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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Rochester City Council Member at Large

As local legislators who sometimes have executive power, council members can propose ordinances, set administrative policy, and authorize the budget proposed by the mayor. They oversee all city activities, including city services, programs, licensing, and public safety. Mayoral appointments to city government typically require council approval. Learn more here: Use the MN Secretary of State’s Candidate Filing page ( to find specific candidate contact information. A candidate forum for this race is available at More MN forums are available at

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  • Candidate picture

    Shaun C. Palmer

  • Candidate picture

    Randy Schubring

Biographical Information

Why are you the best candidate for this position? (750 characters)

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (500 characters)

How do you plan to engage with and represent all members of our diverse community?(500 characters)

What steps will you take to ensure transparency and accountability in city government? (500 characters)

Contact Phone 5072549484
Experienced: Since 2018, I have been dedicated to serving the residents of Rochester. This commitment was reaffirmed in 2022 when I was reelected with an overwhelming 72% of the vote.

I have previously served as chairperson of the Rochester Olmsted Council of Governments and the Olmsted County Environmental Commission.

I have served as board president of Camp Olson YMCA. -- I am committed to non-partisan governance and working for the benefit of all Rochester Citizens
Working together with the other City Council Members and the Staff to produce the best outcome for All citizens of Rochester. Having served the citizens of Rochester already, I am well prepared I have already shown the ability to be a good listener and a leader on the Rochester City Council and to govern for everyone.
Since I was born and raised in Rochester and I have watched or participated in local City government, for over 40 years, I have gained the trust of many people and have the ability to ask for their opinions and experiences. I have also been endorsed by past Mayors Day and Brede and Past Council Presidents Hunziker and Staver.
I have already shown that Transparency is very important to me.
Contact Phone 507-271-1233
With a deep understanding of city-wide issues and a dedication to public service, I seek to bring my experience, skills and empathy to help Rochester grow as a community where everyone has an opportunity to thrive. My experience includes Chair, Rochester Planning and Zoning Commission and former neighborhood association president. As a long-time resident of our vibrant and resilient city, I have witnessed firsthand Rochester’s incredible growth and potential. I believe I am uniquely qualified to help guide our city’s future and ensure that the rising tide lifts all boats.
1. I will bring skilled and experienced leadership to guide an effective and respectful City Council that seeks common solutions for all Rochester residents. 2. I will work on a multi-pronged approach to improve access to affordable housing throughout Rochester. 3. I will seek to diversify Rochester’s economy by attracting more business sectors including bio-tech, small business and light manufacturing to bring greater opportunities for more Rochester residents, so they can thrive.
As a former Rochester neighborhood leader, I worked to foster a culture of community engagement between neighbors and elected officials. As a candidate for Council President, I am currently reaching out to all neighborhoods and communities within Rochester in dialogue about our city's future. I will continue this open and robust two-way communication once I am elected.
I believe it is imperative that Rochester’s next City Council President must be a solid and collaborative leader who has the vision and skills to: • Guide the entire City Council toward shared long-term goals, • Cultivate a strong and respectful balance between council direction and administrative operations and • Manage an effective, efficient and productive City Council agenda. I will use these three leadership objectives to guide transparency and accountability at the Council table.