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VOTE411 Voter Guide

State Senator 25

Serves staggered 4-year terms with a limit of 2 consecutive terms. There are 40 Senators. The 2023 salary was $29,697 (plus travel and subsistence). Only requirement is to pass a balanced state budget.

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  • Candidate picture

    Kristen Aston Arrington

  • Candidate picture

    Jose Augusto Martinez

Biographical Information

What are the two most important challenges facing Florida and, if elected, what actions will you take to address them within your first six months in office? (700 characters)

Insufficient affordable housing is hurting Florida families and limiting Florida’s economy. What state measures do you support to address the affordable housing crisis? (600 characters)

What legislative actions are necessary to improve voter access to the ballot and promote voter participation in elections? (600 characters)

What legislative action would you propose to protect Florida’s environment and natural resources? (600 characters)

What is your stance on access to abortion? (600 characters)

What legislation would you support to better protect our youth and the public at large from gun violence? (600 characters)

What is your plan to ensure that all Florida students have access to a high-quality education? (600 characters)

Age 48
Education AA General Studies
Hometown Kissimmee, Florida
County Osceola County
Campaign Twitter Handle @Arrington4FL
Campaign Phone 4079734070
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 423561
Kissimmee, FL 34746
Property Insurance Rate and Affordable Housing. 1) Looking at more ways to cap or freeze increases so Floridians can actually budget and prepare for their next insurance bill. During the 2024 Legislative session as a House member I supported the tax package which waves the fees and taxes on insurance for a year. 2) We need more funding and investment in diversified housing options so everyone has the opportunity to have a safe place to call home. I'm a strong supporter of hotel/motel conversions for housing. This provides a quick turnaround and fixes a potential eye sore or bad landlord. During my time as House member (the last four years) I have brought home funding each year for this.
During my 4 years as a House member (2020-2024), I have sponsored legislation to keep from raiding the Sadowski trust fund which is the funding source for affordable housing, the legislation did not pass. We need to continue to fund our SHIP and S.A.I.L. programs at record levels as we did with the "Live Local Act" legislation. I also want to see more diversity in product. See my answer to question #1.
Online Voter Registration. Same day voting registration. We need Election Day to be a federal holiday. We need to make it easier to vote, instead of decreasing access as has been done by Governor DeSantis and the Republican Legislature.
More investment in clean energy and getting our government buildings including schools on renewable energy. NeoCity Academy in Osceola County is the only self sustainable school in the state--we need more of that. We need more electric buses, electric public transportation, electric charging stations etc. We also need to make our water our next biggest priority. Protecting and restoring it of course along with more investments in sewer to water conversions and addressing invasive species such as Hydrilla in Lake Toho.
I fully support access to abortion. I voted against the 16 week and 6 week abortion ban in the Florida House. I also debated and proposed amendments on both of those bills that died along party vote. I strongly support amendment 4.
Previously I have been a co-sponsor of many gun sense bills such as a ban on assault rifles, expanding red flag laws and background checks on ammunition purchases.
We need to fully fund our public schools and teachers instead of giving so much money without strong requirements to our for profit schools. Charter schools do not have the same requirements for teachers, curriculum or building requirements--and our adding to our growth challenges.

We also need to look at free college and certification programs statewide for certain industries that need more participants such as healthcare and other industries suffering. Osceola County provides free college to graduating seniors and have seen their post secondary education enrollment increase to #4 .
Age 43
Education Bachelor degree in Business Administration and major in Finance
Hometown kissimmee
County Florida
Campaign Website
LinkedIn crystal negron
Campaign Phone 4433587107
Campaign Mailing Address 1001 New York Ave
St.Cloud , FL 34769
1.Affordable Housing: Expand supply with streamlined permits, tax incentives for developers, and use public land. Increase funding for housing assistance and strengthen rent control.

2. Property Insurance: Reform the insurance market to boost competition, enhance consumer protections, and invest in disaster resilience to lower premiums.

3. HOA Abuse: Implement stricter regulations and oversight to prevent abuse and ensure transparency in HOA operations.

4. Out-of-Control Growth & Traffic: Promote smart growth strategies, invest in public transit, and improve infrastructure planning to manage growth and alleviate traffic congestion.
To tackle Florida's affordable housing crisis, I support: Streamlined Permitting: Simplify and expedite the approval process for affordable housing projects. Developer Incentives: Offer tax breaks and incentives to encourage the construction of affordable units. Increased Funding: Boost state funding for housing assistance programs and rental vouchers. Rent Control: Implement or enhance rent control measures to protect renters from skyrocketing costs.
Extended Early Voting: Increase early voting periods to give more flexibility. No-Excuse Mail-In Voting: Allow all voters to request mail-in ballots without needing a specific reason. Automatic Voter Registration: Implement automatic registration when interacting with government agencies. Accessible Polling Places: Ensure polling places are accessible and well-distributed to serve all communities.
To protect Florida’s environment, I propose strengthening conservation laws to better protect critical habitats and expand conservation areas. We need to invest in improving water quality by addressing runoff pollution and upgrading our water treatment systems. It’s essential to implement measures to mitigate climate change impacts, such as coastal erosion and flooding. Additionally, supporting policies that promote renewable energy and decrease our dependence on fossil fuels will help create a more sustainable future. These steps are vital for preserving Florida’s natural resources.
I hold a pro-life stance on abortion. I believe that abortion should be restricted except in cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the mother is at risk. While I respect diverse views on this sensitive issue, I support measures that provide comprehensive support for women facing difficult circumstances, including counseling and access to necessary medical care. My focus is on ensuring that any decisions made are compassionate and considerate of the complexities involved.
I support legislation that includes enforcing stricter regulations on gun sales and implementing universal background checks. I advocate for red flag laws to prevent those at risk from obtaining firearms and support mental health intervention programs to address underlying issues contributing to violence. Additionally, I emphasize the importance of community-based violence prevention and educational campaigns on gun safety. These measures are crucial for enhancing public safety and reducing gun violence.
I plan to increase funding for public schools and pay our teachers more. I will support measures to recruit and retain qualified teachers, and enhance professional development opportunities. Expanding early childhood education and after-school programs will provide additional support. Furthermore, will work to address infrastructure needs and ensure that every student has access to up-to-date technology and learning materials. These steps will help create equitable educational opportunities for all students.