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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Pennsylvania State Representative District 65

Description of office: The General Assembly is the legislative branch of government in Pennsylvania. It is composed of two houses: the Senate is the upper house, and the House of Representatives is the lower house. A majority vote in both houses is necessary to pass a law. The PA House of Representatives consists of 203 members representing one district each, with an equal number of constituents. Representatives must be at least 21 years old, have been a citizen and a resident of the state four years and a resident of their respective districts one year before their election, and shall reside in their respective districts during their terms of service. The House develops budget packages, makes taxation decisions, allocates spending, and passes laws (including redistricting in collaboration with the Senate). The House also has the exclusive authority to impeach public officials. Representatives also serve on various policy committees that may propose legislation. Term: 2 years Salary: $106,422 Vote for ONE.

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  • Candidate picture

    Erin Willman

  • Candidate picture

    Kathy L. Rapp

Biographical Information

What do you see as the most pressing issues facing Pennsylvanians, and how would you address them?

What changes would you support making to Pennsylvania’s voting laws to expand access, ensure security, and support local election officials and processes?

What legislation would you support to comply with the Commonwealth Court's ruling that Pennsylvania’s school funding system is unconstitutional and must be reformed?

What changes, if any, would you support making to Pennsylvania’s abortion laws?

County Warren
Occupation Founder and CEO of White Cane Coffee
The rural counties in PA are struggling with population decline. This is caused by many factors...Health Care, Education, and Sustainable Employment.
Voting is a fundamental right of every citizen here in PA. Mail-in voting and in-person voting should be easily accessible to everyone. Voting in person can be difficult for the disabled, elderly, people who are working, single parents etc. I personally do not have a problem with voter I.D.. I have had to show my I.D. every time I have voted since I was 18. I firmly believe that everyone has the right to vote and that every vote counts.
A good education is the bedrock of any thriving society. I feel that teachers should have the resources to fully serve their mission to educate the children of PA. That being said, what works in large metropolis areas does not always work in rural areas. Rural counties need to have the flexibility to serve their community. Education is the first tool to break the cycle of poverty. A well educated population is a population that will thrive in today's world.
This is a very complex issue for many people. My position is simple: I am both pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life: I believe that everyone should have access to adequate health care from birth to death. Everyone should have access to a good education. Everyone should be able to participate in the pursuit of happiness. Pro-choice: I am not a doctor and neither is my opponent. I don't need a politician sitting in the doctor's office with me approving or denying me healthcare. Healthcare is between the patient and the doctor.
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