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Pennsylvania State Representative District 126

Description of office: The General Assembly is the legislative branch of government in Pennsylvania. It is composed of two houses: the Senate is the upper house, and the House of Representatives is the lower house. A majority vote in both houses is necessary to pass a law. The PA House of Representatives consists of 203 members representing one district each, with an equal number of constituents. Representatives must be at least 21 years old, have been a citizen and a resident of the state four years and a resident of their respective districts one year before their election, and shall reside in their respective districts during their terms of service. The House develops budget packages, makes taxation decisions, allocates spending, and passes laws (including redistricting in collaboration with the Senate). The House also has the exclusive authority to impeach public officials. Representatives also serve on various policy committees that may propose legislation. Term: 2 years Salary: $106,422 Vote for ONE.

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  • Candidate picture

    Jacklyn Rusnock

  • Candidate picture

    James Oswald

Biographical Information

What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?

What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court's ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?

What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?

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Candidate has not yet responded.
County Berks
Occupation Gaming Machine Technician, Small Business Owner
Education High School Graduate, Courses during my 20 year military career
Qualifications I was a Lower Alsace Twp Supervisor for 18 years, Firefighter/EMT for the last 30 plus years and I served in the US Navy reserves for 20 years
Education Funding, we need to remove funding off the backs of property owners. In Antietam School District where I reside, we have the highest property taxes in Berks County. If a resident gets a pay raise, it's eaten up by the increase in taxes every year. I think instead of having Solar Farms wasting farm land we should look at solar farms covering parking lots, many benefits to this thought process. Pa is an agriculture state, we should be protecting our farmland, no foreign entity should be allowed to farmland in Pa. Protect girls and womens sports and restrooms and lockerrooms.
In this day and age you need to show an ID to purchase everything from beer to going to the Doctor, so I don't believe lack of ID is an issue even though on party claims it is. I believe that mailin ballots have a place, ie military personel, home bound, and a few others. But to say it makes it easier NO, voting is your most sacred right as an American citizen and should be treated as such, it's not supposed to be easy. You're supposed to want to vote. In the society we live in and the way people can hack anything electronic, I'm not sure that I support the current voting machines.
Residents shouldn't work their whole lives to pay off their homes only to rent them from the school district for the rest of their lives. I believe in elimination of school property taxes and raise the sales tax and tax all products except prescription medication. That way someone traveling through Pa stops to purchase something, they to are helping to support education.
Pa's current Abortion Law is 23 weeks, a baby can't survive outside the mothers womb at that point, so i think Pa has it right. I believe there is no right answer to this question, but Pa has it pretty close.