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Board of County Commissioners, District 1

Brevard County has a Commission-Manager form of government. The Board of Commissioners is the governing body and holds all legislative powers, There are five members representing each of the Districts in the county, elected by eligible voters of the county. Each must be qualified voters and continuously reside in the District they represent. The Board is empowered to create ordinances, enter into contracts and issue bonds to finance public projects. The Board of Commissioners are responsible for adopting the county Budget, determining county Property Taxes, and regulating Planning, Zoning, and Land Development, Health and Safety Services, Parks and Recreation, Solid Waste Mangement, Utilities, Housing and Human Services and more in accordance with the county Charter. The Board of Commissioners appoints and oversees the City Manager, who serves as chief administrative officer and executive officer of the county. The Board also appoints and oversees the County Attorney. The Board of Commissioners usually meets every two weeks and meetings are televised on educational access television. Term: 4 years, no more than 2 consecutive termsSalary: $60,272

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    Katie Delaney

Biographical Information

Do you support or oppose Redevelopment Agencies and Economic Development Zones/ Districts? Why? (500 characters)

Other than the current county fertilizer ordinance and septic ordinance, what other specific actions would you take to reverse the degradation of our Indian River Lagoon and how would you fund them? (600 characters)

What is your position on current partnerships between the County and supporting non-profit organizations, including funding? Please give examples. (750 characters)

County citizens are concerned with needs to enhance Brevard's Sanitary Sewer and Septic Systems, especially with current rates of business and housing development. Do you support or oppose an increase in new development impact fees? Why? (500 characters)

Please list any departments or programs you would introduce or eliminate with reasons why. (600 characters)

Please list any specific county ordinance, rule or regulation now in effect that you would eliminate. Why? (600 characters)

Public Service Volunteer at my church, Board member of multiple Republican organizations
Education Some college
Campaign Facebook Page
Campaign Twitter Page (X) @Katieforbrevard
I support redevelopment especially over sprawl , we have many buildings in North Brevard that could be brought back to life. I do support the EDC but I am opposed to NBEDZ in the way that it is run and chartered today. I would like to see it become more transparent and equitable in the way funds are dispersed, if it’s not eliminated.
I would like to see the Brevard government stop the use of herbicides on the lagoon weeds/plants. From the research I’ve read , the introduction of herbicides was a major factor to the degradation of our lagoon and loss of seagrass. The government entities also need to stop allowing sewage dumps into the river, this is a major issue in the north end especially. There are many federal grants that we could apply for to help with our infrastructure updates and the clean up needed.
I would like to see the county work with non profits to help the needs of the community. Homelessness help, resources for domestic violence victims, food pantries, and senior citizen resources are some examples of partnerships I’d like to see. Whatever partnerships we establish need to have a strong benefit to the community if tax dollars are being contributed.
Yes, I support the increase of impact fees because they haven’t been updated in over 20years. Developers must pay to help our community keep up with the growth and impacts they are having on our infrastructure and services. With that being said, I also believe that the person building their homesteaded residence shouldn’t be priced out of building their home because of permitting and impact fees; those should be different rates than big box developers that blow in and out of our community!
I would like to eliminate NBEDZ(north brevard economic development zone). Our county already has an economic development commission; there is no need for two programs doing the same job.

This isn’t a program or department, but I would like the county to establish a strategic plan , with goals and metrics so that our government can be more accountable to the people of Brevard. I would like to see our county manager receive performance evaluations that are tied to the strategic plan, that position is currently not subject to any evaluations.
I would like the commission to go through every ordinance, rule, and regulation and justify its need. If the commission as a whole doesn’t jump on board with this idea, I will do it and bring forward any and all regulations that are harmful, unnecessary, or irrelevant; or that I feel should be looked at deeper. Other governing bodies do this every 5 years and I think that is a great practice.