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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Minnesota US House District 1

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each Representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district in the federal government. Among other duties such as impeachment of executive branch members, representatives introduce bills and resolutions with the responsibility of revenue, serve on committees, and can help their constituents receive federal benefits or services. The number of representatives per state is proportional to population with 435 in total.If your candidate didn’t fill in the guide below, visit the Secretary of State’s Candidate Filing site to find contact info. If you reach out, ask candidates to complete their Vote411 Voters Guide from the LWVMN!

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  • Candidate picture

    Rachel Bohman

  • Candidate picture

    Brad Finstad

Biographical Information

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (750 characters)

What will you do to support a vibrant economy across the United States, and to address inflation? (500 characters)

What, if any, actions would you take to address threats facing the United States due to climate change? (500 characters)

What, if anything, should our country do to ensure quality healthcare at an affordable cost for all, and access to reproductive health services? (500 characters)

What measures do you support to improve and secure elections, and to ensure voting access in our country? (500 characters)

Contact Phone 9522203420
Campaign Twitter Handle @/bohman4congress
If elected, my top three priorities would be: 1) Lowering the cost of essentials; 2) Addressing the cost and accessibility of healthcare; 3) Support for local businesses and infrastructure support. People all over this district are feeling the squeeze–things we need, like gas, groceries, and healthcare, are just too darn expensive. And, without supports for the local businesses and infrastructure projects that keep our economy moving, folks are also bringing in less income, making our economy even more challenging to navigate for working families all over our district. I am committed to working hard to address these issues and every issue impacting Southern Minnesotans.
I would fund infrastructure projects in Southern Minnesota and throughout the country to create growth and bring new jobs. I will also fund and strengthen our social safety net programs like SNAP to help mitigate the effect of inflation on vulnerable populations. I will also work to invest in workforce development programs to increase human capital across industries. Finally, I will work to address corporate price gouging so that corporations are incentivized to keep inflation low for consumers.
In Congress, I would work to increase federal investment in renewable energy projects here in Southern Minnesota and around the country. I would also invest in infrastructure projects to create greater climate reliance as extreme weather events like flooding and droughts grow increasingly more common. I would also support legislation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions across sectors.
I am in favor of enshrining the right to reproductive access in federal law. In Congress, I would work to lower healthcare prices by regulating prescription drug pricing, supporting value-based care models, and expanding telehealth options–which is particularly important in rural areas like many in Southern Minnesota.
I would work to expand access to voting early and vote by mail so those with restricted access to voting locations are still able to vote. I would also work to strengthen protections against voter suppression. I would also be in favor of federal funding public education efforts to make sure all voters are aware of election locations, dates, and registration requirements. Finally, I would work to restrict and reduce partisan gerrymandering in order to create fairer representation structures.
Campaign Twitter Handle @RepFinstad
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