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Wisconsin Assembly, District 14/Asamblea de Wisconsin, Distrito 14

Wisconsin Legislative BranchWisconsin’s legislature makes state laws. The legislature has two houses: the Wisconsin Senate and the Wisconsin Assembly. Proposed laws (bills) can originate from either the state senate or assembly. Both houses must approve the bill before it is passed on to the governor for signature or veto. The legislature can override a veto with a two-thirds majority vote in each house. The legislature controls the spending of state funds through appropriation.Wisconsin AssemblyThe Wisconsin Assembly has ninety-nine representatives. Voters elect representatives to represent their assembly district for a two-year term. There is no term limit.__________Poder Legislativo de Wisconsin La legislatura de Wisconsin produce las leyes estatales. La legislatura consta de dos cámaras: el Senado de Wisconsin y la Asamblea de Wisconsin. Las propuestas de ley pueden originarse tanto en el Senado estatal como en la Asamblea. Ambas cámaras deben aprobar el proyecto de ley antes de transmitirla al gobernador para su firma o veto. La legislatura puede anular un veto con un voto mayoritario de dos tercios en cada cámara. La legislatura controla el gasto de los fondos estatales a través de las leyes de asignación. Asamblea de WisconsinLa Asamblea de Wisconsin tiene noventa y nueve representantes. Los votantes eligen representantes para representar a su asamblea de distrito por un término de dos años. No hay límite de términos.Nota: Las respuestas de los candidatos que aparecen en español se tradujeron de las respuestas originales de los candidatos en inglés.

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  • Candidate picture

    James Engstrand

  • Candidate picture

    Steven Shevey

  • Candidate picture

    Angelito Tenorio

Biographical Information

Please describe your priorities for your term in office and your specific qualifications to effectively address those issues.

What do you see as the most pressing housing-related issue in Wisconsin, and what policies, if any, would you support to address the issue?

What redistricting process, if any, do you believe the legislature should put in place before the next national census to ensure fair representation for voters?

What initiatives, if any, would you support to promote environmental sustainability in Wisconsin?

What, if anything, will you do to ensure our schools have the resources to improve outcomes for its students, including those with disabilities?

WisEye Interview (If Available)

Campaign Phone # (414)875-0536
Campaign Mailing Address 9600 W Beloit Rd #4
Milwaukee, WI 53227
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Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Campaign Phone # 414-380-2510
Campaign Email
Campaign Phone 4143802510
Campaign Mailing Address 2632 S 93rd St.
West Allis, WI 53227
Campaign Twitter Handle @StevenShevey
Education Trade School
My top priorities are to address education, combat substance abuse, and replace lead pipes in Wisconsin. For education, I want to mandate financial Literacy courses, that way High schoolers will have a baseline knowledge for how our financial system works. I would also like to change the curriculum for juniors and seniors to help them find a career path before they graduate.

The opioid crisis is still raging in Wisconsin. We are still stuck in the war on drugs mindset which only perpetuates this crisis. Instead, I would like to see rehabilitation instead of incarceration for substance users. Studies show it is cheaper and more effective when we send users to rehab instead of prison. We can save tax-payers money and help folks get back on their two feet.

Wisconsin ranks number one in the nation when it comes to lead pipe usage. We know the health risks lead poses, right now Wisconsin has a 5-billion-dollar surplus, let use that money to ensure we have safe drinking water for all.
The cost of housing is becoming increasingly unaffordable for many Wisconsinites. I would like to see more programs for first time home buyers, so we can help those who want a home to be able to afford one. To help renters, I think it might be time to look at implementing rent control especially here in southeastern Wisconsin where rent has increased drastically, putting Milwaukee in the top ten fastest rising rent prices in the country.
We should not redistrict on the state level. Our state constitution caps the amount of State Senate and Assembly districts we have. I see no reason to redistrict, it only allows career politicians the ability to pick their voters and only helps the ruling party to maintain control by gerrymandering the districts.
I am a big supporter of nuclear energy. It is one of the most sustainable forms of energy we have. Especially here in Wisconsin where we do not get much sun or wind. This is a far better alternative. Take a dumb dumb sucker, if that were made of uranium it would meet the average American energy demand for 80 years, and after those 80 years the waste would only be the size of that sucker.
We should try to cut down on administrative overhead and reallocate those funds back to the classroom where it is desperately needed. The other problem we have is a teacher shortage since most view this career path not viable because most are saddled with college debt. That is why I would like to set up a program for teachers to receive free tuition as long as they go to any college in the UW system and work in the public sector for 5 years. This will hopefully incentivize people to go into this field once again.
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Campaign Phone # 4145227122
Campaign Phone 414-522-7122
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 14022
West Allis, WI 53214
Campaign Twitter Handle @angelitoforwi
Education BA in Political Science from UW-Madison
Personal Pronouns He/Him/His
My priorities are supporting families, investing in our future, and co-creating a stronger community. I believe in supporting families by (1) advocating for good-paying union jobs, (2) expanding access to healthcare, mental health resources, and childcare, and (3) prioritizing affordable housing initiatives. I believe in investing in our future by (1) investing in our kids, teachers, public schools, trade schools, colleges, and universities, (2) combating climate change, protecting our environment, and creating green jobs (3) building modern, sustainable infrastructure. I believe in co-creating a stronger community by (1) advocating for labor unions and working families 2.) creating a stronger democracy for all of us (3) fighting for workers, social justice, reproductive rights, civil rights, racial equity, and LGBTQIA+ rights.
The most pressing housing-related issue in Wisconsin is affordable housing. There is a lack of affordable housing in our communities which hurts working families and communities of color. I believe housing is a human right. I support policies that encourage more affordable housing development, including incentives and public investment in building more housing. I believe in investing in high density, multifamily housing which would help with lowering housing costs. In addition, I believe that tenant rights need be strengthened in Wisconsin. I also believe in measures for fair renting. I also support down payment assistance and the creation of alternative mortgage choices that make it easier for families to buy their first home. This would give people more financial stability and economic security.
The legislature should put in place an independent redistricting commission sufficiently in advance of the next national census to guarantee that voters have fair representation. This has to be a commission composed of a fair mix of nonpartisan experts and representatives from multiple political parties, charged with the drawing of district boundaries onto transparent criteria of equal population distribution, community integrity, and geographical compactness. I believe in fair maps and fair electoral districts in Wisconsin that are competitive and representative of various interests among Wisconsin residents by eliminating political control from the process of redistricting. I believe in ending gerrymandering and making sure voters have a fair chance to choose their elected officials and not the other way around. I believe in a strong and healthy democracy.
Protecting the environment and fighting climate change is my top issue. I believe that we must do everything we can to protect and preserve Wisconsin's natural beauty. We must invest in our incredible parks and recreational areas. I promise to fight for clean air, clean land, and clean water for all people. We must accelerate our transition to 100% clean energy and promote good paying green union jobs for a sustainable infrastructure and a green economy.

Clean drinking water is also a top conservation issue community members care about. Lead contamination in addition to sediment, toxins, and heavy metals have threatened the safety of our drinking water. I believe that the legislature needs to provide local communities like West Allis with the resources they need to fix our water supply and modernize our infrastructure.
I believe in investing in our public schools, teachers, and kids. I will fight to increase funding to our public education system so that finally it has the proper resources to serve students of all abilities: specialized training for educators, enhancement of special education programming, and providing current technology and infrastructure. I will also fight for policies that will reduce class sizes and ensure there are adequate supports within schools to support all students by establishing mental health services. If we truly prioritize these initiatives, then we can build an education system that is truly inclusive in nature and serves to foster the success of every student.
Candidate has not yet responded.