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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Orange County Commissioner District 5

The County Commissioner represents their geographic district and overall countywide interests as part of the legislative and policy-setting branch of county government. County government is typically responsible for fire rescue, disaster relief, county jail, constructing and maintaining county buildings, roads and bridges, providing programs for housing and land conservation, as well as approving the Comprehensive Plan (for development). They serve a staggered 4-year term, with term limits of 8 years or 2 consecutive 4-year terms.Current salary is $113, 608.

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    Steve Leary

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    Kelly Semrad

Biographical Information

Why are you running for this elected position? What are the two most compelling issues on which, if elected, you feel you can make a difference?

Cite an example of how you worked effectively on an issue involving state/county/city government as an involved citizen or elected official.

What specific ideas do you have to increase the supply and quality of affordable housing and to preserve existing affordable housing?

Describe your vision of "smart growth" and how it should be funded.

Can you outline your vision for the future development of the county, taking into account the need for infrastructure expansion while preserving the character and integrity of rural and natural areas?

Civic Positions/Experience Former Winter Park Mayor, Former Winter Park Commissioner, Small Business Owner
Campaign Email
Campaign Address 1420 E
Orlando, FL 32803
Campaign Phone 6106390183
I am running for Orange County Commissioner District 5 because it is an opportune time to help create a better Orange County—a better place than it was when we got here and a place my kids want to return to after they graduate college and know that they can get a job, afford to live, and have a highly desirable quality of life. Two issues where I can make a difference are increasing access to affordable and workforce housing and improving infrastructure and our transportation networks.
As the former Mayor of Winter Park, I can tell you nothing gets done without partnerships and collaboration across all sectors—government, business, and nonprofits. One of the projects I am most proud of that involves working on an issue effectively together was securing Tourism Development Tax dollars from Orange County for the Winter Park Library & Events Center. We received $6m from Orange County due to the strong support of Orange County Mayor Demings and the Orange County BCC. In addition, partnered with Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer on this. But it must go the other way as well. I was proud to lead Winter Park’s $1m contribution to the Dr Phillips Performing Arts Center. It is vital we partner with other governments to get things done.
We must work with the private sector to address the need for both affordable and workforce housing. We have major companies and organizations that recognize the need to house hard-working individuals and families who contribute to their success. I would look to incentivize businesses applying multiple levers, including (though most likely not all at the same time) expedited approvals, additional/less permitting allowances (e.g., units, parking, etc), reduced fees, etc… As for preserving affordable housing, there are also numerous funding opportunities that can be applied, though they must be properly administered to negate waste.
There is much talk about “Smart Growth” especially from those who constantly condemn and vilify developers. Smart Growth requires holistic growth. All types of housing stock, sidewalks, hiking trails and biking paths, parks, access to other recreational amenities, etc… It also requires working with private sector experts to identify ways to plan and execute a more diverse and sustainable community. The challenge is that many professionals do not believe that our government can/will see strategic plans through. This leads to an, “every man for themselves” type approach to development. Smart Growth can and should be paid for through the work itself.
I would ask you to view my record. As Commissioner & Mayor, we added +55 Acres of parkland for the Howell Branch Preserve, created the Urban Forestry Management Plan, connected the St Andrews Trail to the Cady Way Trail, cleaned up Mead Gardens & Lake Lillian, added a world-class Library and Events Center, expedited our electric undergrounding program, etc. We did this without raising our mileage rate and building our general fund reserves from around 5% of our GF to +30% when I termed out. District 5 is a vast and diverse district, from Wedgefield to College Park, each municipality and unincorporated area has its own character and I will support maintaining that uniqueness through a balanced approach to our history and development.
Civic Positions/Experience UCF professor specializing in tourism economies, Vice Chair-Save Orange County, Co-Chair-District 5 Neighborhood Advisory Council, International Tourism Ambassador for Curacao, Bonaire, & Saba, UFF-UCF Government Relations Chair (former), 2021 Orange County Redistricting Committee Member.
Campaign Website
Campaign Phone 407-233-5375
Twitter Vote4KellySemrad (@VoteKellyD5)
I’m running for Orange County District 5 to bring the people’s voice to the County Commission. I’ll stand up for our community’s needs, equality, & environment while fighting irresponsible development that increases our cost of living. I’m a UCF professor specializing in socio economic reform to help alleviate poverty, save natural resources, & preserve culture in tourism economies. I'm also the Vice Chair of Save Orange County & advocate for responsible smart growth. I'm running to apply my expertise to help people & our environment.

Two issues I can help make a positive change on are: 1. Getting our local tourism economy to work for us- not special interests 2. Responsible growth management to address socio economic challenges.
As District 5 Citizen of the Year, I take pride in uniting people on community related issues. For example, as Vice Chair of Save Orange County, I help stop urban sprawl & irresponsible government spending. As an internationally awarded tourism expert, I work on economic teams that successfully apply the UN Tourism Goals of inclusivity, economic growth, & environmental sustainability. We quantify LGBTQ+ tourists' economic impact to advocate that they be included in destination portfolio designs. We successfully helped push legislation that allows equal marriage rights, ban plastic bags & straws as well as sunscreens that destroy coral reefs, & successfully advocated for & scaled the world’s 1st blue destination tourism economy.
Affordable housing is a complex issue that demands solutions. Currently, for every 100 families in need there are only 13 affordable housing units available. Our approach to housing has failed. We can’t depend on private developers to solve this crisis. Our system requires a shift to not for profit housing–such as county owned & land banking. Tax credits should be offered to revitalize & preserve existing units. As investigative co-lead on a project to convert underutilized hotels to affordable units, I know that the rezoning process requires change. We must aim for adaptive reuse, higher densities & mixed-use developments by job corridors & transit. These strategies will help provide vibrant, connected communities where people can thrive.
As Vice Chair of Save Orange County & the 2024 Rural Boundary Charter Amendment initiator, I champion environmental smart growth. We must ensure that development meets our community's needs. Development must pay for itself. Taxpayers shouldn’t be burdened with infrastructure deficits due to irresponsible growth. We must focus on community revitalization via adaptive reuse zoning, preserving natural lands & stopping urban sprawl. My vision requires housing for all & that we integrate our 75 million tourists into our infrastructure plans. This means we should be looking at infrastructure improvements that can be funded by our tourist tax money. These improvements will help improve our quality of life as well as our local economy.
I'm an environmental conservationist & advocate for smart growth. I'm the initiator of the 2024 Rural Boundary Charter Amendment. My belief is that communities must provide the growth vision-not developers. Taxpayers cannot continue to support urban sprawl & the $22 billion infrastructure deficit it has created. We must drive growth towards our urban core near transit via adaptive reuse zoning. I don't support funding road widening projects to accommodate irresponsible growth. I support mass transit investment & complete streets for walkers & bikers. I require that developers pay 100% of the costs associated with their projects. I require that land use changes be fiscally assessed to ensure taxpayers aren't burdened with developers' costs.