, if any, would you recommend to the NM Court of Appeals practices and why?

What improvements, if any, are needed in the Court of Appeals?

Partisan Election 2020
I have been a judge on the NM Court of Appeals since my appointment by the Governor in 2020. In that time, I have gained valuable experience as an appellate judge. Prior to becoming a judge, I had a diverse career practicing in both criminal and civil law. I practiced in both state and federal court at the trial and appellate level. I have dedicated my career to ensuring diversity and equity in the judicial system.
We have worked hard the last several years to reduce the time it takes for us to rule on cases before our court. We currently have two pilot projects that have dramatically decreased the time to file opinions in our cases. One impacts our criminal cases, and we have seen our turnaround time dramatically improve. The other is our mediation program, which while new, has already helped with our civil cases. I am dedicated to continuing our efforts to reduce our caseload and find ways to ensure we are ruling on cases in a timely manner.
The main issue that our court has faced is a lack of resources. It has been a priority of mine to ensure that we have more resources. We have used these resources to rebuild our administrative staff and building maintenance. Our priority as judges should be to focus on our cases and to do so, we need the proper resources to ensure our court functions at the level expected by the parties who appear before us. We still have some improvements to make, but we have done a lot to rebuild the past several years.