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VOTE411 Voter Guide

St. Cloud City Council Member at Large {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

As local legislators who sometimes have executive power, council members can propose ordinances, set administrative policy, and authorize the budget proposed by the mayor. They oversee all city activities, including city services, programs, licensing, and public safety. Mayoral appointments to city government typically require council approval.Voting in local elections is important - learn more here: Why Vote for City Council

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  • Candidate picture

    Scott Brodeen

  • Candidate picture

    Tami Calhoun

  • Candidate picture

    George Hontos

  • Candidate picture

    Hudda Ibrahim

  • Candidate picture

    Mark Johnson

  • Candidate picture

    Omar Abdullahi Podi

Biographical Information

Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)

How do you plan to engage with and represent all members of our diverse community?(500 characters)

What steps will you take to ensure transparency and accountability in city government? (500 characters)

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Campaign Website
Contact Phone 320-267-9366
Facebook (Full URL)
Campaign Twitter Handle @@TamiForMN
Campaign Email
St. Cloud is a wonderful city. Together, we can make it better! I want to strengthen our city and help residents solve problems - big and small - to ensure that St. Cloud is a safe, vibrant community with good roads and parks, a strong economy and best-in-class public services. I have served our community as a teacher for 34 years. I am a local and international business owner. I am a member of a local church where I have served as an elder for 20 years. I understand our community’s needs through my leadership with youth sports, non-profit ISAIAH/GRIP, St. Cloud's Community Policing/Stearns' County Sheriff agreements, and the St. Cloud Education Rights Advocacy Council. I am dedicated, focused, and have a record of service.
1. Make St. Cloud a Destination City—revitalize downtown St. Cloud (with hassle-free parking); redevelop east St. Cloud, Electrolux site, and other locations; make St. Cloud fun. 2. Help St. Cloud Reach its Economic Potential—focus on smart economic growth, livable wage jobs, workforce housing; leverage our strengths (highways, higher education, parks and recreation). 3. Make St. Cloud a City That Works—improve quality of life (youth/teens/seniors); ensure safe streets; do city basics better.
I have deep roots in our diverse communities. My occupational experiences and service background inform my priorities. I am actively involved with ISAIAH (non-profit focused on housing, transportation, health care, racial justice issues), Muslim Coalition, Central Minnesota Community foundation (CMCF)-Equity in Action Initiative, St. Cloud Educational Rights Advocacy Council, Higher Works Collaborative, and Fe Y Justicia. To learn more about my biography and platform, visit
I expect data from the city to be presented in a timely, accessible, and understandable manner so that the public can be well informed. As a public servant, I value honesty, accessibility, transparency, and accountability. I will ask the hard questions and ensure your concerns are addressed. I will be available to my constituents through email, phone and in-person meetings. I commit to keeping you informed and working with you to ensure that St. Cloud works for all of us!
Contact Phone 3202551140
I have served the constituents of St Cloud for 23 years. My most important responsibly are these residents. I understand the public process and come prepared for each meeting. I understand that I work for my constituents and do everything in my power to represent their viewpoints and at times their concerns. I am proud of my record of being accessible, returning calls and speaking on their behalf. I am willing to raise questions and hold the administration accountable. By getting elected and re-elected six times I believe shows the voters of St Cloud trust me to represent them.
1.Public safety Without a safe community all else fails. We need to ensure our public safety departments have the resources necessary to provide living in a safe neighborhood and city. 2. Livable, clean, and quite neighborhoods From the first day on the Council I have been a vocal advocate for clean, safe and quiet neighborhoods. I served on all the Neighborhood Best Practices committees. I-helped design new ordinances 3. Prudent use of taxpayers dollars. I know who’s money it is.
Very easy just be accessible to everyone equally. My record would show I am open and available to all groups and have very good relationships with our ever going minority populations.
My record would show that I raise questions challenge the administration and have never lost sight of my most important responsibility that is to represent the residents and taxpayers. My record would also show I have held the administration accountable on a wide variety of matters from the annual budget which I have not always supported to making sure the administration provides full disclosure on matters that come before the council affecting residents.
Contact Phone 6129877323
With 16 years of community service and business leadership, a decade of teaching at St. Cloud Technical and Community College, a doctoral degree in leadership, and 7 years of conflict resolution experience, I am confident in my ability to continue to help create a St. Cloud where everyone thrives. I also serve on the boards of The St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce; the Mayor’s Downtown St. Cloud Task Force, which is working to revitalize the city’s downtown and bring new businesses to the region; the Central Minnesota Community Foundation; Anna Marie’s Alliance; and many others
Some of my top priorities include attainable housing and homeownership for all. Support and growth for small businesses. Safe neighborhoods for our residents. Intentional fiscal management of your tax dollars; and improved roads and infrastructure. Also, safety is a top priority for residents and impacts overall quality of life. We know that safe neighborhoods foster trust and cooperation among residents and law enforcement
The best way to engage with and represent all members of a diverse community is to come up with an inclusive approach, active listening and open communication. I will host meetings and forums in various locations to ensure accessibility for all community members. I will also gather input from those who may not be able to attend meetings. I will maintain an open-door policy for individuals to voice their concerns or suggestions directly. My main priorities are to build inclusive programs too.
I will provide regular updates on city projects, financials, and decisions through accessible platforms, such as the city’s website and local media and host town hall meetings and forums where residents can ask questions and provide feedback and ensure these meetings are held at convenient times and in accessible locations.
Contact Phone 320-420-8745
Campaign Twitter Handle @ [none]
I believe my many years of experience in working with various people groups will help me serve the city of St. Cloud as a servant leader who will lead with a common-sense practical approach. I believe I can help bring stability to the city council as it faces significant transition with a new mayor and three open at large city council positions. All my career has been helping people reach their God-given potential, helping people overcome significant problems, helping people become productive contributors to the community with a strong moral compass, and helping people have stronger marriages and families. My name is Mark Johnson and I hope to earn one of your votes for St. Cloud city council.
I will advocate for your safety, for your financial well-being and for your constitutional freedoms. We need to make sure our police department is adequately funded, trained, resourced and respected. We must properly enforce our laws, or lawlessness will continue and even increase. Let’s not raise taxes at a higher rate than inflation or it will only cause our residents to have less money to live on. Let’s make St. Cloud a great place for small businesses to thrive.
I plan to make myself available to all the residents of St. Cloud - to listen to them, to find out what’s important to them, and to represent them on the city council. I will listen to all who want to talk to me and take their input seriously.
I will work hard to make sure city council issues are handled in an honest, transparent manner. I believe the residents of St. Cloud should be well informed on the issues that face our city, and that the city should get adequate input from our residents before making important decisions.
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Candidate has not yet responded.