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VOTE411 Voter Guide

House District 18: Anchorage: Government Hill/JBER/Northeast Anchorage

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  • Candidate picture

    Clifford Groh

  • Candidate picture

    David Nelson

Biographical Information

How do you plan to address the challenges of funding, teacher recruitment and retention, and ensuring educational equity across remote, rural and urban communities in Alaska in order to improve overall educational outcomes?

According to the U.S. Energy Administration in 2023, Alaska generated about 25% of its total electricity from renewable energy sources. What other alternatives do you think would help with our energy issues?

What options would you suggest where Alaska can increase our state revenue?

What could the Alaska legislature do to help restore voters’ trust in the integrity of our elections system?

Do you support or oppose continuation of our current open primary/ ranked choice voting election system.  Why?

Campaign Mailing Address 220 W. Manor Ave.
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Campaign Phone 907-952-3353
Campaign Website
Campaign Twitter Handle @cliffgroh4ak
Campaign Facebook URL
We must ensure that Alaska’s schools are robustly funded and have the resources they need to teach our students. I have supported increases to the Base Student Allocation to provide additional funding for schools. To address our challenges in teacher recruitment and retention, we must bring back a defined benefit pension system for teachers and other public employees. Increasing funding to public education requires ending the fiscal mismanagement and chaos and restoring stability to our state’s budget.
Alaska needs an “all of the above” approach to energy that includes the development of both fossil fuels and renewable energy. I have sponsored legislation that would facilitate the leasing of land owned by the State of Alaska to develop renewable energy projects. The projected natural gas shortfall is a real problem for many of my constituents, who would be hugely negatively impacted by a spike in energy prices for heating their homes. I support holding the lessees of the Cook Inlet accountable in having them fulfill the terms of their leases to continue the production of natural gas.
I have dedicated much of my career to studying Alaskan fiscal policy and know that we need a firm plan to increase revenues to ensure we can fund critical services like schools and roads. I support raising taxes on the oil industry by a moderate amount to ensure that these companies are paying their fair share as they profit off our state’s resources. I also support institutinga fair broad-based tax focusing on high-earning residents (such as those individuals making more than $200,000 per year) and non-residents who make money in our state and take it elsewhere.
We must do a better job of ensuring that voters feel confident in the security of our elections. This can be accomplished by increasing transparency and opportunities to peacefully observe the election process, launching education measures for voters to learn more about the vote-counting process and how ballots are kept secure, and addressing misinformation through direct communication and outreach.
I absolutely support this. Open primaries allow all Alaska voters, the majority of whom do not identify with a political party, to participate in the democratic process. Ranked choice voting reduces negative campaign rhetoric and encourages more collaboration across party lines.
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