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Seminole County Commissioner District 5

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  • Candidate picture

    Gary Carney

  • Candidate picture

    Andria Herr

Biographical Information

What do you think will be the most important new budget priority in Seminole County over the next five years?

What do you see as the current challenges to the County in managing essential services (solid waste, stormwater, potable water). How would you address these challenges?

Would you support providing the budget to expand the Supervisor of Elections facilities to provide the space and security to ensure the integrity of our elections? Explain.

Do you believe the State has usurped too much local control, and if so what action would you propose to promote more local control?

The Dorworth lawsuit cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. Are you willing to continue to fight rezoning from from occurring in our designated rural areas and protecting our rural boundaries?

How do you envision the County addressing the shortage of affordable housing in terms of infrastructure, transportation and resources?

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Campaign Phone 352-223-6711
Florida’s HB 1365 and the Supreme Court decision allowing municipalities to outlaw sleeping in public spaces will force Seminole County to address our homeless and underhoused populations. This law mandates that the county provides adequate temporary housing or camps, and provide adequate services for those in need. We must face this issue head-on and explore alternative housing solutions. Florida, has criminalized homelessness and shifted the burden of managing the issue onto law enforcement. County commissioners must tackle this issue directly and find sustainable solutions to the housing crisis in Seminole County, ensuring support for our urban areas and the safety of all our residents.
We must protect our aquifer, natural springs and underground river systems and clean up downstream pollution caused by overdevelopment. Funding our soil and water boards and equipping them with the necessary tools is essential to safeguard our environment. With seven cities and eight jurisdictions making separate decisions about water, a comprehensive, county-wide approach is needed. I advocate for an all-county review of water-related issues and greater cooperation between agencies to ensure effective water management and protection for all residents especially as it relates to emergency management and flooding.
Nope! It looks like its big enough to me, and we don't need to spend any county money putting elected officials name on signs either. A plain vanilla building with a Supervisor of Elections sign will suffice.
Yes I believe the State continues to usurp local authority and balance must be restored. I believe the Governor's office has garnered too much power through the use of board appointments and gerrymandered districts, and the 30 years of single party control over the state has led to this situation. This fight is not new and is seen in various laws that have come from the state for years. Typically these situations arise when big companies like Uber or Airbnb seek laws that allow them to operate without local jurisdictions intrusion. I am a proponent of Home rule and in most circumstances would fight for the rights of the municipality over the state.
Absolutely without question I will champion the rural boundary, and fight to protect it.
to be continued
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Campaign Phone 4072578210
The transfer of Sunrail expenses from Florida Department of Transportation to Seminole County will have a significant impact on the overall operating budget of the county. Determining how we absorb this expense while maintaining other services at or above current standards without raising taxes has to be the main priority for the Board of County Commissioners.
This is the year the voters of Seminole County will determine if we renew the penny sales tax. This maintains the current sales tax rate for the next decade to continue to be a source of funding for infrastructure projects not only for the county but for the seven cities and the school district. The funding is generated by our residents, but it is important to note that about 30% of the funds are generated from visitors! We leverage these funds to get federal dollars, enhancing our citizen's return on investment. The demands for infrastructure continue to increase, the challenge is keeping an eye on the future, so we are able to maintain quality of life as we grow. The penny sales tax plays a major role in our success.
The security and integrity of our elections are absolutely a priority. Should a space study warrant additional space I support the investment. The study touted by the current SOE was not a space study, it was a needs assessment based on interviews with the SOE. At one point he concluded that the space need would jump from the current 15,000 feet to 65,000 feet. I have asked our team to do the work to determine the real needs, now and in the future. It is important to note that I am on the record asking the current SOE to assure that we had a short-term and long-term plan for election security and integrity since the new building would not be completed for the current or next election cycle.
I believe the state usurps local control when some locality does something outrageous to create the need for state legislation. Unfortunately, the unintended consequences of the impact on the other 66 counties may not be worth the improvement in the one. Maintaining outstanding relationships with our legislators is a huge part of the answer but we also have to do our part, as one local county, to govern responsibly so we don't create the need for sweeping legislation that usurps local governance.
We have created a land trust to assimilate affordable parcels creating opportunities for private public partnerships to build affordable housing. We used ARPA funds to create a seed fund to spur development and when the units are built and sold, the fund is replenished so we can perpetuate the process. We also have to increase inventory with smart growth in urban corridors to stop the supply shortage from driving up rent and home prices in our market. Seminole County is a great place to live work and play so people will continue to move here from less desirable locations. Developers have to pay their share for infrastructure impact as we grow. Through open communication we were able to adjust our impact fees to be market competitive.