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2024 Dane County Executive

The County Executive is the head of the executive branch of county government, responsible for the overall administration of county government. By state law, the Dane County Executive prepares and submits the county budget to the Dane County Board of Supervisors; makes appointments to boards, commissions and committees; and appoints and supervises the heads of all county departments (except the elected administrative officials, the chair of the UW-Extension, and the director of library services). The salary for the office of Dane County Executive in 2025 is $146,692.The winner in the November general election will serve until April 15, 2025, when the winner of the Spring Election takes office to serve a four-year term.Vote for one______________________Watch the Know Your Candidates video interviews with LWV Dane County, produced by Madison City Channel.

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  • Candidate picture

    Melissa Agard

  • Candidate picture

    Dana Pellebon

Biographical Information

1. Are there steps the County should take to increase the amount of affordable housing in Dane County?

2. How would you increase the efficiency and fairness of the Dane County justice system?

3. Please describe any other priorities for your term in office and how you propose to fund them.

4. Describe your specific experience (educational, occupational, civic, and community) that qualifies you to effectively address your priorities.

Incumbent? No
Home municipality City of Madison
Preferred pronouns she/her/hers
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 12
Madison, WI 53701
Campaign Email
Campaign website
Campaign Twitter @melissakagard
Know Your Candidates Interview
Dane County needs more housing of all types.This requires government, non-profits, and the business community to come together. The Dane County Regional Housing Strategy is a roadmap to start addressing this crisis. Dane County’s successful Affordable Housing Development Fund can increase homeownership options for historically marginalized groups by incentivizing new complexes to include affordable units. The Bayview apartments are a prime example of how we can all come together to create community-centered low-income housing in our urban centers. The solution is also bigger than the cost of housing. People can better afford housing when we increase wages, create affordable childcare options, and make healthcare more economical.
We must implement bold, structural change in Dane County to create a justice system that both promotes public safety and is transformative and equitable. We can embrace evidence-based, human-focused policies that prioritize prevention over punishment. This requires working with judges on bail reform and prioritizing electronic monitoring, community service, mental health first responders, and other alternatives to incarceration. There are clear steps we can take to increase equity and fairness such as fee waivers for all steps of the process, funding more social workers, and expanding the CARES program. By bringing diverse voices to the table to have honest, hard conversations about community policing & public safety we can do this.
We must protect our public land & waters, our agricultural heritage, and our family farms. Preserving our environment is not just for parts of Dane County. We must ensure everyone has clean drinking water and clean air. Dane County must continue to be an innovator to fighting climate change, including green development and preparing our county for extreme weather. Additionally, we can and must do better to address the opioid crisis. I lost my brother to fentanyl poisoning. I know that my family is not unique, and we must act urgently to address behavioral health needs & addiction. Finally, we must support our Main Street businesses and entrepreneurs, including investing in innovative workforce development solutions.
Dane County needs a proven bold, effective leader. I was born & raised here, and I am raising my 4 sons here. Having served our community as a county board supervisor, member of the legislature, and Senate Democratic Leader, I have dedicated my life to ensuring our community is fair, safe and prosperous. The coalitions I have built are a testament to my record of delivering for our community. I am endorsed by leaders of cities, towns and villages; statewide elected leaders and legislators; and County Executives from across Wisconsin, including County Executives Parisi & Falk. I am humbled by this tremendous support. With your trust and your vote, we can continue to build a progressive county where everyone is safe and can prosper.
Incumbent? No
Home municipality City of Fitchburg
Preferred pronouns She/her
Campaign Mailing Address 2764 Osmundsen Rd
Fitchburg , WI 53711
Campaign Email
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Know Your Candidates Interview
It is imperative that the County work with the local municipalities, residents, developers, county and point of service agencies, and stakeholders in the community to not only create but sustain affordable housing. County’s responsibility to this can start in these ways: Further investment in the affordable housing fund. Expand access to funds to include smaller developments that may not qualify for tax credit funding. Create incentives through grants or matching funds to attract developers to TIF districts funding for affordable housing development. Identify zoning changes with municipalities that can support that work in their neighborhoods. Work with community partners & county agencies to support services needed to sustain housing.
On the County Board, I co-chaired the Community Court Committee to build the framework of the upcoming Community Court, an advanced restorative justice court with data proven results. I will work with staff to implement that court with support to services that are integral to its operation. Establish transition of Huber from the Sheriff’s Department to DHS per previous legislation. Continue funding for temporary housing for unhoused persons eligible for Huber with connection to services. Consult with all justice system partners to identify efficiencies in process with implementation direction. Work with law enforcement agencies and the Sheriff’s Dept to increase education about diversion courts & points of prevention in their policies.
Implement 7-10 yr capital improvement plan to include: Identifying projects new & existing across all capital investment opportunities. Fund projects as current debt is paid w/ minimal addition to new debt to maintain current tax levels with goal towards debt reduction.

Work across all agencies to streamline points of partnerships. Further collaboration of services interagency & with community partners for efficient collaborative service delivery. Work with employee groups and employees to ensure sustainability of equitable service delivery.

Prioritize current funding opportunities for task force/committee/study/agency identified priorities with measured results towards reduction in poverty. These priorities do not add the to budget.
Exec Director of Rape Crisis Center 5 yrs: increased access to services w/equitable delivery while creating revenue generating sources & increased employment access. Coordinate services & programs across agencies for efficiency. Former County Board Supervisor. 24 yrs real estate management: budgeting, operations, capital maintenance & improvement and affordable housing management/compliance. 7 yrs Dir of Housing & Operations Porchlight: above experience plus case management delivery. Created policies, procedures, & programs like The Second Chance program to increase housing access. Chair of EOC, Sensitive Crimes, Sexual Assault Response Team, DVSACCR, Racial Disparities Committees locally & nationally. DAIS, Outreach, UT, FI & WB Boards.