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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Kansas Senate, District 16

The Kansas Senate is the upper house of the Kansas Legislature, the state legislature of the U.S. State of Kansas. It is composed of 40 senators representing an equal amount of districts, each with a population of at least 60,000 inhabitants. Members of the Senate are elected to a four-year term. There is no limit to the number of terms that a senator may serve.

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  • Candidate picture

    Sasha Islam

  • Candidate picture

    Ty Masterson

Biographical Information

What makes you the best candidate for this position? What skills, expertise, or competencies qualify you?

What are Kansas's three most important issues, and how do you intend to address them?

How would you make it easier for Kansas citizens to follow bills as they flow through the legislature? What, if any, changes would you propose in the “Gut and Go” process?

Would you support changes to Kansas election laws and voting systems? Why?

Campaign Phone 3168835441
Campaign Address 530 S DEVERON DR
Personal Biography A woman of mixed ethnicity, multi-skilled, currently working in healthcare. I am working 60+ hours weekly, with elderly and being their in-home caregivers. I see all of the bad things happening in other states, I don't want Kansas to become like them.
Education I have some college credits from University of Phoenix-Online. Completed my GED in June 2006, scored 2760/2800.
Community/Public Service As a first generation, having one parent who is an immigrant, I wanted to see more women of color in office. I have attempted to become part of local government by running in 2019 for city counsel and in 2022 for county commissioner.
There are better people more qualified in my district, but I'm the person who said yes. I was asked by 3 people who have held or currently hold political offices. I said no the first time, hoping a better person would enter. I said yes finally because I want the people to have a choice and to see more people like myself in office. Skills would be management, budgeting, delegating, outgoing, good at verbal and written communications, and the want to better myself. Expertise might be that I've ran for smaller local offices. Nearly every job I've had, I've been promoted to or applied for lead and managerial roles. Minus my current profession with in-home caregiving, because to become management takes me from the patients.
Expansion of Medicaid, Women's reproductive rights, and legalization of Cannabis. Medicaid needs to be expanded to cover children, low-income workers, and elderly. Getting the Senate to pass it in votes would be the beginning. I've been told there's funding already available. Women's reproductive rights were already won and spoken for by the people of Kansas in Aug. 2022, but Republicans are still trying to ban abortion health care. Keeping it on the ballots, means the people can vote on it. Politicians should butt out and leave these things up to the women and doctors it involves. Legalization of Cannabis would generate more taxation and those funds can be put back into the communities for schools and more!
I want more transparency! Maybe pay for the Wichita Eagle or a newsletter to be made digitally and possibly a printed copy to help the constituents know what is being voted on or has been signed into state laws.
I want voting places to not be religious buildings, such as churches or religious schools. We are supposed to be separate in regards to Church and State. Having voting booths in places of worship confuse people more and more. I do not like that it was recently posted that each person doesn't have the right to vote. as it is, I feel like even people with a felony should be allowed to vote, or not pay taxes. Taxation without representation is wrong, regardless of the cause of the felony.
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