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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Minnesota US House District 5

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each Representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district in the federal government. Among other duties such as impeachment of executive branch members, representatives introduce bills and resolutions with the responsibility of revenue, serve on committees, and can help their constituents receive federal benefits or services. The number of representatives per state is proportional to population with 435 in total.If your candidate didn’t fill in the guide below, visit the Secretary of State’s Candidate Filing site to find contact info. If you reach out, ask candidates to complete their Vote411 Voters Guide from the LWVMN!

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  • Candidate picture

    Dalia Al-Aqidi

  • Candidate picture

    Ilhan Omar

Biographical Information

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (750 characters)

What will you do to support a vibrant economy across the United States, and to address inflation? (500 characters)

What, if any, actions would you take to address threats facing the United States due to climate change? (500 characters)

What, if anything, should our country do to ensure quality healthcare at an affordable cost for all, and access to reproductive health services? (500 characters)

What measures do you support to improve and secure elections, and to ensure voting access in our country? (500 characters)

Campaign Website
Contact Phone 2022626460
Campaign Twitter Handle @dalia4congress
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Campaign Twitter Handle @ilhanmn
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My three priorities are: 1. Investing in education – primary through post-secondary – so that every kid can succeed regardless of their zip code or parents’ income. Free school meals, fair teacher wages, free college or trade school, and student debt cancellation. 2. Addressing the climate crisis by ending fossil fuel subsidies, cleaning up manufacturing, investing in green energy, investing in public transit, maximizing impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act, and joining binding international climate agreements. 3. Restructuring our economy to support everyday Americans rather than billionaires, in line with my response below.
We should raise the minimum wage, expand labor organizing that protects workers, reign in corporate profiteering that drives inflation, and tackle monopoly power. We should provide free school meals and childcare subsidies so that all families have stability. We should expand post-secondary opportunities so that kids can achieve the American dream without being saddled with student debt. And we should expand housing opportunities for renters, home-buyers, and everyone in between.
We should invest in renewable energy, champion green manufacturing, and uphold strong environmental protections. We must end subsidies for fossil fuels and focus our investments on building a healthier future for our children. We must end the extraction of fossil fuels that disproportionately impacts communities of color and Indigenous communities. We must respect tribal sovereignty and treaty obligations. I oppose fossil fuel infrastructure projects that perpetuate environmental racism.
I am co-chair of the Medicare For All Caucus because that is the best way to provide quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare to everyone in this country. In the meantime, we should expand protections under the Affordable Care Act and provide a public option for health insurance. We should reign in outrageous markups from the pharmaceutical industry that lead to outcomes like insulin rationing. Congress should codify abortion protections and reproductive healthcare into law.
I have voted for every bill that would strengthen our democracy, protect voting rights, reign in billionaires’ influence, and level the playing field for everyday Americans. I called for my Senate colleagues to abolish the filibuster and pass the For The People Act. In 2023, the MN Legislature passed an expansive voting rights bill, restoring the vote for over 55,000 people. I was proud to bring that bill’s author, Rep. Cedrick Frazier, as my guest to the 2024 State of the Union address.